(江苏专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题二 完形填空 专题限时检测(十)完形填空之记叙文体(一)

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(江苏专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题二 完形填空 专题限时检测(十)完形填空之记叙文体(一)_第1页
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(江苏专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题二 完形填空 专题限时检测(十)完形填空之记叙文体(一)_第2页
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(江苏专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题二 完形填空 专题限时检测(十)完形填空之记叙文体(一)_第3页
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(江苏专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题二 完形填空 专题限时检测(十)完形填空之记叙文体(一)_第4页
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(江苏专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题二 完形填空 专题限时检测(十)完形填空之记叙文体(一)_第5页
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《(江苏专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题二 完形填空 专题限时检测(十)完形填空之记叙文体(一)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 增分篇 专题巧突破 专题二 完形填空 专题限时检测(十)完形填空之记叙文体(一)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1专题限时检测专题限时检测( (十十) ) 完形填空之记叙文体完形填空之记叙文体( (一一) )(共 3 篇,每篇限时 18 分钟)A(2017南京、盐城高三一模)Chris Marlow, a minister and father of two, would say that his life prior to 2009 was good but ordinary. Then a mission trip to Zimbabwe turned his entire world _1_ upside down, and he returned to his home in North Car

2、olina a(n) _2_ man.It was on this trip that Marlow was faced with the _3_ of extreme poverty that showed itself determinedly in the faces of _4_ children begging for food. One orphaned boy, in particular, who slept on the concrete floor of an _5_ gas station with dozens of other orphaned children, _

3、6_ the direction of Marlows lifes work forever. The young boy begged Marlow to allow him to work for him _7_ food, as he had not eaten for days and was starving. It was an _8_ that Marlow could not forget as he spent the following days of the trip driving through dusty roads and desperation, _9_ to

4、find a way to feed the hungry orphans.Marlow went on to found Help One Now, a nonprofit organization that _10_ ordinary people to help provide food, shelter, and education for poor children in Africa, Haiti, and around the world through _11_ acts of generosity. In 2016 he published his first book, D

5、oing Good Is Simple, the story of his transformative experience with the reality of severe poverty, as a _12_ for others looking to make a positive _13_ in the world from right where they are.The book does more than_14_ people to do good it puts the suggestion into action with every _15_. “ Early on

6、, we decided that we would use the profits of Doing Good Is Simple to _16_ meals for children in our communities around the world, ” Marlow explains. “Every book that is _17_ will provide five meals for children in one of our communities. In the first 30 days after the books _18_, we hit over 30,000

7、 meals.”Help One Now is _19_ working to aid Haiti in the disaster relief of Hurricane Matthew. “We encourage those interested in working with the _20_ to think of ways to help that fit their individual personalities and lifestyles, ” he says. “And we also love to see you advocate for us. ”语篇解读:本文是一篇

8、记叙文,讲述了克里斯马罗致力于帮助非洲、海地乃至全世界的极端贫困儿童的感人故事。21A.economy BmapCview Dtour解析:选 C 根据上文中的内容可知克里斯马罗在 2009 年之前的生活很好但是平凡,但前往津巴布韦的布道之旅颠覆了他的整个世界观。故选 C 项,world view“世界观” 。2A.astonished BchangedCinspired Dconfused解析:选 B 根据上文中的“Then a mission trip to Zimbabwe turned his entire world _1_upside down”可知,前往津巴布韦的布道之旅颠覆了克

9、里斯马罗的整个世界观,故他回到家时已有所改变(changed)了。故选 B 项。3A.atmosphere BshapeCaddition Dreality解析:选 D 根据空格后的“of extreme poverty . children begging for food”可知,此处指极度贫困的事实。第四段中的“the reality of severe poverty”亦是提示。故选 D 项。4A.starving BcryingCstruggling Drunning解析:选 A 根据空格后的“begging for food”可知,此处指挨饿的(starving)孩子们。故选 A 项

10、。5A.abolished BacquiredCattached Dabandoned解析:选 D 一个孤儿跟许多其他的孤儿一起睡在废弃的加油站的混凝土地面上。故选 D 项。6A.shifted BblockedCtook Dpulled解析:选 A 根据上文提到的前往津巴布韦的布道之旅改变了克里斯马罗的整个世界观,以及下文的内容可知,一个孤儿改变了(shifted) 克里斯马罗一生的工作方向。故选 A 项。7A.in return for Bin favor ofCin exchange for Din search of解析:选 C 根据空格前的“work for him”及空格后的“fo

11、od, as he had not eaten for days and was starving”可知,这个小男孩请求克里斯马罗允许他为他工作以交换食物。in return for“作为对的回报” ;in favor of“支持,赞成” ;in exchange for“交换” ;in search of“寻找” 。故选 C 项。8A.interruption Binterval3Cinterview Dinteraction解析:选 D 根据上下文可知,此处指这是一个克里斯马罗不会忘记的互动。故选D 项。9A.convinced BdeterminedCprepared Dsatisfie

12、d解析:选 B 克里斯马罗下定决心要找出养活这些饥饿的孤儿的办法。convinced“确信的” ;determined“决定了的,有决心的” ,determined to do sth.“决心要做某事” ;prepared“准备好的” ;satisfied“满意的” 。故选 B 项。10A.reminds BequipsCrequires Dpermits解析:选 B 克里斯马罗接下来创办了非营利组织Help One Now,该组织使普通人能够通过简单的(simple)慷慨行为向非洲、海地以及全世界的穷孩子提供食物、住处和教育上的帮助。故选 B 项,equip“使有能力,使有所帮助” 。11A

13、.brief BgracefulCsimple Dcourageous解析:选 C 参见上题解析。12A.measure BruleCtool Dguide解析:选 D 根据语境可知,对其他力求产生积极的影响(difference)的人来说,这本书是一个有指导意义的事物(guide)。故选 D 项。13A.decision BrequestCdifference Dcomment解析:选 C 参见上题解析。make a difference“有作用,产生影响” ,是固定用法。14A.encourage BentitleCallow Dappoint解析:选 A 这本书不仅仅鼓励人们做好事。故选

14、 A 项。15A.attempt BpurchaseCpublication Dadoption解析:选 B 根据下文的“we decided that we would use the profits of Doing Good Is Simple”可知,此处指用购买这本书的方式把建议付诸行动。故选 B 项。16A.submit BcontributeCpass Dprovide解析:选 D 早期,我们决定用销售Doing Good Is Simple所得的利润向孩子们提供4膳食。故选 D 项。17A.written BsoldCread Dbought解析:选 B 根据上文可知,被销售的每

15、本书(所得的利润)可以向我们的其中一个社区的孩子们提供五顿膳食。故选 B 项。18A.release BrecoveryCreservation Dregistration解析:选 A 在这本书发行后的头三十天里,我们提供了三万多顿膳食。故选 A 项。19A.eventually BannuallyCcurrently Dpermanently解析:选 C Help One Now目前正在为海地提供灾难援助。故选 C 项。20A.organization BcommunityCcorporation Dgovernment解析:选 A 根据上文可知,Help One Now是一个非营利组织,此

16、处指我们鼓励那些有兴趣与这个组织一起工作的人想出适合他们个性特征和生活方式的方法来提供帮助。故选 A 项。B(2017苏、锡、常、镇高三模拟)At three, Chelsie Hill decided to become a dancer. She won her first competition at five and _1_ dancing through her school years. She made the high school dance team and everything seemed to _2_ a career as a professional dancer. However, _3_ struck. After a party, Chelsi



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