The formation of concept of Slytherin in books Harry Potter series from the perspective of conceptual matephor

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《The formation of concept of Slytherin in books Harry Potter series from the perspective of conceptual matephor》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The formation of concept of Slytherin in books Harry Potter series from the perspective of conceptual matephor(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、s in of as s of by no in by of of “ of of of of of to of be 摘要作为世界闻名的儿童文学著作,哈利波特系列书中有很多由其作者罗琳创造的词语,但是在概念隐喻和借喻的映射下,人们读起来并无困难。本文从书中挑选了这类新创词的其中一个, “斯莱特林” ,来分析它概念形成的映射过程。首先,它的来源词“蛇行”让人们自然想到蛇,因而蛇的冷酷、神秘、以及让人联想到死亡这些特点都被映射到了斯莱特林的概念中。另外,斯莱特林的院旗(银绿相间) 、以及人的特点也都帮助了它自身概念的形成。最后,文中将分析两例此词的实际应用。关键字: 概念隐喻 借喻 斯莱特林 映

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