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1、2016 恋练有词 词根词缀大串讲,恋练有词,LECTURE NOTE: Arrangement,Methods词根,词缀 *词汇的辨析 *江湖记忆法,AFTER-CLASS WORK: REPETITION!,5,A Demo Word to Start: unparalleled,Para= 部分,偏,llel, lel, level= 线条,-ed (adj)=没有意思,Paralympics,词根=256 后缀=10,单词构成,1. Prefix:(情感+方向),2. Root:(本源 = substance),submarine,“老茧”怎么说?,= callus,3.1. Suff

2、ix(词性),-ive= 抽象adj. (=n.: rich; poor; preservative ),-ity: 抽象n. personality productivity),-ate= 厚道之人 (intimate intimacy),-or /-er = 主动方的人initiative,-ian= 在某方面执着并有兴趣的人 (politician statesman),-ist= 专家 physicist;specialist,-ee=被动方的人(passive) (employee; refugee),-al= 专业人士 professional,3.2. Suffix:(词性),原

3、则一:顺序改变,意思不变,mature (n.) amateur (n.),原则二:元音替换,意思不变 (a, e, i, o, u, y),symmetry (n.) =相称 sym=same=sem metry=meter thermometer,symmetry asymmetry symmetric asymmetric,原则三:发音相近,意思也相近,dialogue= dia对面 + log(说话=loq=log),diagnose=诊断 eloquence = e(e=ex=out) + loq,uphold (v.) upsurge surge uproarroar 咆哮,大声疾

4、呼 = riot / disturbance,前缀-Prefix (向上): up-: ,sustain (v.) 持续,坚持 obtain tain=stay/catch obtain ones approval detain with the sustainable development of geilivable: 给力的,maintain: a.=维修 b.=维持 c.=主张=set forth养家糊口= a family= make both ends meet,ends: income expenditure/expense outcome=结果,结局 Disastrous ou

5、tcomes/consequences breadwinner=持家者 Who wins the bread in this family? 汽车保养=vehicle-maintenance,superficial (a) 表面的,肤浅的 superior (a/n) inferior (a/n) 下属;下等的 superiority inferiority,on-line surfing (f与飞有关) sufficient (a) sufficiency (n.)suffice sb. in . deficient insufficient efficient energe-efficie

6、nt house,a: 上; 重叠 overlap (v.) 重叠 lap lapse collapse eclipseoverlook (v.) 忽视 supervision (n.) 监督,b: 过 (Bite off more than one can chew.) over-sensitive over-insistence 忍,坚持偏执 “Only Paranoia Survive” overwhelm (v.) 淹没 drown=sink oblivion 湮没 The flood overwhelmed the whole village. An overwhelming num

7、ber of ,immerse=浸在; 沉浸在 -merse (v.) 沉在 be immersed in sth. abandon oneself to grief/pleasure M&A: Merger and Acquisition acquire acquisitive (a.) 贪婪的 merse=merge=吞并: M&A submerge: sub=下面 be submerged in . = be engaged in . saturate=饱和 satisfy,immerse immense 巨大的 vast/enormoustremendous,Over = overaw

8、e (v.): awe=敬畏 awful awesome 威慑overcome=克服(你是弱者) conquer=征服(你是强者),hypersensitive (a) skin hypercritical (a): hypocritical critic vs. critique critic: skeptic= 怀疑论者skeptical: be of 对什么表示怀疑 critical 至关重要的 It is that,groundbreaking (a.) 奠基的,根本的 * 意义重大的,重要的:signal / striking / crucial / vital / substant

9、ial / underlying grub (v.) 挖掘 up / out 寻找,挖掘出,hypocritical 虚伪 hypocrisy (n.)hypocrite *hypothesis (n.) 假设,前提 thesis Under the of hypothetical 以什么为前提的 * Hypothetically, 在这样的前提之下(作文好词) hypnosis (n.) 催眠 hypnotic (n/a) 催眠的 therapist,malice be malicious to = be hostile to hostility 敌意(主人不好客)hostage hospi

10、tality hospitalizemaltreat (v.) 虐待 abuse,mistreat = maltreat (v.) mislead (v.) misunderstanding (n.) misjudgment (n.),mis- : ,the: 定 -ism: 主义,信仰,制度,精神theism有神论 atheism无神论,a-:,screw (n.) 螺丝; 螺丝钉的精神 You screw (mess, fuck) up the whole thing! fuss (n./v.) 大惊小怪 make a fuss over / of 对特别在意;大惊小怪scrupulous

11、 认真的,勤勤恳恳的,un-:,unscrupulous 马虎的; 死不要脸的;寡廉鲜耻的 scrutinize (v.) 仔细审查 scrutiny (n.),unconscious=无意识的 subconscioussubmit subtitle subtle unfeasible=不能实施的 ease-轻松,悠闲 undergo=经历 experience Undertake承担 创业 innovative undertaking set/build up ones own business,fold (n./v.) unfold 打开,表明 veil (n.) unveil 揭幕,表明

12、 leash unleash Why do you unleash all of your fuels on me?,un- + n. v.,un-, in-c, dis- 表否定时有规律吗?,a: 在什么的里面 (当后面跟着的部分并非是独立单词时) inanity (n.): 一个人在家里空虚 vanity 虚荣 va- vacant vacancy a vacant parking place b: 向下(当是独立单词时) invalidity; invalid (a): 无用的,无效的(药) inconvenient,immune be to mu- mutual win-win mut

13、ual benefitsPrison Break II: Sara: He is to females=gay. immunity=免疫力 immunology=免疫学 免疫学家=immunologist,豁免,免除 exempt 外交官享有外交豁免权 diplomacy exemption,dipl=dupl=dub=double diplomat=外交家=双面人 A is someone who can tell you to go straight to the hell, and that you actually look forward to a trip. diploma cer

14、tificate (certify) duplicate: (v)=复制;(n)=一式两份,mort: 摩的死亡 mortal=死亡的 immortality=永垂不朽 immortal 董存瑞 immortalnot dead,mortgage:gage (n./v.)=抵押engage=订婚engagement=婚约be engaged to sb.=与某人订婚be engaged to do sthprivate detective,sb. be engaged in doing engage oneself in . 全身心投入做某事 =be committed to doing st

15、h. =commit oneself to doing sth. =dedicate / devote (the same as commit) commit suicide in the name of slavery to commit many inhuman acts (Aristotle),dispense (v.)= ? expenditure; expense (n.) 开销 ?dispense 分配;拨款 Be dispensed from indispensable 必不可少的 compensate (v.)= ? pens=钱把钱全部给你 赔偿 for your loss

16、of .,*distribute (v.) = ? tribute:贡品;献礼;赞美 pay tribute to 推崇 praise/commend contribute: 共献=贡献 ?distribute 分配,分销 distributor/distribution 分销商 outlet 奥特莱斯:分店,精品折扣店retail wholesale (merchant),dissatisfaction (n.) 不满意 discontent 不满足 contented dispute: disputable* reputation fame 在这样的前提下:all in all; in a word; Hypothetically, we may firmly arrive at an indisputable conclusion that,


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