外研版高中英语选修7 Module1 cultural corner

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1、Cultural Corner-1. Warm-up,basketball,American football (rugby),Cultural Corner-2.Read cultural corner and fill the form(try to write down the key words).-Free talk,Cultural Corner-Reading and Note-taking,Read the passage again and underline some important words and phrases.,American football (rugby

2、),1. Football or _ started in _ with a _ ball that players _ but could not _.,soccer,England,round,kicked,carry,2. In 1823, a _ picked up the ball during the soccer game and _ with it. His classmates enjoyed it. Later, rugby was played with an _ ball that could be both _ and _.,pupil,ran,oval,carrie

3、d,thrown,3. Rugby was _ to the USA and became _sport that Americans now call it _. However, people in China _ play it.,exported,popular,football,seldom,basketball,1. It was invented in 1891 in a _ by a _ teacher who wanted to _ exercise _ a noisy class. He _ two basket _ two tall poles and asked the

4、 players to throw the ball into the baskets.,gymnasium,physical education,provide,for,attached,to,2. The 13 rules he wrote are the _ of modern basketball rules.,basis,3. Basketball is very _ in the world.,popular,baseball,1. It _ probably_ _ an old English game called rounders.,2. A _of the game became popular in the early 19th Century. Modern rules of the game are very similar to his _ rules.,is,based,on,version,original,


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