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1、2018/10/24,1,与机械通气相关的呼吸生理知识,西京医院呼吸内科 李志奎,2018/10/24,2,The Respiratory System,与机械通气有关的呼吸生理知识2. 肺的防御功能: 3.肺容积划分及通气功能: 4.肺泡气与血液的气体交换 5.呼吸动力学基础 6. 呼吸的调节,1. 呼吸系统解剖,2018/10/24,3,Respiratory tract Nose Pharynx upper respiratory tract Larynx Trachea lower respiratory tract Bronchi Lungs-paired organs of res

2、pirationFunction: supply the body with oxygen and to get rid of excess carbon dioxide resulting from cell metabolism,呼吸系统解剖,以环状软骨下缘为界气管,2018/10/24,4,The Trachea 气管,Position: extends from the lower border of cricoid cartilage (环状软骨)to the level of sternal angle(胸骨角) (between T4T5 vertebrae) where it

3、divides into right and left principal bronchi Structure features Consists of about 1520 C-shaped incomplete tracheal cartilages for patency connected by smooth muscle and connective Carina of trachea 气管隆突 ridge of cartilage at bifurcation分歧into principal bronchi,2018/10/24,5,Bronchi 支气管,Right princi

4、pal bronchus 右主支气管 Shorter, wider, and more vertical than the left , is about 2.5cm long, Leaves the extend line of the middle line of trachea at 2530o angle Foreign bodies are therefore more likely to lodge in this bronchus or one of its branches Left principal bronchus 左主支气管 Narrower, longer, and

5、more horizontal than the right is about 5cm long, leaves the extend line of the middle line of trachea at about 4050o angle,2018/10/24,6,Bronchial tree支气管树,Each principal bronchus divides into lobar bronchi (two on the left, three on the right), each of which supplies a lobe of lung. Each lobar bron

6、chus then divided into segmental bronchi, which supply specific segments of the lung.,2018/10/24,7,Weibel ER: Morphometry of the Human Lung. Berlin and New York: Springer-Verlag, 1963,The Airways,Conducting zone: no gas exchange occurs Anatomic dead space Transitional zone: alveoli appear, but are n

7、ot great in number Respiratory zone: contain the alveolar sacs,2018/10/24,8,Bronchopulmonary segments支气管肺段,Wedge shaped, with the base lying peripherally and the apex lying towards the root of lungs, ten in each lung Each with a segmental bronchus and branches of pulmonary artery The veins lie both

8、in and between segments,2018/10/24,9,段支气管继之分为小支气管、细支气管、终末细支气管等。 最终与具有呼吸功能的呼吸性细支气管、肺泡管、肺泡囊及肺泡相连。,2018/10/24,10,小气道的概念及其特点,直径2mm 相当于第7级以下的小支气管及细支气管 其最小管径可达0.65mm,小气道的概念,2018/10/24,11,小气道的概念及其特点,管壁菲薄,炎症易波及气道全层及周围组织 无软骨支持,在脱离纤维鞘嵌入肺组织后,管腔通畅性不象软骨性气道,易于受胸腔的压力变化的影响 支气管树的分布特点,决定了分级越高,管径越细。易阻塞 总截面积却大大增加,气流速度慢

9、,以层流为主,其阻力占气道总阻力的20%,难用测总阻力法发现。随着小支气管的7级分支成2050根时,总截面面积上升到19.6cm2,约为气管的8倍。此后,又反复分成6万余根终末细支气管时,总面积达到了180cm2,是气管总截面面积的72倍。 平滑肌相对丰富,改变小气道口径,控制气体流量,调节通气、血流比。 检查方法:流速容积曲线测定 ,闭合气量测定,小气道的特点,2018/10/24,12,支气管上皮细胞,分布于整个气道 长20um,宽7um,基底部2um 每个细胞有纤毛300余根 纤毛长7um,每秒钟向前摆动1000-1500次,可推动粘液层向上运动。 纤毛对外界敏感,纤毛柱状上皮细胞,20

10、18/10/24,13,支气管上皮细胞,夹杂在纤毛柱状上皮细胞之间 其数目随支气管分级增加而减少 平均1mm2面积有6800个粘液细胞 粘液细胞包括杯状细胞及小粘液颗粒细胞 二种细胞可互相转换。,粘液细胞,2018/10/24,14,纤毛细胞,杯状细胞,goblet cell,ciliated cell,2018/10/24,15,支气管上皮细胞,基底细胞为锥形或多角形 位于上皮基膜上,与附近细胞以桥粒相连 基底细胞分化能力强,可分裂自身、纤毛柱状上皮细胞及粘液细胞,基底细胞,2018/10/24,16,支气管上皮细胞,又称嗜银细胞 存在于各级支气管 K细胞分泌5-羟色胺、儿茶酚胺等,参与循环

11、及支气管平滑肌张力的调节。 本身是化学感受器,K细胞,2018/10/24,17,支气管上皮细胞,呈柱状或立方状 分布细支气管以下 能合成、分泌蛋白质,与型肺泡细胞分泌的脂质共同组成表面活性物质,维持末梢气道及肺泡口径的稳定性,Clara细胞,2018/10/24,18,支气管上皮细胞,由15-20个细胞组成,呈菱形或卵圆形 高15um,宽20-40um 分布气道到肺泡,以细支气管分叉处最多 细胞内含有5-羟色胺等物质 可能受中枢调节,具有内分泌功能的神经感受器,神经上皮小体,2018/10/24,19,The Lungs 肺,Position: located in the thoracic

12、 cavity by both sides of mediastinum General features Cone-shaped(圆锥), the right lung is shorter and broader, the left one is longer and narrower Apex of lung(肺尖)rises 2 3 cm above the medial third of clavicle into neck Baseconcave(凹面), related to diaphragm(横隔膜), also called diaphragmatic surface Co

13、stal surface(肋面)large, convex(凸起的), related to thoracic wall,2018/10/24,20,Medial surface(纵隔面)concave(凹面), related to mediastinum and vertebrae Hilum of lung 肺门:area on medial surface where structures in root enter or leave lung Root of lung 肺根 Contents Principal bronchus Pulmonary artery and vein N

14、erves and lymphatics Surrounded by connective tissue,2018/10/24,21,Borders Posteriorblunt Inferior sharp Anteriorsharp cardiac notch心切迹 lingual in left lung 左肺小舌 Lobes and Fissure Right lung Two fissures(裂) : horizontal an oblique(倾斜的) Three lobes : superior, middle, inferior Left lung One fissure :

15、 oblique Two lobes : superior and inferior,2018/10/24,22,呼吸系统解剖-终末呼吸单位,为终末细支气管以下的单位 是进行气体交换的唯一场所 包括2个呼吸性细支气管 每根再分级3次,最后形成肺泡管、肺泡囊和肺泡 肺泡管由平滑肌-弹力纤维网络组成,终末呼吸单位,2018/10/24,23,肺泡与肺血,2018/10/24,24,呼吸系统解剖-肺泡,平均内径200-250um 内面衬有肺泡上皮细胞 壁内有丰富的毛细血管网及网状纤维、弹力纤维和胶原纤维,网眼内有巨噬细胞、成纤维细胞及肥大细胞 总数:2-6亿之间 面积:40-120m2(size o

16、f a tennis court) 有1-2个肺泡孔与相邻肺泡相沟通,肺泡-多面型薄壁囊泡,2018/10/24,25,呼吸系统解剖-肺泡,覆盖肺泡表面95% 表面扁平,为血-气屏障的主要成分。 型肺泡上皮间的连接为绝对不可渗型,防止间质中蛋白或液体流出、防止肺泡腔内流体流入间质 易受损伤,如ARDS 已分化完整,不能再生,型肺泡上皮细胞,2018/10/24,26,呼吸系统解剖-肺泡,覆盖肺泡表面5% 大致圆形,体积小,但数目多,是型的1.7倍。 型肺泡上皮为型的后备细胞 型在分化过程中,其胞浆较正常者为厚,降低了弥散,型肺泡上皮细胞,2018/10/24,27,表面活性物质 (surfac

17、tant),肺泡型细胞分泌的二棕榈酰卵磷脂(DPPC),2018/10/24,28,secrete surfactant 增生修复I型细胞,肺泡上皮:,2018/10/24,29,The Pleura 胸膜,General features Serous membranes forming closed sacs Two layers Visceral(内脏的) pleuraadheres to lung, continuous with parietal pleura at root of lung Parietal(体壁的) pleuralines the thoracic cavity,


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