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1、,许地山,落 花 生,Translators: 刘仕聪张培基,Presenters: 陈嘉玲 李明媚林丽环 钟 倩,Background of 落花生,Publish;1920s,The Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895(Failed),Fathers attitude towards life,Fathers enlightment on 许地山 to be useful rather than great and nice-looking),The style and theme of 落花生,Brief Introduction to the Author,S

2、ignification of his pen-name:“华”the same as “花” in ancient Chinese ,which shows his attitude towards life and his lofty character.,Name:许地山;(赞,地山,落华生),Age: 1893-1941,Identity:modern novelist;essayist,Brief Analysis of the essay,Style :narrative prose(叙事散文),Diction:simple ,natural ,informal, concise,

3、Structure:,Sentence: colloquial,Appreciation & Criticism,题目,核心关键,张培基译:The Peanut,刘仕聪译:Peanuts,正文,我们屋后有半亩隙地。,Appreciation & Criticism,刘译:At the back of our house there was half a mu of vacant land.(open field) 张译:Behind our house there lay half a mu of vacant land. (unused land),请输入您要文字,Appreciation

4、& Criticism,正文,母亲说:“让它荒芜着怪可惜,既然称们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。,刘译: “Its a pity to let it go waste like that,“ Mother said. “Since you all enjoy eating peanuts, let us open it up and make it a peanut garden.”张译: Mother said, “Its a pity to let it lie waste. Since you all like to eat peanuts so much, why not have

5、them planted here.”,Appreciation & Criticism,正文,我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园;过不了几个月,居然收获了!,刘译:At that my brother, sister and I were all delighted and so were the young housemaids. Some went to buy seeds, some dug the ground and others watered it and, in a couple of months, we had a harvest! 张译:T

6、hat exhilarated us children and our servant girls as well, and soon we started buying seeds, ploughing the land and watering the plants. We gathered in a good harvest just after a couple of months!,Appreciation & Criticism,正文,妈妈说:“今晚我们可以做一个收获节,也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们的新花生,如何?”我们都答应了。,刘译:“Let us have a party toni

7、ght to celebrate,“ Mother suggested, “and ask Dad to come for a taste of our fresh peanuts. What do you say?“ We all agreed, of course. 张译: Mother said, “How about giving a party this evening to celebrate the harvest and invite your Daddy to have a taste of our newly-harvested peanuts?” We all agree

8、d.,Appreciation & Criticism,正文,母亲把花生做成好几样食品,还吩咐这节期要在园里的茅亭举行。,刘译: Mother cooked the peanuts in different styles and told us to go to the thatched pavilion in the garden for the celebration. 张译: Mother made quite a few varieties of goodies out of the peanuts, and told us that the party would be held i

9、n the thatched pavilion on the peanut plot.,Appreciation & Criticism,正文,那晚上的天色不太好,可是爹爹也到来,实在很难得!,刘译: The weather was not very good that night but, to our great delight, Dad came all the same. 张译: It looked like rain that evening, yet, to our great joy, father came nevertheless.,天色不好=下雨? Delight and

10、joy 都有高兴的意思,joy的感情色彩比较强烈,而且持续时间长。 All the same 有仍旧,照样地的意思,而nevertheless 是仍然,不过,然而,父亲在天色不好的时刻仍旧,照样来了,用all the same 语言就强烈多了,所以这里我认为用all the same 比较好。,Appreciation & Criticism,正文,我们都争着答应:“爱!”,刘译:“Yes!” we all answered eagerly.张译:“Yes, we do! ” We vied in giving the answer.,“都争着答应”: vie va vi. 争;竞争 vt.

11、使针锋相对;提出.来竞争;以.作较量 (用在这里略显夸张夸张) “eagerly” 表示热切地,渴望地,Appreciation & Criticism,正文,姐姐说:“花生的气味很美。” 哥哥说:“花生可以制油。”,刘译: “It is very delicious to eat,“ my sister took the lead. “It is good for making cooking oil,” my brother followed.张译:“Peanuts taste good,” said my elder sister. “Peanuts produce edible oil

12、,” said my elder brother.,张的译本语言简练且 流畅直白,Appreciation & Criticism,正文,无论何等人都可以用贱价买它来吃;,刘译: It is inexpensive. I said. “Almost everyone can afford it.”张译:“Peanuts are so cheap,” said I, “that anyone can afford to eat them.”,Cheap 和 inexpensive 都有花钱少,便宜的意思,但是cheap还有poor quality 和low status,全文事赞美落花生的优秀品

13、质,用cheap就显得不合。,Appreciation & Criticism,正文,爹爹说:“花生的用处固然很多;但有一样是很可贵的。刘译:“Peanut is good for many things,” Dad said, “but there is one thing that is particularly good about it. 张译:“Its true that peanuts have many uses,” said Father, “but theyre most beloved in one respect.,1.“爹爹说”,通常中文的习惯是把这部分放在话语的最前面

14、,而英语中,在话语很长的情况下则习惯放在中间,两者都做到这点,符合英语表达习惯。另外,将爹爹译成Father 显得过于正式,少了文中的那种亲切感,Dad还可以译成Daddy,与原文的叠音对应。2.句型的选用与文章的情感色彩: 张译的“Its true that”可以表达出原文“固然”二字的情感色彩。而刘译的“there is ”反映出文章朴实的特色,相比之下,张译的这句话就显得有点文绉绉。,Appreciation & Criticism,正文,爹爹说:“花生的用处固然很多;但有一样是很可贵的。刘译:“Peanut is good for many things,” Dad said, “bu

15、t there is one thing that is particularly good about it. 张译:“Its true that peanuts have many uses,” said Father, “but theyre most beloved in one respect.,3.“可贵”的翻译:“good”表达意思比较宽、泛,虽然比较口语化,但不够准确;“beloved:be loved very much”亦欠妥当,因为这样并没有把花生可贵的品质给表现出来。个人觉得可以借用刘的句型,将good 改为valuable 。,Appreciation & Criti

16、cism,正文,这小小的豆不像那好看的苹果、桃子、石榴,把它们的果实悬在枝上,鲜红嫩绿的颜色,令人一望而发生羡慕之心。他只把果子埋在地底,等到成熟,才容人把他挖出来。,刘译:Unlike apples, peaches or pomegranates that display their fruits up in the air, attracting you with their beautiful colors, peanut buries its fruit in the earth.张译:Unlike nice-looking apples, peaches and pomegranates, which hang their fruit on branches and win peoples instant admiration with their brilliant colors, tiny little peanuts bury themselves underground and remain unearthed until theyre ripe.,


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