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1、English Qualification Test for a Bachelors DegreeNanjing Arts InstitutePart I Vocabulary and Structure ( 25% ) (识记、(识记、 掌握)掌握) Directions: There are 25 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sent

2、ence. Then put your choices on the answer sheet.1.I am sure that he will act on the doctors _ advice. A. evidentB. reasonableC. alluringD. energetic(B 易易) 2. The unpopular mayor was under _ attack in the newspaper.A. constantB. convincingC. evidentD. evidence (A 较易较易) 3. We were _ a discussion about

3、 yesterdays examination when the teacher walked into the classroom. A. caught up inB. caught up with C. catching up onD. catching up with (A 难难) 4. How do you _ your spare time usually? A. convinceB. developC. employD. fire (C 较易较易) 5. She is deeply _ her parents. A. attaching toB. attaching with C.

4、 attached toD. attached with (D 难难) 6. The conventions of opera are more evident than _ of poetry, painting, drama and film. A. onesB. thoseC. oneD. that (B 较难较难) 7. The population of Shanghai is about four times as large as_ of Nanjing. A. thatB. whichC. whoD. one (A 较难较难) 8. _, the picture did not

5、 look very good but after examine it carefully we found that it was indeed a masterpiece. A. UnconsciouslyB. Subconsciously C. At first glanceD. With first glance (C 易易) 9. The wild life in Africa is extremely_. A. normalB. diverseC. mobileD. lush (B 较易较易) 10. People in real life do not sing to each

6、 other. Neither_ in blank verse. A. they converseB. converse they C. they do converseD. do they converse(D 中中) 11. I was not surprised at the news. Neither _ at the news. A. were my family surprised B. my family were surprised C. were not my family surprisedD. my family were not surprised (A 中中) 12.

7、 It is well-known that lung Cancer is _ partly caused by smoking too much. A. at mostB. at leastC. at the mostD. at the least (B 较易较易) 13. After _ from work, my parents moved to the countryside where they had spent a few years after marriage. A. retiredB. attainedC. retiringD. attaining (C 难难) 14. S

8、uccess in management ultimately _ good judgment. A. rest onB. resting onC. rests onD. rests at (C 较难较难) 15. Miss Tan is one of the most _ teachers in our school. A. tragicB. profoundC. popularD. narrative (C 易易) 16. In the past few _ there has been a great increase in the amount of research done on

9、human brain. A. scoresB. dozensC. millionsD. decades (D 较易较易) 17. Albert Einsteins Special Theory of relativity was so _ that only a few scientists could understand. A. profoundB. influentialC. easyD. vital (A 中中) 18. The old man _ his masters degree at the age of 72. A. capturedB. revealedC. attain

10、edD. accumulated (C 难难) 19. Young people shouldnt seek _ and shirk hardship. A. challengeB. comfortC. difficultyD. friendship (B 较难较难) 20. I dont feel at _ in front of camera. A. restB. riskC. easeD. easy (C 较易较易) 21. Romeo and Juliet is a _ story of love in Medieval Europe. A. tragicB. tragedyC. tr

11、agicallyD. tragical (A 中中) 22. He is keen on disco _ I am fond of classical music. A. just asB. as ifC. even ifD. if though (A 易易) 23. he was ill for about one month, _set him back a lot in his studies. A. thatB. whichC. whoD. on which (B 较易较易)24. Shakespeare wrote at least 37 plays, _showed his kno

12、wledge on various subjects. A. thatB. whichC. whoD. whose (B 较易较易) 25. He was born in 1949, _is a tuning point in history. A. thatB. whichC. whenD. where (B 难难)Part II Reading Comprehension ( 40% ) (理解)(理解) Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some qu

13、estions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question. Then put your choice on the answer sheet.Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: (易易)Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston, Massach

14、usetts. His mother and father were of Puritan(清教徒的) religion. They left England and moved to the English colony Massachusetts in order to escape persecution for the religion. In Boston, Franklin left school when he was ten years old and worked for his father for two years. Then he went to work on hi

15、s brothers newspaper. He became the editor of this paper when he was sixteen. Because he wanted to be independent, he went to Philadelphia. There he bought his own newspaper, He worked hard and saved his money. And by the age of 24 he was one of the most successful men in Philadelphia. In 1732 Frank

16、lin published a book “ POOR RICHARDS ALMANAC(历本) ”. Most almanacs contained information for farmers, such as information about the days and weeks of the year and about the weather. To his almanac, Franklin added wise sayings, his observations about life, some of these sayings are still famous today. For example, “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man heal


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