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1、音乐欣赏,Unit 9 Can you come to my party?New words and phrases,Knowledge aims:1.能正确使用下列词汇exam, flu, weekday, invitation, preparation, glue.2.能正确使用下列常用短语prepare for, hang out, look after.3.能认读下列词汇delete, housewarming, headmasterAbility aims:Remember the new words in specific situations. Make up a story w

2、ith the new words . Emotion aims:Learn to use the time effectively.,Challenge,Challenge,Challenge,Challenge,Challenge,Task,Which group is the winner (胜利者)?,自主学习 小组互帮,1. Open your books, turn to page 129. First read the words and phrases by yourselves and underline the difficult words. 2. Then read t

3、he words to your partner and try to correct your pronunciation (发音) in your own group.,Challenge 1 集中纠错 全班互助,3. Show the rest difficult words to the class, someone may help you.,Task (两组互助): 1.请同学提出自己发音困难的词汇(汉语即可),其他同学可以举手帮助读出。注意:此环节积极参与回答问题的组有加分哦!加油!,Try to master the important words together.,Chal

4、lenge 1,Learn words by pictures:,Challenge 2,The boy is not feeling well. He may have a _ .,The baby lost his pen, so he is _.,flu,sad,flu /flu:/,sad /sd/,Learn words by pictures,They are having an _.,She is very _ because of her good grades.,exam,glad,exam /gzm/,glad /gld/,Challenge 2,Learn words b

5、y pictures,Tom _ a nicepicture yesterday.,Then he _ it.,printed,deleted,print /prnt/,delete /dli:t/,Challenge 2,Learn words by pictures,I want a bottle of_ to stick(粘贴) it.,My _ is broken.,glue,calendar /klnd/,glue /glu:/,Challenge 2,calendar,没有,Stand up quickly and say it in English.,日历,删除,大事,邀请 v.

6、,流感,答复,接受,胶水,有空的,拒绝,Challenge 3,Who is the fastest?,Challenge 4,1.prepare for 2.hang out 3.go to a doctor 4.another time 5.去旅行 6. 盼望;期待 7. 解决难题 8. 接到(某人的)信,H. hear from,Match the words with its meaning,A. 去看医生,B. 为做准备,C. 其他时间,D. 闲逛;常去某处,E. help out,F. take a trip,G. look forward to,我们可以找到许多记忆单词的规律,C

7、onversion (词性转换),Complex words (合成),Derivative(派生),找规律记单词,英语中有的名词可转用作动词,有的形容词可转用作副词或动词,这种把一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫作转化法,I dont know how to reply to his telephone and she doesnt know the reply, either.The print is too small to read, so I will print a large one.,week + day good + bye with + out head + mast

8、er ,英语中很多单词是通过合成的方式构成的,他们叫做合成词,常见合成词有合成名词、合成动词、合成形容词等几种类型,weekday 工作日,goodbye 再见,headmaster校长,Complex words,Men cant live _ water.,without,without 没有,available,invitation,opening,派生词,是英语主要的构词法。这种方法是借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词。,Derivative,找出本单元相关的派生词。-able: comfortable, _-tion: education, _-ing: meeting, _,Tom w

9、ould invite you to the _ of his new library.,opening,利用本单元的生词编故事记单词。微课,Challenge 5,Read the story and underline new words and phrases,The day before yesterday Sam was very available and he took a trip with his parents. He took many photos. When he got home, he deleted some bad photos. Yesterday he w

10、as very sad to have a serious flu. He had to look after himself because his parents went to the opening of their new library. The day after tomorrow is his best friends birthday. He refused his invitation because he would come to his uncles housewarming party as a guest.,Challenge 5,The day before y

11、esterday Sam was very available and he took a trip with his parents. He took many photos. When he got home, he deleted some bad photos. Yesterday he was very sad to catch a serious flu. He had to look after himself because his parents went to see a friend.The day after tomorrow is his best friends b

12、irthday. He refused his invitation because he would come to his uncles housewarming party.,Challenge 5,Try to translate the story into Chinese,Challenge 5,Challenge (Read the story again and then fill in the blanks)1.请同学小组互助,考考你的记忆力。每次填一段的 空缺单词,你有三次机会呀,快来抢答吧!!注意:此环节积极参与回答问题的组可加两分哦! 加油!,The day befor

13、e yesterday Sam was very available and he took a trip with his parents. He took many photos. When he got home, he deleted some bad photos. Yesterday he was very sad to catch a serious flu. He had to look after himself because his parents went to see a friend.The day after tomorrow is his best friend

14、s birthday. He refused his invitation because he would come to his uncles housewarming party.,Challenge 5,Read the story and master new words,_ Sam was very _ and he _ with his parents. He took many photos. When he got home, he _some bad photos. Yesterday he was very _ to _ a serious _. He had to _

15、himself because his parents went to see a friend._ is his best friends birthday. He _ his _because he would come to his uncles _ party.,Challenge 5,The day before yesterday,available,took a trip,deleted,sad,catch,flu,look after,refused,invitation,housewarming,The day after tomorrow,造句练习,prepare for

16、go to a doctor another time the day before yesterday,look after take a trip hang out turn down,大家来参与,Challenge,Challenge,Challenge,Challenge,Challenge,Task,Which group is the winner?,Face the challenges 直面挑战,1. Nothing is impossible.一切皆有可能2. No time like the present. 现在正是时候/只争朝夕。 3. You can do it, we believe in you. 你能行,我相信你。,


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