人体解剖学 human anatomy

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1、Human anatomy,Basic Concepts of Anatomy,Definition: human anatomy, the oldest science dealing with the structures and functions of body Gross anatomy: systematic anatomy regional anatomyApplied anatomyClinical anatomy,人体解剖学发展简史,Hippcrates,Hippocrates-希波克拉底(公元前460377)古希腊名医、解剖学鼻祖。,Galen,Galen- 伽林(1302

2、00)古希腊名医、解剖学家,著医经,对血液流动、神经分支和脑、心等器官有具体描述。,Vesalius-(15141564) 现代解剖学的奠基人,1543年出版了人体构造这一划时代的解剖学巨著。,Vesalius,Harvey,Harvey-(15781657) 解剖生理学家,发现了血液循环的原理,确定血液是在一个封闭的管道内循环。著有血液循环论、动物的发生两书。开创了动物实验研究的道路。,我国人体解剖学的发展历程,公元前300200黄帝内经已有对人体解剖的记载。 两宋时代五脏六腑、存真图描述了解剖学知识。 王清任(17681831)编著的医林改错更为详细的描述了解剖学知识。 19492003年

3、我国解剖学工作者队伍迅速成长,编写了多套具有我国特色的解剖学教材和解剖学图谱,对我国解剖学事业的发展做出了巨大的贡献。,人体解剖教学特点,人体解剖学的教学包括讲授和实地解剖。主要讲授各系统的总论和各解剖操作区的重点内容。实地解剖采取分组形式,在教师指导下,按照解剖操作指导,参照图谱由学生亲自动手解剖尸体,部分内容观察标本和模型。同时,密切结合活体的观察和触摸,并适当的结合一些临床病例讨论以增强对解剖学内容的理解和记忆。 教学大纲所列教学内容按要求程度的不同,分为“掌握内容”和“了解内容”两级。掌握内容为重点内容,学生必须通过反复学习与思考达到牢固掌握、熟练描述、准确指认和联系实际应用的程度。了

4、解内容则要求学生达到一般的认识和了解。,Descriptive anatomical terms,The anatomical position:(解剖学姿势) The body is upright, legs together, and directed forwards. The palms are turned forward, with the thumbs laterally.,The terms of the direction (方位术语),superior 上, inferior 下 anterior (ventral) 前 ( 腹侧 ) posterior (dorsal)

5、 后 ( 背侧 ) medial 内侧, lateral 外侧 internal 内, external 外 superficial 浅, profound 深 proximal 近侧, distal 远侧 ulnar 尺侧, radial 桡侧 tibial 胫侧,fibular 腓侧,Anatomical axes and planes (轴与面),Axis 轴: Vertical axis 垂直轴 Sagittal axis 矢状轴 Coronal axis 冠状轴Plane面: Sagittal plane 矢状面 Coronal plane 冠状面 Horizontal plane

6、水平面或transverse plane 横切面,The Locomotor System 运动系统,运动系统由bone 骨、joints关节和muscles 骨骼肌组成,占成人体重60% 骨起杠杆作用 关节是运动的枢纽 骨骼肌是动力器官 功能: support 支持 Protection 保护 Locomotion 运动,Introduction of the osteology 骨学总论,Bones in adult are 206 in number. Classification of boneBones are classified according to their positi

7、on and shape The position can be: skull 颅骨 bones of trunk 躯干骨 appendicular skeleton 四肢骨 Types of shape include: long bone 长骨 short bone 短骨 flat bone 扁骨 irregular bone不规则骨,Long bones (found in limbs): Diaphysis or shaft 骨干, which is hollow (called medullary cavity 骨髓腔), filled with bone marrow Two en

8、dsepiphysis 骺 articular surface 关节面, metaphysis干骺端, epiphysial cartilage 骺软骨, and epiphysial line 骺线 Short bones: cuboidal in shape, e.g. carpal bones,Flat bones: thin, Irregular bones: have any irregular or mixed shape, e.g. vertebrae, pneumatic bones含气骨 * Sesamoid bones籽骨: develop within tendon,Ge

9、neral structures of bone骨的构造,Bone substance 骨质 compact bone 骨密质 spongy bone 骨松质呈海绵状,由trabeculae骨小梁构成 In the flat bones of the skull, the layers of compact bone are called the outer plate and inner plate外板和内板, while the layer of spongy bone is called the diplo 板障,Periosteum 骨膜: Outer or fibrous layer

10、 Inner layer is vascular and provides the underlying bone with nutrition. It also contains osteoblasts(成骨细胞)Endosteum骨内膜 is a single-cellular osteogenic layer lining the inner surface of bone. Bone marrow 骨髓 Red marrow 红骨髓: haematopoietic 造血 Yellow marrow黄骨髓: fatty,Chemical composition and physical

11、properties化学成分和物理性质,Organic material有机质:主要是骨胶原纤维束和粘多糖蛋白。构成支架,赋予骨的弹性和韧性。Inorganic salts无机质:主要是碱性磷酸钙。赋予骨硬度和脆性,Bones of trunk 躯干骨,Composition: vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, sternum and ribsVertebrae 椎骨 There are 33 vertebrae in children, arranged as follows: Cervical vertebrae 颈椎 C.7 Thoracic vertebrae 胸椎

12、 T.12 Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 L.5 Sacral vertebrae 骶椎 S.5 sacrum 骶骨 Coccygeal vertebrae 尾椎 Co.34 coccyx尾骨,General features of vertebrae,Vertebral body 椎体 Vertebral arch 椎弓 pedicle of vertebral arch 椎弓根: sup. and inf. Vertebral notch 椎上、下切迹 lamina of vertebral arch 椎弓板 process (7): spinous process 棘突 tra

13、nsverse process 横突 sup. and inf. articular processes上、下关节突 Vertebral foramen 椎孔 Vertebral canal 椎管 Intervertebral foramen 椎间孔,Regional variations of vertebrae,Cervical vertebrae Vertebrae Body: small Vertebral foramen: larger and triangular Spinous processes: short and bifid in C3 to C5, long in C6,

14、and longer in C7 Transverse processes:short and bifid, transverse foramen横突孔 Articular processes: horizontal,Atypical vertebeae,Atlas寰椎 (C1) Body and spinous process absent, consists of anterior and posterior arches, and two lateral masses Groove for vertebral artery 椎动脉沟,Axis枢椎 (C2): distinguished

15、by dens齿突 which articulates with dental fovea of anterior arch of atlas,Carotid tubercle: 颈动脉结节: anterior tubercle of transverse process of C6 Vertebra prominens 隆椎(C7):contains long and non-bifid spinous process, it is visible with neck flexed, used as clinical landmark in counting cervical and tho

16、racic spinous processes,Thoracic vertebrae,Vertebrae Body :heart-shape, superior and inferior costal fovea 上、下肋凹 Vertebral foramen:smaller, rounder Spinous processes:long, point obliquely downward Transverse processes: transverse costal fovea 横突肋凹 Articular processes: coronal,Lumbar vertebrae,Vertebrae Body:larger, kidney-shape Vertebral foramen:larger and triangular Spinous processes: projects horizontally Transverse processes:long Articular processes: sagittal,


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