高中英语(北师大版必修3)导学案:unit 7 the sea lesson 2

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1、M3 Unit 7 Lesson 2 Protecting the Sea 听说导学案听说导学案Class: Group: No._ Name: 组内评价:组内评价: 教师评价:教师评价: 【Learning aims】1.To know some new words related to sea pollution. 2. To get some information about sea pollution.3. To express personal opinions on sea pollution. Lesson 2 Protecting the Sea Listening and

2、speaking【课前预习课前预习】 Task I: Do exercise 2 on Page10. Task II: 词汇学习-根据语境,写出划线单词的意思,并背会。 1. Bicycle is a good exercise; moreover, it does not pollute the air.( ) 词性: Here are three kinds of pollution. Among them, which is the most serious, air pollution, water pollution or noise pollution? ( ) 词性: 2. B

3、y 1900 Britain was a mainly industrial society. ( ) 3.The countrys economy(经济) is mainly agricultural and depends on crops like coffee.( ) 4 Smoking is banned in the train. ( ) 5. Some customers are quite difficult to handle. ( ) 6. He moved from Quality Control Department to the Sales Department. (

4、 ) 7. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful solution. ( ) 8.The government has promised to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.( ) 9. Dolphins are very intelligent, they can communicate.Theyre animals of high intelligence.( ) ( )【课堂学习课堂学习】 Listen and complete the table. Problem

5、 1:_Problem2: _CausesAll sorts of chemicals, _, _, oil. Most of them come from industrial and _ waste. Too many _ fishing in the same place. Better _.SolutionsGovernment looks for ways to_ pollution. Some departments _ _ _ of levels of pollution. Others are_ _ finding where it comes from. and punish

6、ing people who have _ The government tries to _ the _ of fish that people can catch. In the worst areas, they _ _completely. They also try to help people to 第一步:预习单 词 方法导 引:提 前预习 相关词 语 通过练 习,扫 除词句 障碍第二步:听取信 息 方法导 引:提 前读题 并预测 答案。_ _._ other kinds of jobs. 【能力提升能力提升,合作学习合作学习】 词汇学习:Notice some useful p

7、hrases in the listening text and give the meanings. 1.处理,对付_ 2. 保护海洋 _ 3.的数量_ 4.捕鱼 _ 5.引起污染_ 6.工农业废料 _ 7.减少污染_ 8.做记录 _ 9.对负责任_ 10.违法 _ 11.禁止捕鱼_ 12.以捕鱼为生 _ Speaking 1 Do an interview on how to protect the sea. 2Do exercise7 on P11.【加油站加油站-课后巩固空间课后巩固空间】 1.We find few birds in this area because there _

8、 _ _ _.(有许 多污染) 2.应该采取措施阻止污染。 (用被动语态)Measures should_ _ _to stop pollution. 3.一些政府部门正在努力解决这种状况。 Some _ _are trying to_ _the situation. 4.很难查出谁应该对污染负责任。 It is difficult to find who_ _ _ pollution. 5.因为违反交通规则,汤姆被禁止驾驶一年。 Tom has been _ for a year because of_ the traffic law. 6. 私家车的数量正在增长。 (the number

9、of)7.尽量保护皮肤别让太阳晒到。 ( preventfrom) 【定语从句练习定语从句练习 5】 1. Ill give you my friends home address,_ I can be reached most evenings.A. which B. when C. whom D. where 2. She brought with her three friends, none of _ I had ever met before.A. them B. who C. whom D. these 3. My friend showed me round the town,

10、_ was very kind of him. A. which B. that C. where D. it 4. A person _ e-mail account is full wont be able to send or receive any e-mails. A. who B. whom C. whose D. whoever 5. Its helpful to put children in a situation _ they can see themselves differently. A. that B. when C. which D. where第三步:提炼信 息

11、 方法导 引:在 听力中 学生要 进行有 重点的 听取信 息,并 得出答 案 第四步: 能力提 升 方法导 引:运 用所学 内容, 输出语 言,学 以致用 在新的 语句或 语境中 运用刚 刚学过 的词汇 和句型。学 案 装 订 线 6. I have reached a point in my life _ I am supposed to make decisions of my own. A. which B. where C. how D. why 7.The man pulled out a gold watch, _ were made of small diamonds. A. the hands of whom B. whom the hands ofC. which the hands of D. the hands of which Homework: Finish Part B on Newspaper27.


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