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1、河南科技学院新科学院河南科技学院新科学院 20112011 级翻译期末论文级翻译期末论文 The writing principles and techniques of Business English letters 商务英语信函的写作原则与技巧商务英语信函的写作原则与技巧 学生姓名:学生姓名: 李卫芳李卫芳 所在系别:所在系别:_外国语言文学系外国语言文学系 所在班级:所在班级: 英英 语语 116116 学学 号:号: 20110806012011080601 完成时间:完成时间: 20142014 年年 6 6 月月 Contents Acknowledgments i Abstra

2、ct 1 摘要摘要 2 I. Introduction .3 II. Basic parts of a Business English letter . 3 2.1Letterhead 3 2.2 Date 4 2.3 Inside address . .4 2.4 Salutation .5 2.5 Body 5 2.6 Complimentary close .6 2.7 Signature .6. III. The writing principles of Business English letters .6 3.1 Conciseness 6 3.2 Clarity 7 3.3

3、Completeness 8 3.4 Concreteness . 8 3.5 Courtesy 9 3.6 Correctness 9 3.7 Consideration 10 IV. The writing techniques of Business English letters 11 4.1 Simple words best 11 4.2 Adopt the right tone 11 4.3 Note the use of jargon . 12 4.4 Use active voice rather than passive voice . 12 4.5 Vary senten

4、ce length 12 4.6 Have suitable paragraphs length 13 4.7 Pay attention to first and last impressions 13 4.8 Check your letters 13 V. Conclusion 14 Bibliography .15 Acknowledgments The completion of this paper is definitely not the work of my own, but the collected effort and help of many other people

5、. It is far from enough to just thank them here, but I will regret for all my life if I dont. First of all, my sincere and utmost gratitude goes to my translation teacher. Although I am very interested in Business English, it is so abstract that at first I failed to find it easy to write this essay,

6、 let alone the mastery of this subject. My gratitude also goes to all the teachers in the English Department, who have taught me in each different subject in English. Moreover, I want to thank my roommates for their persistent encouragement and deep trust in me. What they have done builds up my conf

7、idence and clears up my confusion, and I benefit quite a lot from their support. Last but not least, my deepest thankfulness goes to my parents for their love and education. Without their devotion, I can not enjoy my study in the university and receive so many peoples help in thesis writing and all

8、other things. 0 Abstract With the development of the globe economic and the continuous enlargement of our foreign trade, business English letters become increasingly important in the international trade. Business English letters are the major means of written communication between two parties in the

9、 international trade, and their writing is very important to the business of the enterprise. Fortunately, some writing principles and techniques can be used. In order to make the business letters accurate, verbal fluency, easier communication and understanding for the trading parties, we should foll

10、ow certain writing principles and use some writing techniques. Key words: Business English letters; writing principles; writing techniques 1 摘摘 要要 随着全球经济的发展及我国对外贸易的不断扩大, 商务英语信函在国际贸 易中的地位也越发重要。商务英语信函是国际贸易双方进行书面商务信息沟通 的重要手段,其撰写的成功与否对企业的业务有着极其重要的影响。商务英语信 函的写作是有规律可循的,即应遵循一定的写作原则和采用一些写作技巧,以使 商务信函表意准确,语言流

11、畅,更易于贸易双方的沟通与理解。 关键词:关键词:商务英语信函;写作原则;写作技巧 2 I. Introduction No one in this world can live without communication. Communication is what we human beings are born with. Of all forms of written communication, letters are the most common, the most numerous, and the most personal. Correspondence is one of

12、 the chief means of keeping oneself in touch with those separated by distance. Despite the availability of modern means of quick and convenient ways of communication, letters are as important as they were centuries ago. With the growth of commerce and industry, the usefulness of BC has also increase

13、d. When you enter a profession, you will have to write dozens of letters every day as part of your routine work. Many of these will be written to persons you have never met and perhaps you can never hope to meet. You will be writing letters to other firms and companies, customers, suppliers, associate organiza



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