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1、高考英语作文的润色与提高,宋武栋山东省实验中学,专题一:优秀作文的基本特征,优秀高考英语作文的六个基本特征,1、层次不乱 2、句式多变 3、亮点若干 3、巧妙串联 4、蠢错不犯 6、整洁卷面,层次不乱,开头:第一个要点,主体:第二个要点,结尾:第三个要点,句式多变,长短变化,主、被动变化,主语变化,同义词变化,同功能句型变化,横向比较变化,亮点若干,高中词汇,高中常见短语,高级句型,各种复合句,倒装句,强调句型,虚拟语气句型,非谓语动词结构,巧妙串联,起:,first of all, to begin with, above all.,承:,in addition, besides.,转:,h

2、owever, on the other hand.,合:,in my opinion, all in all, in a word.,蠢错不犯:,初中二年级学生就应该掌握的 基本语言表达能力。,1. I very like the book. 2. He was very angrily. 3. There have many student in the classroom. 4. The car is yellow color.,整洁卷面,英文书写大方、圆润、自然,词与词间距适当,字母大小适当,无大面积涂改,不影响交际,专题二 肃清基础语言错误,中学生英语写作中常见的14种语言错误:,1

3、.主谓不一致,My father and I likes going fishing by the lake. Large quantities of soil has been washed away.,2.时态、语态混用,Last night, I had enjoyed a party. The painting on the wall damaged seriously.,was,3.句子成分残缺,I stood up and saw there a boy. The young man running in the street.,was,was,4.习惯搭配误用,I once he

4、ard from the animal like this.We passed away the building.,of,by,5.名词单、复数不分,I made many friend in the summer camp. We can get some informations from the Internet.,6.动词单、复数不分,Our teacher often say that success lie in hard work.Mr. Smith, together with some students, are comingto our school.,7.赘词现象多发,

5、I hope you can return back to our school soon. Well hold a party on next Sunday.,8.近义词的误用,The school requests that all the students should wear the school uniform. I quarreled with my teacher about my grades.,9.基本词汇拼写错误,I flied to New York directly from Beijing. This will be done immediatly.,10.前后人称

6、不一致,The boy was born in a poor family but she works hard. We watched a few movies and we loved it.,11.动词原形作主语/宾语,Take a walk after dinner is very good for you. At that moment, I didnt feel like take a walk.,12.逻辑主语与主句主语不一致,Preparing dinner, the doorbell rang. Walking in the street, a car hit an old

7、man.,13.一个简单句出现两个谓语,There was no work to do, he went back home. I received you email, I was very excited.,being,When,and,14.中式英语,Next week have a party. I sorry you I cant with you go Beijing.,有则改之,无则加勉; 用心则易,无心则难。,专题三:第一反应与克制第一反应,他是个好人。,第一反应测试:,He is a good man.,generous, humorous, interesting, sma

8、rt, gentle, warm-hearted, hospitable, easy-going, devoted, open-minded, modest, friendly,对不起,我不能和你一起去北京了。,Im sorry that I cant go to Beijing with you.,Would you accept my heartfelt apology that I cantmake it to Beijing with you as we have planned.,I sorry you I cant with you go Beijing.,英语写作中被认为是亮点的

9、东西,1. 一般中学生驾驭不了的词汇和句型结构; 2. 恰到好处的名言、谚语等; 3. 一语中的的修辞手法。,很多,a lot of a good number of (C. n. )a large amount of (U. n.)a great deal of (U. n.)a mountain of homework a sea of people abundant / adequate,take part in join in participate in compete in sign up for ,参加,fit in adapt to adjust to cope with be

10、 used to be accustomed to feel at home ,适应,follow my dream / passion pursue my goal seek after my destination / objective,追求梦想,about / around/ some roughly approximately more or less,大约,so/ therefore as a resultas a consequence consequently,因此,important crucial criticalsignificant of much value,重要的,

11、恰到好处的名言、谚语能使文章增色,1.Practice makes perfect. 2.God helps those who help themselves. 3.Where there is a will, there is a way. 4.One false step will make a great difference. 5.A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 6.Experience is the mother of wisdom. 7. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.,8.

12、 More haste, less speed. 9. Its never too old to learn. 10. All that glitters is not gold. 11. Look before you leap. 12. Rome was not built in a day. 13.Great minds think alike. 14.well begun, half done. 15. A friend in need is a friend indeed.,大胆使用基本的修辞手法,比喻,All the students are as busy as bees pre

13、paring for the coming exams.,所有学生都在忙着准备考试。,All the students are busy preparing for the coming exams.,夸张,我感觉压力很大。,I feel great pressure.,I felt as if I were under a mountain and I cant even breathe.,拟人,我感觉所有同学都在嘲笑我。,I feel all my classmates laughing at me.,I felt as if even the birds on the trees are laughing at me.,亮点的任务:使你的作文从千万篇作文中脱颖而出。,谢 谢!,



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