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1、 谋学网 励独立完成作业,严惩抄袭!一、交际英语- Take these pills three times a day. Come back and see me in a week.- _A. A. Thank you very much indeed.B. B. I cant make it.C. C. I havent decided yet.D. D. Good idea!2.- _- Im suffering from a stomachache.A. A. Are you feeling better?B. B. Why are you here?C. C. Are you pl

2、eased?D. D. Whats the matter with you?3.- Marilyn, Im afraid I have to be leaving now.- _A. A. That sounds wonderful.B. B. Oh, so early?C. C. Not at all.D. D. Good luck!4.- When did you move to America?- _A. A. Three years ago.B. B. About three years.C. C. Next year.D. D. This year.5.-Hows your fami

3、ly? 谋学网 - _A. A. Thanks all the same.B. B. Thanks for calling.C. C. Not too bad.D. D. Dont mention it.6.- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.- _A. A. Never mind.B. B. Im glad you like it.C. C. Please dont say so.D. D. No, Its not so good.7.- I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me. - _A.

4、 A. Not too bad.B. B. Thats all right.C. C. Its a pleasure.D. D. Thank you.8.- How tall is your sister?- _A. A. She is not very well.B. B. She is 28 years old.C. C. She is very nice.D. D. She is as tall as I am.9.- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- _A. A. You may ask for help.B. B.

5、 Ill give you a hand.C. C. Please do me a favor.D. D. Id come to help.10.- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! - _ This is not the end of the world. 谋学网 A. A. Good luck.B. B. Cheer up.C. C. Go ahead.D. D. No problem.11.二、词汇与语法Dont laugh _ people when they are _ trouble.A. A. inatB. B

6、. atatC. C. atinD. D. onin12.The Japanese, _ average, live much longer than the Europeans.A. A. withB. B. inC. C. toD. D. on13.We go to the cinema _ a week.A. A. oftenB. B. onceC. C. seldomD. D. usually14.Look! Here _ the famous player.A. A. comesB. B. comeC. C. had comeD. D. coming15.-_I put my coa

7、t here?-Sorry, you _.A. A. May; mustntB. B. Do; dontC. C. can; needntD. D. May; cant16.Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have _ of fat.A. A. a large numberB. B. the large numberC. C. a large amountD. D. the large amount17.The computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the

8、谋学网 Internet.A. A. broke downB. B. broke outC. C. broke upD. D. broke in18.The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brians _.A. A. moneyB. B. payC. C. expenseD. D. loss19.In order to _ your goals, you must work hard.A. A. makeB. B. achieveC. C. requireD. D. develop20.A

9、 long time ago, I _ in London for three years.A. A. had livedB. B. have livedC. C. livedD. D. have been living21.三、阅读理解请阅读以下文章,并判断文章后五个题干的正误。正确则选 T,错误则选 F。Lets watch the weather forecast on television. We may go to Scotland, we may go to Wales or London. We can decide after the forecast.Good morning

10、, and here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Northern Scotland will be cold, and there may be snow over High Ground. In the north of England it will be a wet day and rain will move into Wales and the Midlands during the afternoon. East Anglia(英格兰) will be generally dry, and it will be a bright c

11、lear day with sunshine, but it may rain during the evening. In the southwest it may be foggy during the morning, but the afternoon will be clear. It may be windy later in the day.(1) The speaker is planning to go traveling within the country. 单选题A. A. T 谋学网 B. B. F(2) The speaker can fly to Northern

12、 Scotland tomorrow morning, because it wont be foggy there tomorrow. 单选题A. A. TB. B. F(3) It will be a bright clear day in East Auglia tomorrow. 单选题A. A. TB. B. F(4) The forecast mainly tells us the whole country will have fine weather tomorrow. 单选题A. A. TB. B. F(5) You can infer from the passage th

13、at none of the places offers ideal weather tomorrow for travel.单选题A. A. TB. B. F22.请阅读以下文章,回答文章后的五个小题。每个小题只有一个最佳选项。22、How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds

14、to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we

15、 call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations - the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words



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