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1、,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,七年级下册,Unit 7 Its raining!,Section B 2a -2c,dry,cold,cool,warm,100,cold cool warm hot,hot,How is the weather in ? What is the weather like in ?,sunny / dry / hotcloudy / warmIts windy / coldraining/rainy / coolsnowing/snowy /cold,2a. Talk about the pictures below with a partner.

2、Hows the weather?What are the people doing?,Hows the weather ? Its warm and sunny. What is the girl doing? She is sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.,Hows the weather ? Its cool and cloudy. What are the people doing? They are having a vacation in the mountain.,Hows the weather ? Its raini

3、ng. What is the girl doing? She is writing a letter to her friend.,New words,visit 拜访,参观Canada 加拿大summer 夏天sit 坐juice 果汁,饮料soon 不久,很快vacation 假期on a vacation 度假hard 努力地 ,困难的Europe 欧洲mountain 大山country 国家,2b. Match each postcard below with the correct picture in 2a.,Dear Jane, Hows it going? Im havin

4、g a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. Shes working here and Im going to summer school. Im studying English and Im learning a lot. Im also visiting some of my old friends. Im so happy to see them again. Its afternoon right now, and Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. Its warm and s

5、unny, and its very relaxing here. See you soon. Su Lin,To Jane _ _ _,Dear Jane, How is your summer vacation going? Are you studying hard, or are you having a great time in Europe! My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. I want to call you but my phone isnt working, so Im writing to you.

6、Its hot in your country now, isnt it? The weather here is cool and cloudy, just right for walking. See you next month. Dave,To Jane _ _ _,2c. Fill in the chart with informationfrom the postcards in 2b.,2c. Fill in the chart with informationfrom the postcards in 2b.,Su Lin,Dave,Canada,Europe,warm and

7、 sunny,cool and cloudy,visiting her aunt, studying English, visiting old friends, sitting by the pool, drinking juice,walking in the mountains, writing a letter,玩的开心,过得愉快 have a great time have a good time have fun enjoy oneself,做某事很开心 、愉快 have a great time have a good time doing sth have fun enjoy

8、oneself,a lot 很多 放在动词后面: learn a lot 学会很多 know a lot知道很多 thanks a lot 非常感谢,be happy to do sth 高兴做某事,by the pool 在水池旁,write to sb 给某人写信,Just right for walking 正适合走路,Dear Xiao Lu, Its winter in Harbin. The weather is _and_. People are wearing hats and sweaters, but theyre having fun. Friends are _Russ

9、ian bread to take home. In a park, some boys are_ in the snow. One girl is_ on a river and a man is _a photo of a snowman. I miss you. Kate,snowy,windy,buying,playing,skating,taking,3a. Fill in the blanks,skating buying playing taking snowy windy,skate 滑冰,winter 冬天,have fun 玩的开心 Russian 俄罗斯的 take a

10、phone 拍照 snowman 雪人,3b. Imagine you are on vacation. Write notes about your vacation.,_,3c. Write a postcard to a friend about your vacation and what you are doing.,Where are you? Whats the weather like? What are you doing right now? What are your friends or family doing? Are you having a good time?

11、,Japan,enjoy the flowers,spring,warm,Hawaii(夏威夷),swim,summer,hot,Canada,watch leaves,autumn,cool,America,skiing,winter,cold,Add more words in each box.,Weather: cool, _ _,1,Feelings: great, _,good, not bad, terrible,cold, warm, hot, dry, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny,Self check,Activities: play

12、ing ping-pong _ _,going to the movie, visiting my aunt, drinking orange juice, swimming, reading a newspaper,playing baseball,Match the sentences on the left with the responses on the right.,A: Hello? Jenny speaking. A: Sorry, shes not at home. Can I take a message? A: Sure, no problem.,B: Thank you

13、. Bye. B: Hi, Jenny. Its Steve here. May I speak to Laura, please? B: Yes. Could you ask her to call me at 8765-4321?,2,A: Hello? Jenny speaking. A: Sorry, shes not at home. Can I take a message? A: Sure, no problem.,B: Thank you. Bye. B: Hi, Jenny. Its Steve here. May I speak to Laura, please? B: Y

14、es. Could you ask her to call me at 8765-4321?,Check the answers.,_ Its raining and very cool. _ Not too bad. _ Im reading a book in my room. _ What are you doing in the rainy weather? _ Hows the weather in Nanjing? _ Hi, Jill! Hows it going?,3,Put these sentences in order to make a conversation. Then write your own conversation.,A: _ B: _ A: _ B: _ A: _ B: _,


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