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1、Unit 1 My names Gina.,教学目标:,1、学会做“自我介绍”、“问候他人”。,2、学会向他人简单介绍自己的名字。,3、学会礼貌地与他人交往。,重点:1、词汇2、学会做“自我介绍”、“问候他人”3、学会向他人简单介绍自己的名字。,难点:1、物主代词2、语言结构:Whats your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is.,what / wt / 什么,Whats = What is,your / j :/ 你的,你们的,my / ma/ 我的,name / nem/ 名字,nice / nais / 好的,meet / mi:t/ 见面,遇见,you

2、/ ju:/ 你,你们,too / tu:/ 也,Do you remember how to greet people? 你还记得如何问候吗?,Hi! hai interj. (表示问候)嗨 Hello! hlu interj.(表示问候)喂 Good morning! m:ni n. 早上好! Good afternoon! :ftnu:n n. 中午好! Good evening! i:vni n. 晚上好! How are you? 你好吗? How do you do? 你好!(对话的双方 第一次见面时的礼貌用语),Nice to meet you, too.,Nice to mee

3、t you!,Nice nais adj. 好的,令人愉快的,to:tu:介词 prep. 用于与动词原形一起构成动词不定式,meet:mi:t v. 遇见,相逢,you:ju:代词 pron. 你,你们,too:tu:副词 adv.也;还;而且,“很高兴认识你”,“很 高 兴 认 识 你”,Hello! My name is Bingo. Nice to meet you!,Hello, Im Jack. Whats your name?,My name is Yoyo.,Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!,Nice to meet you, too! 我也很高兴见到你!,I

4、m Jason. = My name is Jason.,介绍自己姓名的时候既可以用Im也可以用My name is 。,Im Yoyo. =,My name is Yoyo.,Im Coco. =,My name is Coco.,询问别人名字的时候可以说: Whats your name?,A: Hello! Im/ My namesWhats your name? B: My names. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.,Pairwork,与你周围的同伴进行对话练习。,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Fra

5、nk,Grace,Helen,Can you remember their names?(你还能记得这些名字吗?),Girls,Bob Dale Jim Frank Mike David Bill Eric Jack,Jenny Gina Mary Grace Helen Cindy Tina Emma Lucy,Boys,Whats your /his /her name? 你、他、她叫什么名字?,本单元重点句型,My /His /Her name is 我的、他的、她的名字是 =Im/He is/She is,Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!,A: Whats his n

6、ame ? B: His name is Xi . =He is Xi .,A: Whats his name ? B: His name is Yao Ming.=He is Yao Ming.,A: Whats his name ? B: His name is Liu Xiang.=He is Liu Xiang.,his 他的,询问一个男生名字的时候可以说: Whats his name? 回答时候可以说: His name is 或者 He is ,Bob,Eric,Frank,A: Whats her name ? B: Her name is Sun Li. =She is Su

7、n Li.,A: Whats her name ? B: Her name is Zhao Wei.=She is Zhao Wei.,A: Whats her name ? B: Her name is Xie na.=She is Xie Na.,her 她的,询问一个女生名字的时候可以说: Whats her name? 回答时候可以说: Her name is 或者 She is,Alice,Cindy,Helen,Whats name? (his / her),Whats name? (his / her),name is Cindy. (his / her),name is Bob

8、. (his / her),-Whats _ name? -_ name is Tony.,-Whats _ name? -_ name is Gina.,GrammarFocus,-Whats _ name? -_ name is Jenny.,-I am Jenny.,我的my 你的your 男生的his 女生的her 你的,你们的都是your,your,My,his,His,her,Her,Hello, Im Jim.,Hi, my names Jack,Im Mike.,Whats your name?,Whats her name?,Her name is Jenny.,2a Lis

9、ten to four conversations and number the pictures (1-4).,2a,Listen to the conversations and number the pictures14.听四段对话,给下列 图片编号14。,1,2,3,4,2b Listen again. Circle the names you hear.,Eric,Mike,Tom,Bob,Jack,Ms. Miller,Alice,Mary,Eric: Hello, whats your name.? Alice: My names Alice. Eric: Im Eric. Al

10、ice: Nice to meet you.,1,2,Tom: Whats his name? Grace: His name is Eric. Tom: And whats her name? Grace: Her names Alice.,3,Bob: Excuse me,are you Eric? Eric: Yes, I am. Are you Mike? Bob: Im Bob. Nice to meet you. Eric: Nice to meet you, too.,4,Ms. Miller: Good morning, boys and girls. My names Ms.

11、 Miller. Whats your name? Jack: My names Jack. Ms. Miller: And whats your name ? Mary: My names Mary .,Pairwork 结对活动,A: Hello! Whats your name? B: My names A: Im B: Nice to meet you!,2c,Practice the conversations. 练习下面的对话 。,Pairwork 结对活动,A: Whats his name? B: His name is A: And whats her name? B: He

12、r name is,2c,Practice the conversations. 练习下面的对话 。,Grammar,人称代词做主语 : I am / you are / he is / she is / it is 我 你你们 他 她 它 形容词性物主代词做定语: My name/ your name / his name/ her name/ its name,我的 你你们的 他的 她的 它的,1. 形容词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词起形容词作用,在句 中只能作定语, 也就是说它后面必须跟一 个名词。即:形容词性物主代词名词。 This is my cup. 这是我的杯子。 Her nam

13、es Mary. 她的名字是玛丽。,Grammar,人称代词口诀 我是 I, 你是you ,男他he ,女她she ,宝盖头它是it ,都在句中做主语。,趣味学堂,形容词性物主代词 “我的” my “你的” your, 男“他的”是 his, 女“她的”是 her,后面一定要把名词带。,趣味学堂,2形容词性物主代词保卫名词,不可以再找其它的“保镖”,如指示代词(this,that, these,those)、冠词(a,an,the)等等。如: That is his a room() That his room is nice() That is his this room() That is

14、 his room() 另外,our,your、their虽表示复数意义,但是不是与are连用要看它们后面的名词是单数还是复数。如: Our desk is new我们的书桌是新的。 Our desks are new我们的书桌是新的。,Grammar focus,I s she Alice?,Yes, she is.,I s he Dale?,Yes, he is.,Is he Eric?,He is Frank.,No,he isnt.,Is she Helen?,No,she isnt.,She is Cindy.,Grammar Focus,Whats your name? Alan. / Im Alan. / My names Alan. Whats his name? Hes Eric. / His names Eric. Whats her name?Shes Mary. / Her names Mary.,Grammar Focus,Is he Jack? (一般疑问句) Yes, he is. (肯定回答) No, he isnt. (否定回答) His names Mary. (补充说明) Are you Helen? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Im Gina.,



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