2014年秋八年级英语上册 unit 3 i’m more outgoing than my sister单元复习课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、单元复习课 Unit 3,. 词汇速记 1. 比赛; 竞赛; 竞争(n. ) 2. 哪一个; 哪一些(pron. 可以(modal v. ) 答案: 1. competition 2. which 3. win 4. necessary 5. both 6. should,7. 伸手; 到达(v. ) 8. 感动; 触摸(v. ) 9. 笑; 发笑; 笑声(v. 消息(n. ) 答案: 7. reach 8. touch 9. laugh 10. information,11. good (adj. ) (比较级)较好的 12. loud (adj. ) (adv. )喧闹地; 大声地 13.

2、 quiet (adj. ) (adv. )轻声地; 安静地 14. clear (adj. ) (adv. )清楚地; 清晰地 15. true (adj. ) (adv. )真正; 确实 16. talent (n. ) (adj. )有才能的 答案: 11. better 12. loudly 13. quietly 14. clearly 15. truly 16. talented,. 短语互译 1. 关心; 在意 about 2. 与不同 be different 3. 使显现; 使表现出 bring 4. 和相同; 与一致 the same 5. 确切地说; 事实上 fact 6

3、. 与相像的、类似的 be similar 7. as long as 8. primary school 答案: 1. care 2. from 3. out 4. as 5. in 6. to 7. 只要; 既然 8. 小学,. 句型攻关 1. 我们都喜欢运动, 但是他打篮球更好一些。 We sports, but he plays basketball. 2. 我最好的朋友吉姆比我学习更努力。 My best friend Jim me. 3. 琳达不如她的妹妹外向。 Linda isnt her sister. 答案: 1. both like; better 2. works/stu

4、dies harder than 3. so/as outgoing as,4. 我认为数学比英语难得多。 I think math is than English. 5. 他真的很滑稽, 能使我大笑。 He is really and he can me . 答案: 4. much more difficult 5. funny; make; laugh,. 语法专练 1. Health is money. But I think it is money. A. important than B. much important than C. more important as D. mor

5、e important than 2. Which color do you like , red or green? Green. A. good B. well C. better D. best,3. What bad weather! Yes. The radio says it will be even later on. A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst 4. Taking buses in big cities is than taking taxis. A. cheap B. a little cheap C. more cheaper D.

6、much cheaper 5. The more we exercise, the we are. A. healthy B. healthier C. healthiest D. health,. 真题体验 1. (2013济南中考)Tony is not as clever as Lucy, but he worksthan her. A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest 【解析】选B。考查比较级。根据句中than判断使用比较级, 表示两者间的比较。句意: Tony不如Lucy聪明, 但他比她学习更勤奋。,2. (2013长沙中考)Whic

7、h season do you like , summer or winter? Summer. A. well B. best C. better 【解析】选C。考查比较级。二者进行比较应用比较级, well的比较级为better。,3. (2013苏州中考)Peter speaks Chinese well indeed, but of course not a local speaker in China. A. so fluently as B. more fluent than C. as fluent as D. much fluently than 【解析】选A。考查表示比较的句

8、式。句意: 彼得汉语讲得确实不错, 但当然不如中国当地说汉语的人讲得这么流利。not as/so. . . as“不如”, not as/so. . . as中间要用形容词或副词原级, 修饰动词speak应用副词。,4. (2013株洲中考)We should protect the beautiful flowers onsides of the street. A. every B. both C. either 【解析】选B。考查代词的用法。every指三个或三个以上中间的每一个; both两者都; either两者中任何一个。句意: 我们应该保护街道两边美丽的花。根据空格后的名词sides是复数, 可知选B。,5. (2013大连中考)现在很多人喜欢乘坐高铁(high-speed train), 因为它更快。答案: Now many people like traveling by high-speed train / taking the high-speed train, because it is faster.,



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