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1、中西医结合在未来医学中的作用 有待思路与方法的突破 Growth of the Integration of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and Its Effect on Future Medicine Awaiting a Breakthrough in Thinking Route and Working Method,河北医科大学中西医结合研究所 中西医结合基础博士后科研流动站李 恩 Li En , Hebei Medical University,前 言 (Introduction),1“三个医学”并存共同发展的局面2基础理论研究

2、促进了中药现代化,同时也丰富了基础 医学相关的学科,In a situation of co-existence of Chinese medicine , western medicine and Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine forming a new aspect of three-medicine growing in common.Basis theory study promoted of the modernization the Chinese Herbs, at the same time, enriching

3、 the Basis Medicinerelated subjects.,3临床研究中辨证与辨病相结合,宏观辨证与微观辨证显示了中医特色和中西医结合优势。,In clinical study, the effect of syndrome differentiation and differential diagnosis exhibits a special feature in traditional medicine and a superiority of Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine .The practice of

4、macroscopic syndrome differentiation in company with microscopic differential diagnosis improves the quality of both diagnosis and treatment.,4中西医结合进入了高层次研究阶段;全国现有中西医结合硕士点90个,博士学科点31个,博士后流动站6个。中西医结合教育体系正在形成中。,Presently, alongside the growth of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine, the

5、 research work of which has entered a senior stage. Now, 91 masters study stations concerning the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine are established. In addition, there are 31 doctors and 6 mobile spots for post doctoral student, showing that a system of the Integration of Traditional a

6、nd Western Medicine is shaping up and going to develop.,5中西医结合有待思路与方法的突破 创新能力三个要素:(1)洞察性:即能通过事物的表面现象把握其内在含义和本 质特性;,A development expected by the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine awaits a breakthrough of thinking route and working method. The ability of bringing new trailsand novel ide

7、as ought to hold three essential element: (1) Insight ability -trying to see things through the appearance to the essence .,(2) 敏感性:即能够接受新事物,发现新问题;(3) 独创性:即产生新的非凡思想能力,表现为产生新奇、罕见、首创的观念和成就。,(2) Sensibility - an ability apt to accept novel things and ideas and find out new problems .(3) Originality -be

8、ing able to have a pioneering spirit or a creative initiation in doing something with astonishing achievement.,一.医学发展的历史与当代医学的特点 The Era reflected by current medicine and its features,二三个医学的内涵与中西医结合“代桥”作用 The connotation of “Three Medicine“ and the effect of “Generation Bridge“ of Integration the Ch

9、inese Medicine and Western Medicine,西医学:即现代医学。它是自然科学和社会科学两大门类相结合的一门科学。随着近代科学的发展,运用现代的科学理论和技术,研究人体的结构和功能,各种病因的致病作用,病理变化,以及对疾病的诊断、治疗和预防,从而达到增强健康和延缓衰老为目的的 一门科学。,The western medicine namely the modem medicine which integrates two major departments of natural science with social science together. Along w

10、ith the progress of current science, the modern scientific theories and techniques are used to study the structures and functions of the human body,etiology, pathology and clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention, so as to strengthen one s health and to postpone ones aging.,中医学:中医学属于传统医学。传统医学是指:

11、“它是在现代医学传播和发展以前就已存在几百年的有生命力的医疗实践,而且至今还在应用。这些实践由于各国社会传统和文化不同而存在很大差异(WHO第八次工作纲要)。”说明中医是产生在经验医学时代的经验医学,各国传统医学有着各自的理论体系。中医学是世界传统医学中理论最完整、经验最丰富的传统医学,包括汉医、蒙医、维吾尔医、藏医以及其他少数 民族医等。,The Chinese medicine, which belongs to the traditional medicine which demonstrates that before the spread and growth of western

12、medicine ,the Chinese medicine had existed and practised clinically for several hundreds years with its great vitality tilt today .There is a significant difference between this two kinds of medical practice owing to the variations of social traditional cultures .Chinese medicine is regarded as an e

13、xperienced medicine originated from the age of experience medicine The traditional medicine in varying countries possess their own theory system, only the Chinese medicine remains the best integraty of its own theory and the richest experience of practice which includes the medicine of Han ,medicine

14、 of Mongolia and medicine of Urgur etc.,The medicine of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine is a subject of medicine in which involves the mode of thinking, objective content and observation process about the evolution and growth. The similarities and differences of both medicine are

15、 checked by comparing each other to acquire an outstanding increasing a new system of medical theory. In studying the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine.,人口谱和疾病谱的变化为中医发展 提供 了历史机遇 The alteration of the population spectrum and the disease spectrum provides a historical opportunity for the

16、 growth of Chinese medicine.,代谢性疾病与中医药的整体调节作用 Metabolic disease and integrated regulation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbs,饮食结构变化与环境污染 代谢性疾病糖尿病、肥胖症、骨质疏松、高脂血症(心脑血管疾病)、肿瘤、精神分裂症、先天畸形,Entity regulation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbs,Therapy: treat patient by syndrome differentiation,Recipe of Chinese medicinal herbs: a principle of Li,Fa,Fang ,Yno and rule of Jun, chen, Zuo, and Shi,



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