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1、奥迪品牌2009年社区公关提案 2009 Audi Brand Social Community PR Proposal,1024互动营销顾问(北京)有限公司 1024 Interactive Marketing Consultant (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 2009年3月28日,奥迪2009年社区公关目录Content,第一部分 品牌理解与网络现状分析 Brand Understanding & Internet Condition Analysis 第二部分 社区公关整体策略及执行计划 PR Strategy& Execution Plan Attention日常传播+网誉

2、管理 Routine Communication+ Reputation Management Interest公关事件+网络互动 PR Event+ Interactive Search精准传播+传播优化 Accurate Communication+ Optimize Action公关网站优化+推广 PR Optimize+ Promotion Share行业影响及意见领袖 Industry Influence+ Opinion Leader 第三部分 1024执行流程及保障 1024 Execution Flow& Guarantee 第四部分 总规划及团队 Total plan and

3、 Team,第一部分品牌理解与网络现状分析 Brand Understanding & Internet Condition Analysis,品牌理解与网络现状分析 Brand Understanding & Internet Condition Analysis,品牌理解Brand Understanding,品牌理解Brand Understanding,消费需求Consumer Demand,品牌思考营销分析Marketing Analysis,品牌思考营销分析Marketing Analysis,品牌思考营销分析Marketing Analysis,品牌思考营销分析Marketing

4、 Analysis,网络环境Internet Environment,网络现状Internet Environment,思考: 如何在网络中增加奥迪品牌的曝光度、产品认知度? How to increase Audi exposure and product recognition?,网络现状Internet Environment,思考: 如何利用网络媒体的互动性,开展与受众的互动、沟通及传播? How to use media interactive to take communication with audience?,网络现状Internet Environment,N=260,72

5、8 数据来源:百度数据研究中心 2008年4月,N=260,728 数据来源:百度数据研究中心 2008年4月,思考: 如何在海量的信息中,使传播的到达率更高、受众更精准? How to make the message arrive to audience more accurate?,网络现状Internet Environment,思考: 如何吸引品牌爱好者和车主,并在公关平台上与之互动交流? How to attract brand enthusiasts and owners to make a interactive in PR platform?,新车关注度,产地关注度,汽车行业

6、关注度,高端品牌关注度,网络现状Internet Environment,思考: 如何发现及凝聚行业、用户及品牌粉丝树立行业影响力? How to find and unite industry, users and brand fans to establish industry influence?,小结Brief summary,如何在网络中增加奥迪品牌的曝光度和产品认知度? How to increase Audi brand exposure and product recognition? 如何利用网络媒体的互动性开展与受众的互动、沟通及传播? How to use media i

7、nteractive to take communication with audience? 如何在信息的海洋中,使传播的到达率更高、受众更精准? How to make the message arrive to audience more accurate? 如何吸引品牌爱好者和车主?并在公关平台上与之互动? How to attract brand enthusiasts and owners to make a interactive in PR platform? 如何发现及凝聚行业、用户及品牌粉丝来树立行业影响力? How to find and unite industry,

8、users and brand fans to establish industry influence?,2009年社区公关目标 2009 Community PR Target,增加奥迪品牌的曝光度; Increase Audi brand exposure rate 加强品牌、产品与受众的互动传播; Strengthen the interactive communication of brand, product and audience 提高互动传播的精准度及到达率; Increase the accurate and arrival rate of interactive comm

9、unication 增强公关网站的互动性和粘合度; Increase PR website interaction and bonding degree 提高意见领袖在互动传播中的凝聚力、影响力; Increase the cohesion and influence of opinion leader in interactive communication,目录 Content,第二部分 社区公关整体策略及执行计划 Community PR Strategy& Execution Plan,AISAS网络口碑营销模式 IWOM Marketing Model,执行策略 Execution

10、Strategy,用户Consumer 现有、潜在、大众、 未来用户,促成者facilitator 媒体、行业、合作者、意见领袖,厂商manufacturer CEO、员工、经销商,广泛认知和认同 :日常传播+网誉管理 Awareness& Recognition : Routine communication+ Reputation management,主动互动:公关事件+网络互动 Active interactive:PR event+ Net interactive,精准传播:精准传播+传播优化 Accurate communication: Accurate + Optimize,用

11、户粘合:公关平台优化+推广 User bonding: PR platform optimize+ Promotion,行业影响及口碑传颂:行业影响+意见领袖 Industry influence& WOM: Industry influence+ Opinion leader,Attention Interest Search Action Share,Attention日常传播+网誉管理 Internet Goodwill Management,日常传播 Routine communication,网络监测 Net monitoring,负面处理 Negative treatment,1,

12、2,3,目标Goal,品牌、产品软文Advertorial,网络专题 column,核心 core,全网 entire,社区博客 forum& bolg,公关网络 PR,线上线下互动活动 ATL&BTL interactive activities,散播互动信息 Spread information,维护热点 Maintenance topic,提升人气 Upgrade popularity,引起关注 Attract attention,筛选 filtration,培养 Training,行业 industry,全面 entire,汽车行业 auto,其他行业 others,培养 train,

13、寻找 find,传播应用 communication,危机应用 crisis,疏通 Dredge,平衡 Balance,日常传播 Routine communication,产品 特征,日常传播 Routine communication,竞品 对比,售后 服务,品牌 文化,人车 生活,品牌 活动,产品 评测,行业 评论,日常传播 Routine communication,Brand culture,Product feature,Competing product comparison,After sales service,People& car life,Industry commen

14、ts,Brand event,Product evaluation,Blog,BBS,博客传播,素材传播,论坛传播,病毒传播,Material,Virus,日常传播范围选择Range selection,传播目标分析 target analysis,话题策划撰写 topic planning,论坛/博客首发 forum& blog start,重点维护 key maintenance,辅助范围转发 assist scope transmit,版主推荐 moderator recommendation,数据统计 效果分析 data statistic& analysis,辅助维护 assist

15、maintenance,传播建议 suggestion,日常传播执行流程 Execution flow,日常传播规划Planning,日常传播4月份规划示例April planning example,日常传播投入与产出Input &Output,日常传播病毒传播 Virus communication,病毒式传播是将企业品牌及产品信息植入于网民喜闻乐见的方式中,通过论坛、即时通讯工具将其散播到最广泛的人群,形成以点带面的辐射式传播,保障客户信息的最高到达率。 Virus communication: implant corporation brand and product message

16、into the ways people pleased to accepted, spread into wider people by BBS and IM, ensure the arrival rate of client message. 类型:祝福型、恶搞型、故事型等 Type: Blessing type, wicked-made type, story type,祝福型,故事型,恶搞型,日常传播素材传播 Material communication,日常传播 素材/病毒传播投入与产出,Routine communication Material/Virus Communication Input &Output,日常传播案例Case,品牌文化类:Brand culture category 结合时下热点、与目标受众共鸣等话题提升品牌形象,打动潜在消费者心理。 Combine current hot topics and resonance with target audience to enhance brand image and touch potential consumers.,



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