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1、采购沙盘,用友时空 供应链管理 CDM KSOA CCERP SCMS V7 注册 正版注册QQ84777206,提纲,采购入库流程 采购退出流程 采购退补价流程,提纲,采购入库流程 采购退出流程 采购退补价流程,采购入库,流程图,采购入库,流程及考核点分析 采购订单 采购订单可以不需要审核。考核点:单据高级选项。实现方法:【提取审核后订单】设置为“否”。 2. 订单数据允许分批提取。考核点:单据高级选项。实现方法:【允许订单多次执行】设置为“是”。,采购入库,3. 自动生成订单。考核点:函数zidshchqhd 的使用方法。zidshchqhd 函数可以自动按库存上限、合理库存、往日 销售商

2、品、当日销售商品、实际销售量提取商品填写单据。实现方法:【操作项单据菜单】添加一个二级菜单,执行函数为 “zidshchqhd”。,采购入库,采购开票 采购开票单能导入excel格式数据。考核点:时空数据导入方法。DJExcel.ini应用。实现方法:1.维护DJExcel.ini中字段;插入1=insert into tmp_excel_dj(gzid,spbh,spmch,shpgg,jlgg,shpchd,dw,shl,je,pihao,sxrq,插入2=baozhiqi,itemlength,itemheight,itemwidth,weight,beizhu,jixing,tongy

3、m,pizhwh) IN ODBC插入3= ODBC;Driver=SQL Server;UID=sa;PWD=:password;Server=:server;DataBase=:database插入4= select :gzid, a.商品编号, a.商品名称, a.商品规格, a.包装数量, a.产地, a.包装单位, 插入5= a.数量, a.金额, a.批号, a.有效期至, a.生产日期,插入6=a.单品长,a.单品高,a.单品宽,a.单品重量,a.备注,a.剂型,a.通用名,a.批准文号插入7= from Sheet1$ a,采购入库,2.创建临时表,维护临时表tmp_excel

4、_dj中字段;,gzid char spbh char spmch char shpgg char dw char baozhshl char lingsshl char jlgg char shl int koul char dj decimal hshj decimal je decimal she decimal,spid char itemlength char itemheight char itemwidth char weight char jixing char tongym char pizhwh char sxrq datetime baozhiqi datetime hs

5、cbj decimal hescbj decimal hsje decimal lshj decimal pihao char shpchd char beizhu char,采购入库,3.修改存储过程(添加、减少字段)select * from ( select b.spid,a.spbh,case when b.spid is null then 新品! else b.spmch end as spmch,b.shpgg,b.shpchd,b.dw,b.jlgg,a.pihao,a.sxrq, case when isdate(a.baozhiqi) = 1 then convert(ch

6、ar(10), cast(a.baozhiqi as datetime), 20) else isnull(a.baozhiqi,) end baozhiqi, sum(a.shl) as shl,cast(isnull(sum(a.je),0)/ case when isnull(sum(a.shl), 0) = 0 then 99999999999 else sum(a.shl) end) as decimal(14,5) as dj, (isnull(sum(a.je),0) / case when isnull(sum(a.shl), 0) = 0 then 99999999999 e

7、lse sum(a.shl) end ) as hshj, case when b.spid is null then clRed else clBlack end as _fcolor, default as _bcolor, a.jixing,a.itemlength,a.itemheight,a.itemwidth,a.weight,a.beizhu,a.pizhwh,a.tongym from tmp_excel_dj a (nolock) left join spkfk b (nolock) on b.beactive=是 and a.spmch = b.spmch and a.sh

8、pgg=b.shpgg and a.jlgg=b.jlgg where a.gzid = gzid group by b.spid, a.spbh,b.spmch,b.shpgg, b.shpchd, b.dw,b.jlgg,a.pihao,a.sxrq,a.baozhiqi,a.jixing, a.itemlength,a.itemheight,a.itemwidth,a.weight,a.beizhu,a.pizhwh,a.tongym having sum(a.shl)0 ) a where a.shl 0 order by a.spid end,采购入库,采购开票单不能手动填写明细。考

9、核点:单据总体控制。实现方法:【单据方案总体维护手工添加明细】勾去掉。 3. 根据单位选择订单。考核点:单据提取方案变参使用。实现方法:自建单据提取方案。单据选择:select a.* from jxddhz a ,mchk b where a.djbs=JHF and b.danwbh = :danwbh and a.dwbh=b.dwbha.is_zx=否单据抬头:select a.* from jxddhz a where a.djbh = :djbh单据明细:select a.*,b.spmch,b.spbh from jxddmx a,spkfk b where a.djbh=:dj

10、bh and a.spid=b.spid,采购入库,商品检索界面中的添加新品界面。考核点:addnewsp()函数使用。实现方法:维护该资料检索方案,在【快捷键隐藏字段】处添加 “热键”和“字段”。热键为“a-z,1-0”中任意一字符;字段 为“addnewsp()”。 审核时,分色显示明细。考核点:时空明细色标使用。_fcolor (明细颜色) _bcolor (背景颜色)实现方法:直接在明细查询中加入$ 颜色编号 as _fcolor如:Select spbh,spmch,$00FF00 as _fcolor from spkfk where spbh like 1% (商品编号以1打头的

11、明细,显示00FF00色),采购入库,审核时,双击明细显示该商品近5次进货信息。考核点:系统审核默认检索方案号:shen_ABC%(ABC为单据类型 标识)实现方法:按照shen_ABC%为方案号制作检索方案。该检索方案中支持明细所有字段作为变参。该检索方案中支持的系统变参:username:bendian如:采购开票单审核,制作检索方案名为“shen_JHG”SQL语句:select top 5 a.djbh,a.rq,a.spid,b.spbh,b.spmch,a.shl,a.dj,a.koul,a.je,a.she,a.hsje from ywmxk a,spkfk b where a.

12、djbh like JHA% and a.spid=b.spid and b.spbh like :spbhorder by rq desc,采购入库,录入发票 1. 发票录入按部门过滤考核点:存储过程的理解,过滤条件加入实现方法:加入参数bmid加入选择表bmdoc b 加入过滤条件b.bmid like case when bmid is null then % else bmid end,采购入库,2. 提取单位显示经营范围考核点:了解系统默认检索方案,制作简单检索方案。实现方法:开局发票单支持默认的单位检索方案方案名必须为 fp_getdw ,该检索方案中必须存在的字段为: dwbh,

13、danwbh,dwmch,khyh,shh,dzhdh,yhzhh 。检索方案语句为:select dwbh,danwbh,dwmchkhyh,shh,dzhdh,yhzhh,jingyfwfrom mchk,采购入库,月末结算 1. 按单据结算显示发票号字段。考核点:勾兑结算方案维护,单据勾兑扩展字段实现方法:在shikong.ini中加入如下命令: 勾兑结算 非单据勾兑使用扩展存储=是 单据勾兑扩展字段=fapiaoh 修改勾兑结算方案,语句为:(见下页),采购入库,if djlx = 125beginselect a.djbh,a.rq,(select sum(hsje) from mx

14、ysyf c where c.djbh = a.djbh) as kaipje,100.00 as sdkl,0.00 as kljine,(select sum(yisfje) from mxysyf c where c.djbh = a.djbh) as yijsje,0.00 as jiesje,0.00 as sjsz, as jieqing,b.fapiaohfrom mxysyf a left join fapiaodet b on a.djbh=b.djbhwhere a.jieqing 是 and a.djbh like J% and a.dwbh = dwbh and sub

15、string(a.djbh,4,3)= bendian and a.rq between start_rq and end_rqgroup by a.djbh,a.rq, b.fapiaohorder by a.rq,a.djbhend,提纲,采购入库流程 采购退出流程 采购退补价流程,采购退出,流程图,采购退出,流程及考核点分析 采购退出单,1. 审核时判断并回写登记数据ywsh_log。考核点:审核存储过程的理解。基础SQL语句编写。实现方法:单据审核时,都调用一个存储过程“sbp_dj_shenhe”。该存储过程默认为空,若要执行操作,在过程中添加语句 即可。SQL语句为:(见下页),-

16、创建表 if not exists (select 1 from sysobjects where name like ywsh_log) begincreate table ywsh_log(ywy char(20),fx char(4),shenhyj char(30),rq char(10),ontime char(8),djbh char (15),spid char(11),je char(16),she char(16),hsje char(16),)if error 0 begin set return=1 goto err_lab end end,采购退出,采购退出,-判断并回

17、写 if exists (select 1 from jh_djmx a where a.dj(select b.zhjj from spkfjc b where a.spid = b.spid ) and a.djbh = djbh) begininsert into ywsh_log select username,case when action = 0 then 正 when action = 1 then 反 else 正否 end ,yijian,convert(char(10),getdate(),20),right(convert(char(21),getdate(),20),11),djbh,spid,je,she,hsje from jh_djmxwhere djbh = djbh if error 0 begin set return=2goto err_lab end end,


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