《unit 3 it was there课件》小学英语牛津苏教版六年级上册

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《《unit 3 it was there课件》小学英语牛津苏教版六年级上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《unit 3 it was there课件》小学英语牛津苏教版六年级上册(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Lets try!,1. 通过听、读等形式理解并掌握A板块对话。,2. 在对话学习过程中理解并初步运用新词:excited,exciting, Sports Day, films, just now, a moment ago,3. 初步运用本课所学语言谈论物体现在和过去的,位置。(体会was和were的用法),Chengbei Primary School Li Chunping,Unit 3 It was there!period 1,6A, Fun with English,films,ill,ca,me,ra,n,I was in Changzhou last Friday.,I a

2、m in the classroom now.,He was in Changzhou last Friday.,He is in the kindergarten (幼儿园) now.,was am / is的过去式/,They were in Changzhou last Friday.,They arent there now.,were are的过去式 / : /,B: It was there a moment ago(片刻之前) .,A: It isnt there now .,in the desk,under the chair,near the bag,behind the

3、door,on the desk,Good Vision(好 眼 力),B: It was there a moment ago .,A: It isnt there now .,in the desk,under the chair,near the bag,behind the door,on the desk,Good Vision(好 眼 力),B: It was there a moment ago .,A: It isnt there now .,Good Vision(好 眼 力),A: They arent there now.,B: They were there just

4、now(刚才).,must,in the desk,under the chair,near the bag,behind the door,on the desk,Good Vision(好 眼 力),A: They arent there now.,B: They were there just now.,in the desk,under the chair,near the bag,behind the door,on the desk,Good Vision(好 眼 力),A: They arent there now.,B: They were there just now.,预习

5、反馈,1.What holiday is it?2.How do the students feel?3.What does Su Hai want to do?,A. Sports Day B. Childrens Day,They are very excited.,She wants to take some photos.,Sports Day,running race(赛跑),horse race(赛马),car race(赛车),12,12,Long jump, high jump,football games, volleyball games,running race, run

6、ning race,exciting , exciting,Sports Day s exciting!,radio nice,引领学习,预习反馈,1.What holiday is it?2.How do the students feel?3.What does Su Hai want to do?,A. Sports Day B. Childrens Day,They are very excited.,She wants to take some photos.,All the students are very excited.,Sports Day is very exciting

7、 .,Su Hai is very on her birthday . She wants to have an birthday party.,excited,exciting,通常描述人的心情,通常描述场景或事物,引领学习,整体感知,They are not excited. Why?Su Hai and Su Yang cant find their bags.B. Su Hai and Su Yang cant find their camera .,Watch and circle,They are not excited. Why?,A. Su Hai and Su Yang ca

8、nt find their bags.,强调找的结果,强调找的过程,find,look for,Let s look for the and .,1. Read in pairs and complete the sentences.同桌朗读课文对话,完成选择题,填写句子。,The camera,is now .,was a moment ago .,The films,are now .,were just now.,B . in Su Yangs bag,C. in Su Hais bag,B. in Wang Bings bag,A . in Su Hais bag,A . in Su

9、Yangs bag,C . on the ground,A,C,B,C,Read and choose,合作探究,Let s look for the and .,2. Read by yourselves and then judge .自由朗读课文对话,完成书后的判断题。,3. Try to retell the text.According to the key words on the blackboard.根据黑板上的关键词,尝试复述课文吧!,T,F,T,T,Put your things on right way, your life is sweet. (摆放好自己的物品,你的生

10、活会很甜美!),Fill in the blanks: All the students are very _, because its _ _ today. The running race is very _, but Su Hai and Su Yang are not very _. They cant find their _ and _, the camera _ in Su Hais bag a moment ago, but now it _ in Su Yangs bag. The films _ in SuYangs bag just now, but they _ on

11、the ground now.,excited,Sports,Day,exciting,excited,camera,films,was,is,were,are,当堂检测,一般过去时用于形容发生在过去的事情,表示过去的时间状语有:_、_, am, is 要改为_, are 要改为_.,2. “excited” 用来形容_, 表示_. “exciting” 用来形容_, 表示_.,a moment ago,just now,was,were,人,激动的,兴奋的,物或事,令人激动的,兴奋的,3.“look for”的意思是_,强调_. “find”的意思是_,强调_.,寻找,找的过程,找到,找的结

12、果,点拨归纳,Lets try!,1. 通过听、读等形式理解并掌握A板块对话。,2. 在对话学习过程中理解并初步运用新词:excited,exciting, Sports Day, films, just now, a moment ago,3. 初步运用本课所学语言谈论物体现在和过去的,位置。(体会was和were的用法),1.Finish Su Hais diary. 2.Make a dialogue with your partners. 3.Remember to keep a diary.,Write down your life and seize every moment an

13、d live it fully.记录生活的点点滴滴,让生活的分分秒秒充实起来。,Su Hai s diary:,was,excited,exciting,were,was,were,Halloween is coming . Nancy and her parents are very excited. Theyre going to have a camping trip in the park . Nancy wants to draw pictures at the camping site. But she cant find the and Mum is helping her .,1.,2.,Make a dialogue,Nancy : Excuse me, mum. Where is are my ? Mum: Its They re . Nancy : Can I have it them ,please ? Mum : Oh , no! It isnt They arent .It was They were here just now a moment ago. Nancy : Where is it are they now ? Mum: Look ! Its They re .,


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