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1、Notes of Format,Warm-up,Dialogues,Writing,Reading,Section III. Practical Writing,Samples,Do it Yourself,国际贸易中,一笔生意的达成需要经过买卖双方多次的磋商,包括询盘(inquiry)报 盘(offer)还盘(counter-offer) 等当卖方收到买方的询盘时,应及 时准确地做出报盘,报盘分实盘和 虚盘;买方收到报盘后,如对交易条 款有异议,可还盘,即对报盘部分或,Warm-up,Dialogues,Writing,Reading,Notes of Format,Negotiation

2、on Price,全部条款提出新的要求还盘函中应感谢对方的报盘,并解 释为何不能接受对方的条款 还盘函(counter-offer)的结构: 开头部分: 感谢卖方的报盘 主体部分: 对卖方的报盘提出意见与建议 1. 如同意交易条件,则接受对方的报盘; 2. 如不能接受交易条件,则阐述原因,并提出 自己的建议,对不能接受表示歉意 结尾部分: 建议今后的合作机会;盼早复,Warm-up,Dialogues,Writing,Reading,Dear Miss Wang, Thank you for your quotation on the socks you showed us at the Ch

3、inese Export and Import Fair last week. We appreciate the good quality of your products, but unfortunately we find your price is so high that our margin of profit would be either very little or nil. As you probably know, now the socks available on the market manufactured by,Warm-up,Dialogues,Writing

4、,Reading,Samples,Asking for a Price Reduction,several Japanese factories are of high quality and the prices are 10-15% lower than yours. We wonder if you could reduce your prices to that level so as to stand up to the competition. We shall appreciate your favorable reply. Yours sincerely, XXXXX,Warm

5、-up,Dialogues,Writing,Reading,1. 在本次中国进出口商品交易会中,ABC公司已对草帽报价:$12/顶 CIF GUANGZHOU 2. 会后你对此作了详尽的市场调研发现该价格偏高,约超出国际市场平均价10% 3. 请给ABC公司去信,希望贵方能以8%的折扣成交1,000顶草帽,Warm-up,Dialogues,Writing,Reading,Do it Yourself,Key to this letter,根据以下信息,写一封还盘函,Warm-up,Dialogues,Writing,Reading,Dear Mr. White, Thank you for

6、your quotation at the Chinese Import and Export Fair, for straw hats, each$12 CIF Guangzhou. Although we appreciate the quality of your hats, the price is too high to be acceptable. We have done market research in detail after the fair. Information indicates that your price is approximately 10% high

7、er than the average price on the international market. We like the way in which you greeted and helped us at the fair and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you. We would like to order 1000 hats if you could reduce your price by 8%. We are looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours,Warm-up,Dialogues,Writing,Reading,Thank you!,


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