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1、Unit five information logistics,Part information logistics key point: Logistics organizational dynamics Difficult point: Sting of “bullwhip”,Requirement,By the end of this lesson, you should be able to have a good command of The developed process of information logistics The importance of the inform

2、ation logistics How to avoid the “bullwhip” Information sharing can be utilized for mutual advantage,New words,New words,Sentence Explanations,1.information logistics is a multifaced problem 信息物流是一个多层次问题。 Multifaced:多层次的,这是一个复合词 如:multi exposure 多次曝光摄 pocket multi meter 袖珍万用电表 multi - year budget多年预

3、算 multi - step method多步法 multi - terminal network多端网络 multi - purpose building多功能建筑,Sentence Explanations,2.several well-known firms involved in logistics relationships owe much of their success to the notion of information utilized to share this information with one one another.一些参与物流关系的有名的公司把它们的成功

4、多归功于公司之间对信息的共享的概念利用。,Sentence Explanations,3.A key notion in the essential nature of the information systems in the development and maintenance of successful logistics is the need for virtually seamless bonds within and between organization.在成功的物流发展和维护中的信息系统本质的重要概念是对组织间几乎天衣无缝的联系的需求。,Sentence Explana

5、tions,4.Through state-of-the-art information systems,Wal-Mart shares point-of-sale information from its many retail outlets directly with P&G and other major suppliers. State-of-the-art:最新的 Point-of-sale:销售点通过最新的信息系统,沃而玛从它的很多零售点直接和保洁以及其他主要的供应商共享销售点的信息。,bullwhip,Recent years have witnessed a rapid gr

6、owth of interest in the study of the dynamic behavior of replenishment rules of bullwhip effect. We prove that bullwhip effect and butterfly effect share a same the self-oscillation amplifying mechanism that is the ordering decisions the supplier self-oscillation amplify the perturbations brought by

7、 the errors in the processing of retailers demand information.,This results as an explicit self-similar structure of the sensitivity of the system to the initial values duty to the nonlinear mechanism. In this paper, the causes process of the bullwhip effect is described as the internal nonlinear me

8、chanism and study on the complexity of bullwhip effect for order-up-to policy under demand signal processing. The methodology is based on fractal and chaotic theory and allows important insights to be gained about the complexity behavior of bullwhip effect.,首先通过在市场销售活动中的一个例子来说明牛鞭效应的形式。比如零售商的历史最高月销量为


10、上的例子中我们便可以清楚的认识到其中的一个奇怪的效应,这就是理论上的“牛鞭效应”。,questions,After reading the material,please think the following questions: 1.whats the “bullwhip” 2.which factor lead to the “bullwhip” 3.how to control the “bullwhip”,Part information work,Key point: Information requirements determination The implement of t

11、he business system planning Difficult point: How to know which information we need.,requirement,By the end of this lesson, you should be able to have a good command of What information does the firm need Which method can improve cycle-time performance What is the business system planning Whats the p

12、rototype review,New words,New words,Sentence Explanations,1.Now every firm is in a competitive society.Timely and accurate information is important to them. 现在每一个公司都处于一个竞争的社会,及时和精确的信息对他们而言很重要。 2.clearly,the main point of leverage for improving cycle-time performance across the supply chai was“inform

13、ating”. 显然,通过供应链提高周期业绩的杠杆作用的主要点是信息共享,Sentence Explanations,3.In other words,the basic tools of communication are essential to the development of successful logistics relationships.In other words:换句话说换句话说,沟通的基本工具对成功物流关系的发展是很重要的,Sentence Explanations,4.Upon completion of the information requirements d

14、etermination process,the analyst translates the requirements into a prototype to help refine the information requirements further.通过信息要求确定过程的完成,分析家把要求转化为一个模型来进一步完善信息要求。,Reading material,What is Information On Demand? How well an organization performs is directly related to how quickly it can act on

15、windows of opportunity. Information On Demand is about getting the right information to the right people or processes at the right time to take advantage of these opportunities. It is about creating business value and reducing risk by integrating, analyzing and optimizing all types and sources of in

16、formation throughout their lifecycle.,Information On Demand can make a tremendous difference to your business by: Providing methods for your organization to better understand and manage risk. Helping you make the transition from a business run on estimation to a business run by measurement. Enabling

17、 you to transform your business practices from reactive tactics to real-time operations., Providing your employees with the confidence to know they are making decisions based on up-to-date, accurate and complete information. Providing a means to work efficiently and securely with suppliers, partners and customers. Helping to reduce overall IT costs by simplifying data management administrative tasks.,


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