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1、1,第四讲 增词译法和省词译法,Amplification Omission,2,3,增词: A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper.一本书,紧紧合上,只是一叠纸。一本书,如果紧紧合上不读,只是一叠纸。一本书,如果紧紧合上而不读,只是一叠废纸。( 闲置之书只是一叠废纸。),4,增词:名词词形与使用A) Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院 B) The lion is the king of animals. 狮是百兽之王 C) The mountains began to throw their

2、long blue shadows over the valley. 群山开始向山谷投下一道道蔚蓝色的长影。,5,省词: John got up vary early in the morning. He put on his jacket, (his) trousers and (his) shoes, sat down at (his) desk and began to do his homework. 清晨约翰起得很早。他穿上夹克、裤子和鞋子,就在书桌那里坐下来开始做家庭作业。 试比较:清晨约翰起得很早。他穿上他的夹克、裤子和鞋子,就在书桌那里坐下来开始做他的家庭作业。,6,省词:e.

3、g. I drank some ice tea, but it made me more thirsty. Version A: 我喝了一些冰茶,但它却使我更渴了。 Version B: 我喝了一些冰茶,却更渴了。,7,A) Success is often just an idea away. B) Away flies the arrow! C) We are looking forward with interest to your reply. D) A gentleman will die for one who appreciates his worth while a woman

4、 will beautify herself for one who attracts her.,课堂思考与练习1 试将下列英语句子译成汉语,注意词量的增减。,8,A) Success is often just an idea away.成功往往只是一个念头的距离。成功往往只是一念之差。成功与否往往只是一念之差。成败往往在于一念之间。,课堂思考与练习1 参考译文 试将下列英语句子译成汉语,注意词量的增减。,9,B) Away flies the arrow!箭飞走了!箭嗖的一声飞走了!嗖,箭飞走了!,10,C) We are looking forward with interest to

5、your reply.我们带着极大的兴趣盼望贵方的答复。盼复。D) A gentleman will die for one who appreciates his worth while a woman will beautify herself for one who attracts her.士为知己者死,女为悦己者容。,11,增词译法与省词译法,在准确理解原文的基础上在译文中添加必要词语或省略一些词语以便忠实再现原文信息和在译文中进行通顺表达的翻译方法。原则:增词不能蛇足,减词不能损意(王宏印,2002:174),12,课堂思考与练习2,1、判断以下说法的正误并改正。 1)增词译法就是

6、在译文中随意添加词语的翻译技巧。 2)减省译法省略的词语都是原文中不重要的词语。 3)增译法和省译法都是目的语友善的归化译法。 4)增译即是增加原文中虽无其词却有其意的一些部分;省译即是要确保在译文中虽无其词但有其意。 2、判断以下译文是否属于增译或省译法并说明理由和改进。,13,Ladies Room Ladies Cf. Mens Room Men,14,Automatic Flush,15,来也匆匆,去也冲冲 Come in Hurry, Go in Hurry Flush after Use Come in a Rush, Leave with a Flush,16,One small

7、 step forward, one giant leap for civilian Step Closer,17,Specialist Clinic,18,19,语义性增补 Semantic amplification,1. Amplification by supplying verbs, nouns, adj, adv, numerals, plural forms of nouns, unit words, category words, etc. For example: *增加名词Wash before meal.饭前洗手 . He never smokes or drinks.他

8、从不吸烟,也不喝酒。 He has greater interest in novels than in poetry. 他对小说的兴趣比对诗的兴趣大。,20,*增加动词 In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu. 晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演以后,他还得起草最后公报。,21,The wealth of students talent, applicat

9、ion and industry are currently being wasted on diplomas and degrees that no one wants to know about(卢红梅,2006,p36). 学生们的天赋、专心和勤奋现在正被浪费在攻读一些无人感兴趣的文凭和学位课程上。,22,*增加范畴词 In E-C,we usually translate abstract nouns into concrete nouns by adding category words, such as “化”、“性”、“论”、“品”、“度”等。如: abstraction抽象化n

10、ecessity必要性 relativity相对论 intensity强度 preparation准备工作 tension紧张状态,23,administration 管理部门 application 使用场合 computation 计算技术 damage 破坏情况 imagination 想象力 jealousy 嫉妒心理,24,*增加概括词 Amplification by supplying words of generalization. They talked about inflation, unemployment, financial investment and envir

11、onmental protection. 他们谈到了通货膨胀、失业、金融投资以及环境保护等问题。 China and Great Britain arrived at an agreement on exchange students. 中英双方就两国之间交换留学生问题达成了一项协议。,25,*增加量词,A)Shakespeare was a well-known playwright in the history of English literature. 莎士比亚是英国文学史上一位著名的剧作家。,26,*增加副词The crowds melted away. 人群渐渐散开了。 He po

12、ured out his tale of misfortunes.他滔滔不绝地诉说/一古脑地讲诉/倾诉了自己的不幸遭遇。,27,*增加表达复数概念的词:重叠词、数词等 The judge let him off with warnings not to cause trouble. 法官对他再三提出警告不得重新作案,然后把他释放。 Cargo insurance is to protect the trader from losses that many dangers may cause.货物保险会使贸易商免受许多风险所可能造成的种种损失。,28,2. Amplification by su

13、pplying words in the TL text that can indicate the verb tenses in the SL text 增加因汉语语法无法表达的时态虚词(如正、在、着、了、过) 或时间短语(如过去、现在、将来、那天、当时、到目前、一直) Cotton is falling in price, and the buyers hold off. 棉花正在跌价,买主们都在持币观望。 Inflation was and still is the No. 1 problem of that country. 通货膨胀过去是,现在仍然是该国的首要问题。 We can l

14、earn what we did not learn. 我们能够学会我们过去/原来/以往不懂的东西。,29,3. Amplification by supplying background information Le Monde, the BBC, the New York Times, the entire Arab press all quote Heikal at length. 法国的世界报,英国广播公司,美国的纽约时报,以及整个阿拉伯报界都大篇幅地引用海克尔的话。 The blond boy quickly crossed himself. 那个金发小男孩立刻在胸前划十字祈求上帝保

15、佑。 Nixon learned that Ceausescu would welcome a presidential visit. 尼克松了解到,齐奥塞斯库欢迎美国总统访罗。,30,Not all mergers, however, are the result of global economic trends, political change or technological innovation. BMWs takeover of the Rover Group injected much needed investment into the struggling UK car m

16、anufacturer whilst extending BMWs product range. 然而,并非所有的合并都是经济全球化趋势、政治变化或者技术革新所带来的结果。德国宝马汽车公司接管了罗福汽车集团,给这个在挣扎中求生存的英国汽车制造公司注入了急需的资金,同时又拓展了宝马汽车公司本身的产品范围。,31,三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang, the master mind.班门弄斧 Showing off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter.,


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