高中英语(北师大版必修3)导学案:unit 7 the seal4

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1、 M3 Unit7 LessonLesson 4 4 SeaSea 阅读导学案阅读导学案Class: Group: No._ Name: 组内评价:组内评价: 教师评价:教师评价: 【learning aims】: 1.To learn the sequencing strategies. 2.To sequence the order of a sea story. 3.To retell the story【自主学习 温故知新】 Activity1: Words Bank: I. Please note down the words and phrases. 1. on the edge

2、of the whirlpool_ 2. be adapted from _ 3. in the direction of _ 4. 被.覆盖 _ 5.把.系在._ 6. 沉到漩涡底中 _ II. Language study 1.escape: vi. get free, get away from imprisonment or control n. (act or action of) escape n. something that frees one from unpleasant or full reality 1). He wanted to (逃避惩罚) 2). The ban

3、k robbers 乘车逃逸乘车逃逸(n.) 3). 墙塌下来墙塌下来, 险些砸着她险些砸着她. She when the wall nearly fell on her. 4). She read detective stories (解闷解闷 ) 2.survive: v. to continue to live or exist, esp. after coming close to death n. survival survivor: n. a person who has continue to live, in spite of coming close to death.1).

4、 这次火灾中没有几所建筑物幸免于难这次火灾中没有几所建筑物幸免于难. Few buildings 2). 这次飞机失事中只有一名幸存者这次飞机失事中只有一名幸存者. from/ of the plane crash. 3.recognize: v. to know again ( someone or something one has seen, heard, or experienced before). to accept as being legal or real, or as having value. to see clearly though perhaps unwilling

5、; be prepared to admit 1). 这个城镇的变化太大了这个城镇的变化太大了, 你会认不出它来的你会认不出它来的.2). 她是公认的教英语的权威她是公认的教英语的权威. (authority) She is a . 4. all at once: suddenly, all of a suddenat once once more / once again once or twice 1)When the meeting was over, he left the room _.育育人人设设计计:方方法法导导引引:第一步:第一步: 阅读课文 做词汇储备。第二步:第二步: 自学

6、词汇, 查字典了解 用法,补全 句子巩固自 学。用所给词义用所给词义 填空。填空。2)Would you please say it ? 3)I made the same mistake . 5.“pick up”:重新开始;好转;(偶然)买到;拾起;学会;接收 (节目) ; 1).The boy picked up this book in a small bookstore. 词义:_ 2).He picked up the local language quickly. 词义:_ 3).Many cell-phones can pick up programs as radios do

7、. 词义:_ 4.)They picked up their conversation after lunch. 词义:_ 5.)If the situation doesnt pick up next year, we will quit the industry. 词义: _ 6).The boy picked up the hat for the old man. 词义:_ Activity2: Translate the following sentences. 1. It took less than a single day to change my hair from black

8、 to white. 仿写:他花了不到 1 年的时间就把这本书翻译成 3 种外语。 译_ 2. The waves soon carried me to an area where the other fishermen were. 仿写:他发现他自己躺在一个长满绿草和开满鲜花的地方。译_ 【.运用阅读策略、合作探究能力提升】 Activity3: .Reading: Sequence the plot (故事情节故事情节) of each paragraph. I. Read paragraph B and circle the linking words A. Then an enormo

9、us wave covered our boat and my younger brother fell into the sea. B. One day, my two brothers and I were coming back from fishing. C. After that, we were going in the direction of the whirlpool. D. All at once, the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible sto

10、rm The correct order: . Its _ order II. Read paragraph A and circle the linking words. A. The boat was on the inside of the whirlpool and was going round in circles. B. I noticed that the heavier objects went down more quickly. C. We went nearer and nearer to the horrible edge of the whirlpool D. Wh

11、ile circling, I saw a lot of things in the whirlpool. E. I tied myself, dived into the sea and escaped. F. We went over the edge. The correct order: Its _ order. III. Read paragraph C and circle the linking words. A. I was still tied to the barrel, floating on the sea. B. My friends boat picked me u

12、p and they were unable to recognize me because my hair changed from black to white. C. The waves carried me to an area where the other fishermen were. D. The boat with my brother in it sank into the bottom of the whirlpool.重点句型运重点句型运 用。用。第三步:第三步: 小组讨论, 关注关键词 如:时间, 空间,动作 等,对活动 排序。第四步:第四步: 复述复述课文填 空,巩

13、固课 文内容。第五步:第五步: 熟能生巧熟能生巧 定语从句练 习帮助学生 总结提炼规 律。学 案 装 订 线 The correct order: Its order. Activity 4: Retell the storyUse the key words to help you retell the story. Homework: Finish Part B on Newspaper 28. 定语从句 7. 请将下列句子非谓语部分改写成定语从句:下列句子非谓语部分改写成定语从句: 1.1.Do you know the woman talking to Tom?Do you know the woman _ _ _ to Tom? 2.The road joining the two villages has just been broadened. The road _ _ the two villages has just been broadened. 3.Those injured in the acci


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