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1、国际贸易国际贸易学院:国际经济贸易学院学院:国际经济贸易学院 专业:国际经济与贸易(双语)专业:国际经济与贸易(双语) 班级:班级:13061306 班班国际贸易知识点国际贸易知识点一、名词英汉互译。可在目录前的术语表中按首字母找。1*10=10二、名词解释。根据词意在书上找吧。3*5=15三、简答题 10*5=50(范围见下)四、论述题 25*1=25(范围见下)注意:以下资料中包括中英文,考试时只写英文即可。带注意:以下资料中包括中英文,考试时只写英文即可。带* *号题目需号题目需 从书上找。从书上找。 Chapter1 The International Business Imperat

2、ive(国际业务国际业务 的必要性)的必要性) P2*1、A Definition of International Business(国际商务定义)(国际商务定义)International business consists of transactions that are devised and carried out across national borders to satisfy the objective of individuals, companies, and organizations. These transactions take on various forms,

3、 which are often interrelated. EX-IM FDI Chapter5 The Theory of Trade and Investment(国际贸易国际贸易 和投资理论和投资理论) P116 1、The contents of Mercantilism(重商主义的内容)(重商主义的内容)In the centuries leading up to the Industrial Revolution, international commerce was largely conducted under the authority of governments. Th

4、e goals of trade were, therefore, the goals of governments.2、The theory of Absolute Advantage(绝对成本学说)(绝对成本学说)(1) 、简介(抄不抄考试时看题目定):Theory first introduced by Adam Smith - 1776 Absolute advantage - produce a product using the fewest labor hours.Division of labor - specialization in the production proce

5、ss dividing the process into distinct stages performed by exclusively by one individualApplied to countries based on their product specialization and ability to produce more for less. (2) 、Absolute Advantage main contents(绝对成本的主要内容):(考试写英文就行)Adam Smith argued that a country has an absolute advantage

6、 in the production of a product when it is more efficient than any other country in producing it 亚当斯密认为,一个国家在一个产品的生产具有绝对优势时,它比任何其他国家的产品生产效率 According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage and then trade these goods for the goods pr

7、oduced by other countries 据史密斯,国家应专门从事商品生产的是他们拥有的绝对优势,然后贸易其他国家生产的商品。 3、The theory of Comparative Advantage(比较成本学说)(比较成本学说)(1) 、简介:Comparative advantage - David Ricardo (1819)A comparative advantage means that no matter how good (or bad) you are at producing something, theres always something that yo

8、ure best (or least worst) at doing. Countries should focus on producing what they are best at and trade for the other products.(2) 、Comparative Advantage main contents(比较成本的主要内容)David Ricardo asked what might happen when one country has an absolute advantage in the production of all goods 大卫李嘉图问会有什么

9、情况发生如果一个国家在所有产品的生产方面都具有绝对优势。 Ricardos theory of comparative advantage suggests that countries should specialize in the production of those goods they produce most efficiently and buy goods that they produce less efficiently from other countries, even if this means buying goods from other countries t

10、hat they could produce more efficiently at home 李嘉图的比较优势理论认为,国家应专门从事他们所生产的商品的生产效率最高的产业并购买本国生产效率低的产品,即使这意味着从其它国家购买的商品,它们也可更有效。*4、Factor Proportions Trade Theory(要素比例说)(要素比例说) 见书见书 P123*5、The Leontief Paradox(里昂惕夫之谜)(里昂惕夫之谜) 见书见书 P125*6、产业内贸易学说产生的主要原因、产业内贸易学说产生的主要原因 见书见书 P132*7、The Competitive Advanta

11、ge of Nations (国家竞争优势论)(国家竞争优势论)P134Michael Porter 提出,认为决定一国的竞争优势有四个基本因素和两个附加因素。四个基本因素包括:生产因素、需求状况、相关与辅助行业、企业的策略、结构与竞争。两个附加因素是机遇和政府。见书 P135Chapter3 Trade and Investment Policies(贸易和投资政贸易和投资政 策策) P54*1、可能出英汉互译或名词解释:、可能出英汉互译或名词解释:International Trade Organization(ITO)国际贸易组织General Agreement on tariffs

12、and Trade(GATT) 关税与贸易总协定World Trade Organization(WTO)世界贸易组织2、CHANGE IN THE GLOBAL POLICY ENVIRONMENT(全球政策环境(全球政策环境的变化)的变化)Three major changes have occurred:A reduction of domestic policy influence;A weakening of traditional international institutions;A sharpening of the conflict between industrializ

13、ed and developing nations.3、RESTRCTIONS OF IMPORTThere are literally hundreds of ways to build a barrier. The following list provides just a few of the trade barriers that exporters face.Restrictive licensing 限制性许可证贸易Special import authorization 特别进口核准制Global quotas 全球配额Temporary prohibitions 临时限制 A

14、dvance import deposits 进口押金制Taxes on foreign exchange deals 外汇交易税Preferential licensing applications 优惠许可证贸易申请Excise duties (国内)货物税Licensing fees 许可证贸易税Statistical taxes 统计税Sales taxes 销售税Consumption taxes 消费税Service changes 服务费Taxes on transport 运输费Valueadded taxes 增值税Turnover taxes 营业税Internal tax

15、es 国内税4、The effects of Import Restrictions(对进口经济限制的效应)(对进口经济限制的效应)P68(1) Huge price from domestic consumers.(2) Downstream change in the composition of imports(3) Efficiency(4)Corporate response to import restrictions*5、The Host-Country Perspective(以东道国视角的观点)(以东道国视角的观点) P71Positive Impact 积极的影响:(英文见

16、书 72 页表 3.3)利用外资,引进技术和管理技能,地区和部门发展,增强内部竞争和企业实力,有利于国际收支平衡,增加就业。Negative Impact 消极的影响:(同上)控制产业.技术依赖.扰乱经济计划.改变文化.受投资国政府干预。Chapter 8 Economic Integration(经济一体化)(经济一体化) P1961、Levels of Economic Integration(经济一体化水平)(经济一体化水平)The Free Trade Area 自由贸易区:The free trade area is the least restrictive and loosest form of economic integration among countries.In a free trade area ,all barriers to trade among members are removed. The most notable fea



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