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1、 1. 食 物 超 市 果 汁 鸡 肉鱼 肉 付款,交款 2. 英 语 困难的数 学 课 程 画 美术,艺术体 育 中文,语文 最喜欢的 3. 科 学绵 羊 熊 分 钟写上,标上,放认读: 肉 哪一个 三明治 汉 堡甜甜圈 纸杯蛋糕 奶 昔 苹果汁书 法 课程表 阅 读 画 画养 鸟 养 花 丢沙包 跳 绳一瓶果汁 一瓶水 在那边 童话故事科幻小说 等 等 英语学得最好1)Chicken or fish, which do you like better? -I like fish better.-2)Which class do you like best? -I like English

2、best.I do best in English.-3)I like reading,but I like drawing better.-一单元应该,必须兄弟房子,住宅传递半小时,一半完成晚家庭作业肮脏的要求参加洗涤等待一起有礼貌的计算机已完成复制自己的给.浇水干燥的修理坏了整齐的,弄整齐明亮的植物愿望待在家里等待太糟糕整理我的房间请求帮助没问题独立的,自愿的给植物浇水洗他的袜子Read or play togetherPass me the blue crayonOpen the gift boxCopy your workAsk Maomao to join usKeep your r

3、oom tidy1)Would you like to? Sorry I cant.I must.2)Can I use your computer?Sorry.I need to finish my homework first.3)The windows are dirty.Shall we clean them this afternoon?Yes,lets.二单元秋天家庭,家人水果圆,圆形物攀登,爬通常的,惯常的他(宾格)双重的,成双的,2 倍穿衣,打扮夜,夜晚像,如同外侨,外国人欺骗,玩弄对待,请客聚在一起月饼全家人老年人年轻人化妆敲在晚上许多,大量复活节感恩节万圣节前夕春节没问题T

4、he Mid-Autumm FestivalThe Double Ninth FestivalThe Lantern FestivalThe Dragon Boat FestivalThe bright full moonClimb mountainsDragon boat racesAn Easter egg hunt1)when is the Mid-Autumm Festival?Its on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar.2)We eat Chongyang cake on that day.

5、Mike is taller than Jack.3)Can you tell me more about Halloween?Children dress up at night and knock on doors for candies.4)Apples or bananas,which do you like better?I like drawing pictures best.三单元东部西部南部北部早晨,上午时钟河,江城市午后,下午地图语言,舌头美国英国加拿大树叶从来纽约母语的首都北美说英语欢迎到来在东部今天下午在中间国旗一片枫树叶大本钟1)Where are you from?I

6、m from New York in the U.S.A.2)Where is the U.K.?Its in Europe.3)Where is Ottawa?Its in the east of the country.Sara is from America.Sara comes from America.Where are you from?-Im from china.Where is China?-Its in Asia.Which city is the capital of China?-Its Biejing.Where is Beijing?-Its in the east

7、 of country.四单元网球高尔夫球运动英国的和棒球篮球朋友队,组滑雪冬天橄榄球足球赛跑羽毛球流行的跆拳道跳水,潜水休息加拿大人运动爱好者最喜欢的运动踢足球骑马比赛打棒球打篮球美式篮球篮球运动员擅长在冬天冰球队每年冬天去滑雪冰上运动球类运动水上运动 Whats yous favourite game?-Its rugby.American football is popular.-SO is baseball.What are you good at?-We are good at ice sports.How many kites can you see?Mary is 140 cen

8、timeters tall. Lucy is 130centimeters tall. So lucy is shorter than Mary.This is a blue car.rugby badminton Horse racing volleyballice hockey tennisbasketball五单元乘坐激动的,兴奋的将,会,要忘记幸运的捡起,接某人堂(表)兄弟姐妹勇敢的单独的,独自的高的司机早餐忙的,繁忙的早的正餐,主餐打算做某事颐和园看望祖父母坐火车乘飞机鸟巢想要你呢有车接独自旅行泰山都江堰莫高窟布达拉宫早离开一名好司机繁忙的一天回来长城Are you going to

9、 Chengdu by train?No,we are going by plane. What will you do in Sichuan?I will visit Du-jiang-yan.What time are we going to leave?We are going to leave at 7:30.get up have breakfastvisit the palace meet at the gatehave lunch leave for the museumhave dinner leave for the showget back to the hotel countrycapital六单元



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