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1、Contents: religious liberty Protestants in the US Catholics Jews religious diversity characteristics of American religious beliefs,Religious Liberty the Reformation Movement in Europe Great Awakening Enlightenment Movement First Amendment to the Constitution Government and Religion,Lutherans Germany

2、 Presbyterians Scotland Huguenots France Congregationalists,The Great Awakening was an event that occurred in the early 18th century characterized by fervent and enthusiastic worship in a series of revivals that spread throughout the American colonies. This “revival” movement - sought to breathe new

3、 feeling and strength into religion - cut across the lines of Protestant religious groups, or denominations.,The 18th-century Enlightenment was the single most important intellectual development in human history; it made possible the comfortable, prosperous, stable, and relatively free Western civil

4、ization that we enjoy today.,Amendment I Congress forbade the new federal government to give special favors to any religion or to hinder the free practice, or exercise, of religion.The United States would have no state-supported religion.,In some ways, the government supports all religions; religiou

5、s groups do not pay taxes in America. In fact, for some purposes government ignores religion and for other purposes it treats all religions alike.,Catholic Church,in the United States,16th Century,Protestantism,(Martin Luthers Ninety-Five Theses),(Martin Luthers Ninety-Five Theses),(Martin Luthers N

6、inety-Five Theses),Protestantism,17th Century,Protestant Reformation,European Colonization,Protestants,“WASP” culture: White Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture 盎格鲁撒克逊白人新教文化,Protestant Church,Protestants in the United States: Baptists Methodists Presbyterians Episcopalians,Baptiststhe largest Protestant

7、group in the U.S. with 25 million members and more than 20 branches.they are concentrated particularly in the Southern Bible Belt.They have a liberal attitude toward the blacks and courageously defend their beliefs in the equality of all human beings before God, whatever their color.,But the great m

8、ajority seems to have no difficulty in reconciling their Christian belief and practice with their racial prejudice.Most of the blacks are Baptists, but they go to different churches.,The Methodists(卫理公会派) the second largest Protestant group in the U.S. The Methodist Church has a form of service base

9、d on that of the Church of England.,PresbyteriansCurrently the largest group is the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). As of 2005, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) had approximately 2.4 million members, 11,100 congregations, and 14,000 ordained and active ministers.,Episcopalians It directly derived from

10、the Church of England, and has the same form of services and organization or share the same apostolic succession (the passing on through bishops and priests of powers),the Catholics The Catholic Church is the largest single religious group in the U.S. More than 25% of all Americans are now of the Ro

11、man Catholic faith. The majority of the Catholic are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. They have the main strength in the east coast. In American history, the Catholics were discriminated against.,By 1960, J.F. Kennedys presidential election victory put to rest the Catholic r

12、eligion as an issue in national politics. Today, the Catholics are active in running their own institutions, and have risen to positions of leadership in business, politics and labor. * The Catholic Church continues to have an all-male clergy.,Catholic Church,Jewish,Judaism is one of the oldest mono

13、theistic(一神论的) religions and was founded over 3500 years ago in the Middle East.Jews believes that God appointed the Jews to be his chosen people in order to set an example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world.,More Information,Shield of David,Menorah,Jewish children attended public schools

14、.The children of the immigrants moved rapidly into the professions and into American universities ,where many became intellectual leaders .Many remained religiously observant, others ethnically Jewish but not religious.They have a strong awareness of the rights.,New York is the largest Jewish Metrop

15、olitan area in the United States,Religion in the United States,Mel Brooks 梅尔布鲁克斯 Norman Mailer 诺曼梅勒 Ben Bernanke 本伯南克,Barbra Streisand 芭芭拉史翠珊 Isaac Asimov 艾萨克阿西莫夫 Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦,Louis Brandeis 路易斯布兰代斯 Betty Friedan 贝蒂弗里丹 Sammy Davis. Jr. 山米戴维斯,Hank Greenberg 汉克格林伯格 Rahm Emanuel 拉姆伊曼纽尔 Steven S

16、pielberg 斯蒂芬斯皮尔伯格,American Jews,Religion in the United States,Three Faiths,Religious Diversity,Christianity No religion Judaism Buddhism Islam Hinduism Native American religious practice Others,Babel,Christianity,Buddhism,Islam,Buddhism - life begins at conception and that abortion should be rejected.,Christianity - no mention in the Bible about abortion. The Catholic Church opposes abortion except when the life of the mother is at risk. Some Christian traditions can be considered pro-life while others may be considered pro-choice.,



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