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1、Unit 10 Labor Day,本单元重点知识: 1. 单词: 本单元中单词的音、形、意 2. 词组 1)take a trip 旅游、旅行 2)at different times 在不同的时间 3)a single room 一个单人房间 4)take the flight 搭乘这次航班 5)miss the piano lesson 耽误钢琴课,6)worry about 担心 7)book a airticket 预订飞机票 8)set out 开始、出发 9)hold to 握紧、坚持 10)grow up 长大,成长 11)work hard at 努力学习 12)get a

2、job 得到一份工作,13)a national holiday 一个国庆的假日 14)over 100 years old 一百多岁 15)have a parade 举行游行 16)May Day 五一节 17)singleness of purpose 目的专一 18)have a several days off 休几天假 19)prefer to 更喜欢 20)stay up late 熬夜,3. 句型 1)The prices of plane tickets differ at different times 不同时段的飞机票价是不一样的。 2)The woman may nee

3、d a single room during her Labor Day vacation 那个女人在她的劳动节假期间可能要一间单人房。 3)People had a parade in New York City in order to help the working class. 人们在纽约市进行游行活动是为了帮助工人阶级。,4)Congress passed a law which made Labor Day a national holiday. 国会通过了一项定劳动节为国家假日的法律。 5)Labor Day also marks the beginning of the new

4、 school year, a time for learning the things that they will later use when they get a job. 劳动节还标志着新学年的开始,又到了学习将来他们工作时要用的东西的时候了。 6)Americans celebrate the contributions of workers. So do the Chinese. 美国人庆祝工人们作出的贡献,中国人也这样。,7)The difference between the two countries is the date. 两个国家之间的区别在于日期不同。 8)The

5、Chinese have several days off for the Labor Day holiday and many of them prefer to travel. 中国人过劳动节要放几天的假,大多数人喜欢在此间出游。,本单元的语法项目: 1. 打电话的常用表达的总结 打电话者: Hello! May I speak to Lin Li, please? Hello! Id like to speak to Mr. Smith. Is that Yang Lin speaking? Extension 2157, please?,Can I leave a message? I

6、ll back later/ again. Put me through to Miss Hu, please. 接电话者 Hello! Do Re Mi Music School. May I help you? Hello! This is Mary speaking. Hello, who is this? Hold on/ the line, please.,Just a moment, please. Hello, whos speaking? Sorry. He/ She isnt here right now. Can I take a message? The line is

7、busy. I couldnt get through. Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number.,2. if 引导的条件状语从句 1)if 表示“如果、假设”, 用来引导条件状语从句。 You can grow up to be anything you want to be if you work hard at it. If it rains tomorrow, I wont go to the museum.,2)when 引导的时间状语从句. 用来表示主句动作发生时间的状语从句是时间状语从句, 通常由when, before, after

8、等引导,when意为“当.时候”,用来表示主句和从句动作同时发生,或者从句动作发生在主句动作之前. 例如: When I was six years old, I got a scooter from my parents.,3)在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,要注意时态的呼应: 当主句和从句都是叙述过去的事情时,主句和从句都用过去时。例如: I was talking on the phone when the bell rang. When the teacher came in, the students stopped talking. 当主句和从句叙述现在经常发生的事情时,主句和从句

9、都用现在时。例如: If it is sunny, Mike goes to school by bike. When I feel sad, I always go to the library to read books.,当主句是一般将来时或者是祈使句或者含情态动词may, can, must 等时,从句如果要表达将来时的概念,则不用一般将来时,而是用一般现在时来替代。例如: I will go with you if you go. We can go on a picnic when the weather becomes warmer Remember to raise your

10、hand when you have a question.,本单元重点知识讲解: 1. 打电话的交际用语小结: 打电话者 Could I speak to .? Hello! May I speak to Lin Li, please? Hello! Id like to speak to Mr. Smith. Is that Yang Lin speaking? Extension 2157, please? Can I leave a message?,Ill back later/ again. Put me through to Miss Hu, please. 接电话者 Hello

11、! Do Re Mi Music School. May I help you? Hello! This is Mary speaking. Hello, who is this? Hold on/ the line, please. Just a moment, please.,2. You can have anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose. 你能成为你想成为的任何人, 做你计划完成的任何事,

12、 只要你能一门心思地坚持下去。 3. He said that you can grow up to be anything you want to be if you really want to and you work at it. 他说如果你真的想并且你为之而努力了,你就能成长为你想成为的人。 You can grow up to be anything you want to be if you really want to and you work at it. You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough.,

13、【典型例题】 Miss Gao will come if she _ free next week. A. will be B. be C. is D. are Where will you go if you _ have enough food? A. didnt B. doesnt C. not D. dont He will go to the Summer Palace if it _ rain tomorrow. A. wont B. doesnt C. isnt D. dont,4. Labor Day is a national holiday that is over 100

14、 years old. 5. Congress passed a law which made Labor Day a national holiday. pass a law 通过一条法律,Exercise,【典型例题】 I am very proud of Yao Ming. He plays so well this season of games. So _ I. A. do B. am C. did D. have I hear Liu Xiang broke the Asia Games Recorder. _ A. So he did B. So he does C. So did he D. So does he,Thank you!Bye!,


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