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1、新发展研究生英语综合教程新发展研究生英语综合教程 1 课后参考答案汇总课后参考答案汇总Unit 1 Human ReflectionsBefore Reading Activities (1) crush; (2) lifetime; (3) deceive; (4) smile; (5) right; (6) grateful; (7) arrives;(8) assurance; (9) return; (10) content. Language Focus Part A1. stranded; 2. emeritus; 3. erode; 4. wondrous; 5. yearnin

2、g;6. shackled; 7. salvation; 8. nibble; 9. imperfection; 10. eruptPart B1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B (1) bored; (2) affiliate; (3) conducted; (4) valid; (5) ranging(6) fulfilling; (7) revealed; (8) tended; (9) Pressure; (10) tough Part A1. For some, marriage is the grave of lov

3、e, while for others, marriage is an effective salvation for those who lead a solitary life.2. Blessed with a great historical responsibility, the Conference is destined to have far-reaching impact on the development of the organization.3. All of these show peopl es yearning for a better life, so the

4、y have been carried forward generation after generation.4. If Congress approved the bill now, the president warned, the fragile peace process that he is trying to keep could fall apart.5. The couple must be tolerant of the little imperfections in each others character, otherwise their marriage may e

5、nd up in divorce.Part B爱情是一部电话机,渴望它响起时,它却总是悄无声息;不经心留意时,它又叮铃铃地响起。因此,我们经常错过另一端传来的温馨的甜蜜。爱情这部电话机通常不是程控的,也不是直拨的。并非纯粹说声“喂”便可立即得到回音,更不是一个电话就能深深打动你爱人的心。它通常需要人工转换,你得耐心等待。命运是这部电话的接线员,她总是缺乏责任心,又爱搞恶作剧,或许有意无意地捉弄你一生。 Task One we turned all the lights off. among the public.Further Reading 1. Because Whitman had ex

6、perienced hardships in life. He knew what life was but still held onto the belief that where there is life, there is beauty.2. To most of us, life has its bright side as well as dark side. Sometimes, life is full of hope, but there are moments when we are deserted by it.3. Everyone in life has momen

7、ts of joy.4. Because grumbling denies the existence of wonderful moments in life.5. The Beauty of Life means different things to different people. Everyone has his own definition of the Beauty of Life. As long as we are cheerful and courageous, we average men can also find it everywhere in life.Unit

8、 2 Economic SocietyBefore Reading Activities (1) staff; (2) comprehensive; (3) marketing; (4) packaging; (5) trends;(6) processes; (7) extending; (8) forecast; (9) sources; (10) access. Language Focus Part A 1. volatile; 2. magnitude; 3. contingency; 4. disproportionate; 5. confluence;6. eclipse; 7.

9、 anomaly; 8. scrutinize; 9. simultaneously; 10. lullPart B1. B 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. A (1) loyal; (2) hinder; (3) recession; (4) disproportionally; (5) spending(6) eliminate; (7) slightly; (8) integrity; (9) accessible; (10) lure Part A1. Lets capitalize on our heritage by rais

10、ing the level of proficiency in the usage of the Chinese language for the love of the culture and art.2. The study shows that the nervous system can be likened to a telephone exchange.3. After executives probe for gaps in the market, the companies should pull other resources in their wake.4. A quali

11、fied CEO should understand various economic policies as well as optimal allocation of resources.5. My father drove buses for several years after the demise of the streetcar in Washington and retired in 1973.Part B如果世界正走向地狱,你应该买进什么呢?当报纸的头条充斥着关于信贷危机的报道,一家又一家大银行面临着破产威胁,这是所有投资者需要考虑的问题。这很大程度上取决于你认为大灾难会以什

12、么样的形式到来。过去数周来,投资者开始蜂拥购买美国长期国库券,想依赖美国政府无可责难的信用。但是随着美元几乎每天都在下跌,在外国投资者眼中,美国政府已经变得像理查德尼克松一样应该受到指责,他们可能得到的回报是一堆贬值的纸片儿。另外,像一些观察家所估计的那样,如果美联储急着救市,对通货膨胀不闻不问,那么美国国内的投资者也许会认为国库券 3.4%的 10 年期利率(2008 年 3 月 18 日起)没有任何吸引力。 Task OneParagraph 1: Sentence 4Paragraph 2: Sentence 3Paragraph 3: Sentence 3Further Reading

13、1. Firstly, a lack of anything new or exciting at the mall; secondly, a limited selection of restaurants; thirdly, too many of the stores carry the same merchandise; fourthly, shoppers experiences trouble in parking their cars.2. Shoppers were most likely to complain to others about teenage loiterin

14、g, and the complaint will lead to a series of bad-mouthing about the mall.3. Men experience more problems than women, but women are more likely to complain to others about the problems.4. When some large anchor department stores close down, there will be some abandonedspaces and such places are not

15、easily transformed into new uses.5. Because the malls will look like an abandoned neighborhood with more space in the mall going dark. It will only worsen the shopping environment and customers will cut down their visits.Unit 3 Does Love Make You Sick?Before Reading Activities (1). non-medical (2).

16、Symptoms (3). Principal (4). Diagnosis(5). Advent (6). Similarities (7). self-esteem (8). hangs(9). Contemplated (10). appetite. Language Focus Part A1. Genteel 2. Extravagant 3. Manic 4. inexplicable5. Throes 6. Quotidian 7. Prairie 8. Wryly 9. impetuous10. gibberishPart B1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A (1). Emergency (2). Rethink (3). Slim (4). Core (5). outlines(6). Intuitive (7). Signals (8). Junk (9). Tracks (10). wagePart A1. It was inexplicable that she had been


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