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1、母乳喂养的益处, 分娩方式对母乳喂养的影响 以及确保成功的母乳喂养 THE BENEFITS OF BREASTFEEDING, HOW BIRTH PRACTICES IMPACT BREASTFEEDING, AND ENSURING BREASTFEEDING SUCCESS,Presented by Yanhong Wheeler and Ivy Makelin La Leche League Leaders, Beijing 国际母乳会哺乳辅导, 北京地区,您可能不知道以下让人惊讶的事实 Surprising Facts You May Not Know,母乳中含有超过400种有益成

2、分,而这些成分是奶粉里根本没有的。 There are over 400 ingredients in breastmilk that are not found in formula. 每一滴母乳中蕴含了数以百万的活性免疫细胞,而在一罐奶粉里找不到一个活的细胞,奶粉里只可能有被污染而滋生出的细菌。 There are millions of live immune cells in each drop of breastmilk, but not a single live cell in a whole can of formula except for perhaps bacteria.

3、,您可能不知道以下让人惊讶的事实 Surprising Facts You May Not Know,使用奶粉可能导致婴儿胃肠道出血,以及各种感染和过敏症状。 Formula feeding can cause gastrointestinal bleeding for the infant as well as lead to development of various infections, allergies and chronic diseases. 根据联合国相关部门统计,全世界每年有一百五十万的婴儿死亡案例与使用奶粉或其他代乳品有关。According to UN agencie

4、s, formulas and breastmilk substitutes are responsible for 1.5 million infant deaths worldwide per year.,母乳喂养=健康宝宝 BREASTFEEDING = HEALTHIER BABIES,少生病,生病严重程度轻,并且恢复快。Sick less often, and with less severity, shorter duration. 不易产生耳朵感染和呼吸道疾病。 Fewer ear infections and respiratory disease 从婴儿到成年,患过敏,哮喘和

5、皮疹的几率降低。 Fewer allergies, asthma and eczema throughout life 有效的降低了婴儿死亡率及幼儿癌症、糖尿病、肥胖、心血管疾病、消化道感染、脑膜炎、牙齿咬合畸形及龋齿的发病率。 Less incidence of mortality, childhood cancers, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, GI infections, meningitis, altered occlusion, dental caries. 有利于婴儿牙床,颌骨,牙齿,语言能力的发育。Have better

6、 jaw, speech, teeth and ocular development 预防一些致命的早产儿并发症,如新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)。 Protects premature babies from fatal complication: NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis),母乳喂养=健康宝宝 BREASTFEEDING = HEALTHIER BABIES,有助于宝宝的IQ发育,母乳喂养时间越长,宝宝的IQ越高,以后上学的成绩也越好。Helps baby reach his IQ potential - the longer baby is brea

7、stfed, the better his IQ and grades in school.避免营养不良和食用受污染奶粉而引起的感染性疾病。Less incidence of nutritional deficiencies and infection or side effects from contaminated formula.母乳喂养还可以加强宝宝接种疫苗后的免疫反应。 Breastfeeding enhances the babys response to immunizations he receives.,母乳喂养=健康妈妈 BREASTFEEDING = HEALTHIER

8、MOM,有助于妈妈减轻因怀孕而增加的体重,每天光母乳喂养就要消耗妈妈500大卡的热量。Helps mom lose pregnancy weight (500 calories burned per day just by breastfeeding!) 降低患骨质疏松的可能性。 Lower risk of osteoporosis 降低患类风湿性关节炎的可能性。 Lower incidence of rheumatoid arthritis 降低患二型糖尿病的风险。 Lower risk for diabetes type II 母乳喂养的妈妈不易患乳腺癌,卵巢癌和子宫内膜癌。研究表明喂养时

9、间越长,患病机会就越低。 Breastfeeding mother has lower risk of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers. Studies show - the longer the duration of breastfeeding, the lower the risks,母乳喂养 BREASTFEEDING,省时又省钱。Saves time and money 方便妈妈外出。Easier for mother to go out 帮助妈妈建立自信,促进母婴联系。Builds mothers self-confidence an

10、d promotes bonding 有助于妈妈更好的放松和休息。 Helps mother relax and rest better 有益于环境保护。 Is environmentally friendly 在经济情况下,或自然灾害时,不需依赖外物就可以保证宝宝的必需营养。 Readily available during emergencies or natural disasters,母乳喂养是金标准 BREASTFEEDING IS THE GOLD STANDARD,母乳喂养是喂养宝宝的标准方式,奶粉喂养只是权宜之计。 Breastfeeding is the standard,

11、formula feeding is sub-standard.世界卫生组织推荐,婴儿喂养的首要选择应该是母乳喂养,其次是妈妈将乳汁吸出喂养宝宝,再次是用其他妈妈的母乳来喂养,最后才是奶粉喂养。According to WHO, the first choice for infant feeding is mothers breastmilk, second choice is mothers expressed breastmilk, third choice is the breastmilk of another mother, and the last choice is formul

12、a milk.,健康与安全 HEALTH & SAFETY IS #1,生产往往只是一两天的过程,而母乳喂养是一个长期的过程,是以年来计算时间的。 Birth duration is a day or two; breastfeeding duration is measured in years.作为关心宝宝出生健康与安全的医护人员,更应该将如何安全的喂养宝宝也放在首位。If birth professionals are so concerned about babys safety and health during birth, then we should also make saf

13、e feeding practices a priority.,分娩方式对母乳哺育的影响绪论 HOW BIRTH PRACTICES AFFECT BREASTFEEDING INTRODUCTION,目前很多分娩时的措施可能会影响母乳哺育。 Many of our current birth practices may interfere with breastfeeding.有些是医学上所必须的,有些是助产士,与/或是病人所要求的。 Some are medically necessary, some are desired by the parents, some are unneces

14、sarily imposed by physicians.,分娩方式对母乳哺育的影响绪论 HOW BIRTH PRACTICES AFFECT BREASTFEEDING INTRODUCTION,对于单一的不利干预,母亲和婴儿通常能够适应,克服,从而成功地进行母乳哺喂。 With a single unfavorable intervention, mother and baby are usually still able to adapt, overcome, and successfully breastfeed. 但对同一对母婴进行太多干预,可能超出他们能适应的界线,母乳哺喂可能会失

15、败。 BUT with so many interventions in the same mother and baby, we approach the limits of adaptability limits beyond which breastfeeding will fail.,母亲可以选择的干预 INTERVENTIONS ABOUT WHICH MOTHERS OFTEN HAVE A CHOICE,选择性引产 Elective induction of labor 选择性的与反复的剖腹产 Elective and repeat cesarean delivery 使用止痛药

16、物 Use of pain medication 母婴分离 Separation of mother and baby,引产与母乳哺育的关系 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDUCTION OF LABOR AND BREASTFEEDING,怀孕期测定 PREGNANCY DATING,平均怀孕周数是40周,但正常范围在37至42周之间。“分娩期”预估于5周之内。 Pregnancy averages 40 weeks, but a range of 37-42 weeks is normal. The “due date” is an estimate in a 5 week

17、 range. 妊娠头三个月时的超音波检查最能准确地估计出怀孕周数,误差约在1周内。 First trimester ultrasound is the most accurate way to predict gestational age within 1 week.,怀孕期测定 PREGNANCY DATING,其它阶段的超音波计算不准确:妊娠中三个月的超音波检查估计的怀孕周数误差值在2周内,妊娠末三个月超音波检查估计的怀孕周数误差值在3周内。 Other ultrasound calculations are not precise: 2nd trimester ultrasound predicts gestational age within 2 weeks. 3rd trimester ultrasound predicts gestational age within 3 weeks. 在37周前和42周后的分娩对母婴风险增加。 Risks to mother and baby increase before 37 wks and after 42 wks.,


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