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1、,Please read the letter that Xiaodong wrote to Miss Wang on Page7.,trouble is a friend If you have some trouble, who do you usually ask for advice?,Q: Whats his problem? He feels very ,Reading,lonely,because he is not very good at communicating with people. So he wants some advice to change the situ

2、ation.,To ask people their likes and dislikes,To join in discussions,To show interest in others ideas,To share his feelings and greetings with others,Discussion,Your advice for Xiao Dong,be friendly to others,Look after others more than yourself,Act in groups of two: one acts Xiaodong, and the other

3、 gives him advice.,Sample dialogue: Xiao Dong:(retell Xiao Dongs problem) key word: lonely; communicate with; make friends; change; advice) Miss Wang: (give some suggestions to Xiao Dong) You can You should/ought to do Why not do it would be a good idea if.,Writing,Suppose you were Miss Wang, please

4、 write your advice to Xiaodong.,Im sorry to know that you have difficulty in making new friends. Here are some suggestions that may be helpful to you.,Para. 1,1.,2.,1. Problem,2. Purpose,you have difficulty in,Here are some suggestions,常用表达 建议信开头常用句式: 1.I am writing to express my views about. 2.You

5、have asked me for my advice on.and I will try to make some suggestions. 3.Thanks for trusting me.Its my pleasure to give you the suggestions.,4. Here are my suggestions on how to . 5.Suggestions on . can be listed as follows. 6. The ways for you to . can be suggested as follows.,表达建议常用句式: 1.I would

6、like to suggest that you (should) do. 2.I advise you to . 3.It is advisable that you (should) do. 4.I think it necessary to . 5.Youd better do./Its better to do.,Para. 2,5.If I were you, I would 6.It would be wise of you to do . 7. Why not do.?/Why dont you do.? 8. It would be a good idea if.,10 .I

7、think it would be more beneficial if you could 11. 12. When it comes to such a situation, I would like to suggest that you can,Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly,Secondly,Thirdly,Firstly,Sentence Patterns(句型),Transitional Words(过渡词),First of all,To start with,Besides,Whats more,In addition,Finally,Last but no

8、t least,To begin with,Para. 2,在列举的建议后常常会用起补充说明作用的分词短语、定语从句等说明提出此建议的原因或者此条建议可能会达到的作用。,I hope these suggestions will be useful and that you can get along well with your classmates.,Para. 3,I love writing,Wishes,I hope,and that you can,建议信结尾常用句式: 1.These are only my personal suggestions.I hope you will

9、 find them useful/helpful. 2.Im willing to discuss this matter with you whenever you need help. 3.Im looking forward to your reply.,Paragraph 1,The Structure,1. problem,2. purpose,3 suggestions,wishes,Tense: As it is a letter, so Simple Present Tense will be applied to the writing. word limit: 100-1

10、20 wordstime limit: about 15 mins,Instructions,注意格式(书信格式); 客观地提出建议; 针对对方的问题,给出你的观点; 语言要委婉、精炼,同时要简洁,表达清楚。,I love writing,Helpful,Good Job!,合理的,Effective,Reasonable,有效的,Use necessary transitional words.,Writing Requirements,Use the sentence patterns, phrasesand words that we have learned.,1. problem,2

11、. purpose,3 or 4 suggestions,your wishes,Writing Time,Writing Time,I love writing,Showing Time,Showing Time,I love writing,Im glad to receive your e-mail. You ask me something about how to make friends. The following is my advice .,合理过渡,Everyone needs friends, so how to make friends is very importan

12、t. First you must be friendly to others if you want to make friends with others. Then, look after others more than yourself. Finally, I dont trust those people who leave you when you are in trouble,because a friend in need is a friend indeed.,体现层次分明,In my opinion, try to make the stranger feel easy.

13、 If you have different opinions, you can discuss with others. I dont think its necessary to quarrel with them.,In my opinion I dont think,表达个人观点,贴切委婉,I dont trust those people who leave you when you are in trouble, because a friend in need is a friend indeed.,合理发挥不可少,I hope everything goes on well w

14、ith you, and youll make a lot of good friends.Yours truly,Miss Wang,Any comments are welcome!,Many thanks!,,I love Writing,A suggestion to yourself!,You are the master of your soul!,巧列提纲,详略得当: 针对问题需要提出什么样的建议,要讲哪些内容,应该先列出提纲,并要做到内容重点突出、详略得当、井然有序,达到提纲挈领的作用。,翻译要点,勾勒脉络: 列出提纲后,可以尝试着将文章中涉及到的建议要点或忠告翻译成相应的英语

15、句子,这样全文的骨架就已经形成了。在此基础上,可增加合理的想象以及适当的扩展。,巧妙构思,浑然成篇: 增加适当的情节和一些过渡词将上述要点连接起来,加以适当润色,形成一篇地道、完整的英语建议信。,规范书写,落笔成文: 上述三个步骤是构思写作的基础,而规范书写是落笔成文的关键。在这个环节中,切不可因为书写潦草、乱涂乱改而让人看不出个所以然,结果使整篇文章黯然失色。,反面范例,反面范例,反面范例,反面范例,不推荐字体,优秀作文范例1,优点:考生能灵活地处理各个信息点,大量运用非谓语,介词短语,从句,连词等来提亮句子,使得文章更彰显个性和语言功底。,优秀作文范例2,优点:考生的书面整洁,字体美观,运

16、用there be句型,介词短语,从句,非谓语,套用句式等来提亮句子,使得文章更彰显内涵和语言功底。,优秀作文范例3,优点:考生运用倒装句,so that句式,精彩的表达以及虚拟语气等来提亮句子,使得文章更彰显内涵和语言功底。,优秀作文范例4,优点:该考生最大的特色是运用了大量的高级词汇等来提亮句子,使得文章更彰显深厚的语言底蕴。,优秀作文范例5,优秀作文范例6,Congestion n. 阻塞, 拥挤, 充血,Im sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you: First, why not go and talk to people standing on their own? I agree that this is difficult but that person may be lonely too. If you do this I am sure you will soon have a new friend.,


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