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1、欢迎进入Medical Informatics 的世界,2018/10/25,1,了解基本概念能简单的完成任务对这个领域感兴趣,教学目标,2018/10/25,2,Medical Informatics:概念与历史,医学信息学的定义 Medical Informatics的称谓 医疗信息学的历史 医学信息学的应用 医学信息学的任务 医学信息学的从业人员和机构 医疗信息学的信息资源,2018/10/25,3,医学信息学的定义,人们不断用科学和正规简洁的术语来定义这个领域,做出了许多非同一般的尝试。下面我们按照时间顺序,列举出关于Medical Informatics比较重要的定义,1977年,A

2、llan H. Levy将医学信息学定义为“处理与信息有关的问题,医疗卫生服务过程中信息的获取、分析、和传播”,http:/www.amia.org/history/what.html,2018/10/25,4,医学信息学的定义,1984年,著名的医学信息学教科书Handbook of Medical Informatics的作者,荷兰的Jan van Bemmel将其定义为:医学信息学由信息处理和通讯的理论和实践两个方面组成,它以医疗和卫生保健过程中所产生的知识和经验为基础。,2018/10/25,5,根据Myers的定义,美国医学院协会(Association of American Me

3、dical College,AAMC)将MI扩展定义为:医学信息学是关于组织管理医学临床、教育和科研信息的发展中的知识的集合和技术的集合医学信息学将医学科学、信息科学和计算机科学的相关技术和原理结合起来,为使这些技术和原理能促进医学基础知识的应用,最终提高医疗服务水平提供手段。,医学信息学的定义,1986 年,Jack D. Myers将Medical Informatics定义为:“是一个发展中的知识实体和技术集合,它对支持医学科研、教学和医疗的信息进行组织和管理。”,2018/10/25,6,Jack D. Myers, MACP, a pioneer in medical informa

4、tics, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a former ACP President and Regent, died Jan. 31. 1998. He was 84. After serving overseas in the Army medical reserves, Dr. Myers was chair of the department of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Myers was well known among the schools

5、medical students and residents for his thorough teaching style and received ACPs Distinguished Teaching Award in 1981. During the late 1970s, Dr. Myers began studying the field of artificial intelligence and computer-assisted medical education, and he became involved in building databases such as th

6、e Quick Medical Reference. He continued to contribute to the field of medical informatics almost until his death. Dr. Myers served as an ACP Regent from 1971-75 and President from 1976-77. He also served on advisory councils for the National Institutes of Health. The National Academy of Sciences, In

7、stitute of Medicine, elected him to membership in 1976.,Jack D. Myers,2018/10/25,7,1987,美国国立医学图书馆的Donald A.B. Lindberg的定义是:“医学信息学试图为将计算机和自动化信息系统应用于生物医学和医疗保健工作提供理论和科学基础医学信息学研究生物医学情报、数据和知识,它们的存贮、检索和在解决问题和决策中的合理使用。”,医学信息学的定义,2018/10/25,8,Donald A. B. Lindberg, M.D., a scientist who has pioneered in app

8、lying computer technology to health care beginning in 1960 at the University of Missouri, in 1984 was appointed Director of the National Library of Medicine, the worlds largest biomedical library (annual budget $275 million; 690 career staff). From 1992-1995 he served in a concurrent position as fou

9、nding Director of the National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) in the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President. In 1996 he was named by the HHS Secretary to be the U.S. Coordinator for the G-7 Global Health Applications P

10、roject. In addition to an eminent career in pathology, Dr. Lindberg has made notable contributions to information and computer activities in medical diagnosis, artificial intelligence, and educational programs. Before his appointment as NLM Director, he was Professor of Information Science and Profe

11、ssor of Pathology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has current academic appointments as Clinical Professor of Pathology at the University of Virginia and Adjunct Professor of Pathology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Lindberg was elected the first President of the Ame

12、rican Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). As the countrys senior statesman for medicine and computers, he has been called upon to serve on many boards including the Computer Science and Engineering Board of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Board of Medical Examiners, and the Counci

13、l of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.,2018/10/25,9,Dr. Lindberg is the author of three books: The Computer and Medical Care; Computers in Life Science Research; and The Growth of Medical Information Systems in the United States, several book chapters, and more than 200

14、articles and reports. He has served as editor and editorial board member of nine publications including the Journal of the American Medical Association. Dr. Lindberg graduated Magna cum Laude from Amherst College and received his M.D. degree from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Univ

15、ersity. Among the honors he has received are Phi Beta Kappa, Simpson Fellow of Amherst College, Markle Scholar in Academic Medicine, Surgeon Generals Medallion, recipient of the First AMA Nathan Davis Award for outstanding Member of the Executive Branch in Career Public Service, the Walter C. Alvare

16、z Memorial Award of the American Medical Writers Association, the Presidential Senior Executive Rank Award, Founding Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, the Outstanding Service Medal of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Federal Computer Wee

17、ks Federal 100 Award, Computers in Healthcare Pioneer Award, Association of Minority Health Professions Schools Commendation, RCI High Performance Computing Industry Recognition Award, U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Silver Award, Council of Biology Editors Meritorious Award, HHS Meritorious Service Award, Medical Library Association Presidents Award, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and honorary doctorates from Amherst College, the State University of New York at Syracuse and the University of Missouri-Columbia.,


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