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1、2017-01-11operative operative | prtv /p-n. 职员, 侦探, 刑警adj. 动作的, 生产有关的, 运转的blackmail n. 敲诈; 勒索; 勒索所得之款v. 敲诈; 胁迫; 勒索U.S. intelligence agencies warned Donald Trump about claims Russian operatives were holding blackmail against him involving alleged perverted sexual acts during stays in Moscow and St. Pe

2、tersburg, according to reports.allegation allegation | lgenn. 断言; 辩解; 申述 ; 主张A two-page summary of the allegations were presented to Trump and President Obama last week in meetings with the CIA, NSA, FBIdefile defile | difaln. 隘道, 狭路; 纵队v. 弄脏, 损污; 败坏 ; 使失去光泽; 玷污; 以纵队前进pageant pageant | pdntn. 盛会, 虚饰

3、, 游行prostitute prostitute | prsttut /prsttjutn. 妓女, 男娼v. 使卖淫; 滥用witch-hunt witch-hunt可数名词1 搜捕女巫; 抓妖2 (以莫须有罪名进行的 ) 政治迫害coordinate coordinate | kdnetn. 同等者; 坐标; 同等物v. 调整; 整理; 协调一致, 协同动作; 归于同一类别; 成为同等重要adj. 同等的; 并列的It also includes other accusations that Trump was coordinating with Russia during his ca

4、mpaign.The report says Russian officials, with the approval of President Vladimir Putin, have been cultivating Trump for five years, and that he received intelligence information on political opponents.breach britn. 破坏, 违反; 破裂 ; 侵害; 裂痕v. 破坏, 违反; 冲破 , 突破; 侵害; 撕裂; 跳出水面FBI Director James Comey said tha

5、t both Democratic and Republican groups were breached by hackers.recuse re.cuserIkjuz; rikju:z动词(-cused,-cusing,-cuses)及物动词(认为循私之嫌而) 反对 (法官或陪审员) ; 要求 (法官或陪审员) 回避不及物动词(法官为免有循私之嫌而) 声明回避prosecutor pros.e.cu.tor-tL; -t可数名词1法律检察官2 执行者,经营者collude col.ludeklud; klu:d不及物动词勾结,串通,共谋withEarlier in the hearing,

6、 Sessions had refused to promise hed recuse himself or appoint a special prosecutor to investigate if evidence emerged that Trump or his campaign staff had colluded with Russia during the campaign. BuzzFeed 是一个美国的新闻聚合网站,2006 年由乔纳佩雷蒂(Jonah Peretti)创建于美国纽约,致力于从数百个新闻博客那里获取订阅源,通过搜索、发送信息链接,为用户浏览当天网上的最热门事

7、件提供方便,被称为是媒体行业的颠复者。7 年时间里,BuzzFeed 借助最拿手的猫猫狗狗榜单图让自己的内容风靡社交网络,并发展成为一个盈利的内容网站。plagiarism pla.gia.rismpldrIzm; plidjrizm名词1 (U)剽窃,抄袭2 (C)剽窃的行为 物Monica Crowley, Trumps communications director, has book sales halted after damning plagiarism scandalself-regard self-regard不可数名词1 自利,只顾自己的利益2 自尊“To know Joe

8、Biden is to know that love without pretense, service without self-regard, and to live life fully,” the POTUS said. “Im proud to award the presidential medal of distinction to my brother.”The award was a surprise. When Biden realized he was being given the honor, he began tearing up and turned around

9、 to collect himself.Mr. President, Im indebted to you. Im indebted to your friendship. Im indebted to your family,” know-how know-how不可数名词(口语)实用 专门 知识 ,技术资讯;(制造等的) 技术; 秘诀 (skill)business 生意的窍门the of space travel太空旅行的技术renowned re.nownedrInand; rinaund形容词(more ; most )1 有名的,闻名的one of the most hot spr

10、ings最有名的温泉之一2 闻名的for; 闻名的asHe is for his novels.他以所著的小说闻名He is as a novelist.他以小说家知名 他是位有名的小说家solitary sol.i.tar.ysltZrI; slitri源自拉丁文“孤单”的意思形容词(more ; most )1 a. (无比较级、最高级) 一个人的,孤单的 ,孤独的a cell单人牢房 confinement单独监禁a walk独自散步b. 喜爱孤独的, 有孤癖的2 人迹罕至的 ,偏僻的,孤立的,幽寂的a house一栋孤立的房子3 (无比较级、最高级 )唯一的,单一的,孤寂的There

11、is not a exception.无一例外名词1 (C)独居者, 隐居者2 (U) (犯人的) 单独监禁 (又作 solitary confinement)external ex.ter.nalIkstnl; kst:nl形容词(无比较级、最高级)1 外部的,外侧的,外面的( internal)the ear外耳 evidence外部证据2 外国的,对外的 trade对外贸易an loan debt外债3 医外用的for application use (药等) 外用的4 哲外界的, 现象界的,客观的 objects外物(存在于外界的事物)the world外界名词s外形,外观; 外界的事

12、情the s of religion宗教的外在形式(仪式等)judge by s以外观判断inception in.cep.tionInsZpn; inspn可数名词(文语)开始,开端 (beginning)at the of?在的开头 端Novosibirsk No.vo.si.birsknovosbIrsk; nouvousbisk新西伯利亚(又译诺沃西比尔斯克, 为西伯利亚中南部一城市 ,在鄂毕河边fidget fidg.etfIdIt; fidit不及物动词1 坐立不安, 烦躁,忸怩不安Stop ing!.别那样烦躁2 抚弄,玩弄withHe likes to with compute

13、rs.他喜欢玩弄电脑及物动词使 操心,使不安名词1 a. (C)坐立不安 ,局促不安,焦躁in a 忐忑 心神 不安的地b. the s不安的心情; 坐立不安give have, get the s使烦躁不安 感到心神不宁2 (C)烦躁的人spinner spin.ner可数名词1 纺织者 工人 ,纺织业者2 板球旋转球; 投旋转球的投手3 钓鱼旋转器, 旋转匙状诱饵(附有在水中旋转的金属片假鱼饵)4 冲浪在直进的冲浪板上转一圈motorcade motor.cademotLkd; moutkid可数名词汽车行列,汽车队creekkrik, krIk; kri:k可数名词1 (美)小溪, 小河

14、2 (英) (海、河、湖的) 小港,小湾up the creek (without a paddle) (俚)(1) (变得) 困难,处于困境中(2) 疯狂似的, 非常过分的(3) 错误的, 弄错的ran.chornto, rn-; rntou源自西班牙语“小屋”的意思可数名词(pl. s)1 牧场 农场 工人的小棚屋2 = ranchObamas motorcade headed to the ultra-exclusive Porcupine Creek Golf Club in Rancho Mirage, California con.stit.u.entknstItJnt; knstitjunt与 constitute 同字源形容词1 组成 的 ,成分要素的a part组成的成分2 有任命权的; 有选举权的a body有选举权的团体3 有权制定 修改 宪法的a assembly宪法制定 修正 会议 power制定 修改 宪法的权能可数名词1 (构成全体的) 构成要素,成分2 选民,选举人 (voter)3语言结构成分, 词组单位 immediate constituent,ultimate constituent.


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