九年级英语全册《Unit3 welcome to the unit1》课件 人教新目标版

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《九年级英语全册《Unit3 welcome to the unit1》课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册《Unit3 welcome to the unit1》课件 人教新目标版(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、本课设计思路: 引入话题、基本了解本单元所涉及内容。 贴近生活产生共鸣。 产生疑问、引起思考。 听、说、读、写简单热身。 整体设计思路为: 引人入胜、发人深省、,Lesson 1,Welcome to the unit!,Yes, to share my problems.,Problems?,Always!,Tell us your problems.,A survey,Which do you think is the biggest problem on the blackboard?,sleepy,Homework!,lonely,noisy,communication,-Were l

2、ate again. -Yes, but,1. I dont get enough _. I feel tired in class. 2. I dont have enough time to do my _. 3. The TV is always on at my home. The _ almost drives me mad. 4. I dont have any close _ to talk to. Sometimes, I feel lonely. 5My cousin always makes a lot of noise and _ me when Im studying.

3、 6. My _ work all day. They dont have time for me.,sleep,homework,noise,friends,disturbs,parents,Discussion,Can you write 1-5 next to each problem and tell us your idea?,Listening,1. Whats Eddies problem? 2. Whats Hobos advice?(建议)3. Whats Eddies new problem?,He is getting fat.,Eddie shouldnt eat to

4、o much and should try more exercise.,Hobo will finish his food.,Lets read after the tape then read with your partners.,Practice,What have you remembered?,Eddies tells hobo that he _ _ a problem. He is _ _ . Hobo has a look at his stomach and tells him that its unhealthy _ him _ _ too much. Hobo also

5、 tells him _ _ more _. But this time Hobo plays a trick on Eddie again. Poor Eddie.,has,got,getting,fat,for,to,eat,to,try,exercise,Acting time,Please try to act the dialogue out with your partners. You can use your own words.,Homework,1. Read the dialogue 2. Remember the words and useful expressions,


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