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1、国际商务英语 山东财经大学-自学考试与社会考试服务中心1 综合试题综合试题 综合试题综合试题 1 ITranslate the following words and expressions (10%) () From English into Chinese 1. manufactured goods 制成品 2. protectionist measures 保护措施 3. securities exchange 证劵交易 4. comparative 比较优势 5. Gross National Product 国民生产总值 () From Chinese into English 6.

2、 最惠国待遇 Most-Favored Nation Treatment 7. 宽限期 grace period 8. 不可以撤销信用证 irrevocable letters of credit 9. 运输单据 transportation documents, 10. 金边债券 gilt bond . Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right (5%) 11. compulsory a. policy to restrict imports ( d ) 12. trade b

3、arriers b. unit cost getting low with the increasing of quantity. ( a ) 13. specialization c. products produced with efficiency ( c ) 14. trade terms d. something must have be done ( e ) 国际商务英语 山东财经大学-自学考试与社会考试服务中心2 15. economics of scale: e. trade rules set by ICC ( b ) . Make brief explanations of

4、 the following terms in English (20%) 16. quota quota: the limited quantities or value of imports made by government for consideration to protect domestic industries. 17. PPP PPP: purchasing power parity, a decisive factor for the change of exchange rate. 18. deregulation deregulation: government lo

5、wers or abolishes some restrictive domestic or foreign economic policies and make the economic activity develop more freely. 19. infrastructure infrastructure: large-scale public services such as transportation, communication equipments. 20. indemnity indemnity: a basic idea in all branches of insur

6、ance that the insured should be in the same position after a loss as he was before it, neither richer nor poorer as a result of loss. . Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate words (10% ) 国际商务英语 山东财经大学-自学考试与社会考试服务中心3 Differs, Which, predecessor, mechanism. In one word, one, permane

7、nt, services, settle , World Bank Instead of being a mere replacement of GATT, the WTO 21_differs_ from its22 _predecessor_ in several prominent dimension. Firstly, as the name suggests, he GATT is only an agreement, or more exactly an interim secretariat, 23_In one word_ an organization entity in t

8、he true sense, while WTO is a full-fledged 24_permanent_ organization. Secondly WTO has a much broader mandate promoting trade liberalization of goods and 25_services_.Thirdly, the WTO has established far greater enforcement powers to 26_settle_ trade frictions among member countries, 27_Which_ is c

9、alled dispute settlement 28_mechanism_ . WTO has become 29_one_ of important three international economic organizations. The others two are 30._World Bank_ and International Monetary Funds. . Translate the following into English (25%) 31. 及时库存制源于日本,现在已经被很多国家企业采纳。 Just-in-time inventory system origin

10、ated from Japan and it has been widely adopted by many foreign enterprises of all over the world. 32. 国际贸易中常见的运输方式有水路、铁路、公路、管道及航 空运输。 The widely -adopted transportation modes in international 国际商务英语 山东财经大学-自学考试与社会考试服务中心4 business are water, rail, roads, pipeline and air transport. 33. 证劵所起着两种作用,它既是长

11、期资本的融资市场,又是各 类投资证劵的交易市场。 The Stock Exchange plays two fundamental roles: one for capital raising market, the other for exchange market of various investment securities . 34. 强制性的自动补偿措施是联合国贸易与发展会议解决发展中 国家贸易条件恶化的重要方案。 Compulsory and automatic compensatory measures are considered as a solution to solve

12、 the problem of deteriorating trade terms in developing countries. 35. 外汇汇率有三种形式,即买入价、卖出价和中间价格。 Foreign exchange rate has three types: buying rate, selling rate and middle rate or price. . Translate the following into Chinese (15%) 36. Economic globalization means the world is moving away from self-

13、contained national economies toward an interdependent, integrated global economic system. There exist many reasons for it: firstly, government deregulations and falling trade barriers make it easier to sell internationally, secondly, the tastes and preferences of consumers are converging on some glo

14、bal norm, thirdly, the dramatically rapid development of information technology is also an imperative driver. 国际商务英语 山东财经大学-自学考试与社会考试服务中心5 Economic globalization has two facets, one is globalization of production, the other globalization of market. 经济全球化指的是世界正在从封闭的国家经济变得越来越相互 依存的、更加一体化的全球经济体制。很多原因导致

15、经济一体化: 首先,各国政府管制放松、贸易壁垒的下降使全球销售变得更加方 便; 其次,消费者的消费兴趣、偏好更趋于国际全球标准,当然, 信息技术的快速发展也是经济全球化不可或缺的原因。经济全球化 有两种形式,一是生产全球化,二是销售全球化。 . Answer the following questions in English (15%) 37.what is the theory of absolute advantage . It is Adam Smith theory of international division of labor. It argued that a countr

16、y has an absolute advantage in the production of a product when it is more efficient ( lower cost and price ) than any other country in producing it. A country should produce these products with more efficiency and import those produced more efficiency in other countries. 38. What is the Brentton Woods System. Brentton Woods System was an international monetary system established in 1944, Under which, U.S dollar was pegg


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