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1、初中英语交际对话复习,考查内容 补全对话题的内容主要是基于课本,以新课标中所列的日常生活的话题为主,英语新课程标准要求学生掌握初中毕业生学会使用一些常用的功能意念项目以达到初步交际的目的。这些功能意念项目包括:问候、介绍、告别、感谢、道歉、邀请、请求允许、祝愿和祝贺、提供帮助、约会、打电话、就餐、就医、购物、问路、谈论天气、语言交际困难、提醒注意、劝告、建议等20个项目。,试题形式 出题的形式为补全对上句问题的回答或者是补全对下句所回答问题的提问。题型有选择式、逻辑排列式、填词式、填句式等。就我省中考题型而言,补全对话只有一种形式,就是根据上下文语境填写对话中所空出的语句,这就要求学生在平时的

2、学习中,要注意交际语言量的积累,在复习的过程中要侧重应试能力以及应试技巧的培养。,解题步骤 1.通读对话,仔细审题学生应将对话从头至尾通读一遍,并根据对话所给的情景判断出谈话双方的关系,谈话地点,谈话方式,谈话话题内容等基本情况。从而对症下药,从头脑中提取所需的习惯用语, 为顺利地完成此题做好准备。 2. 分析对话,试填答案 根据通读整个对话所获得的信息试探性地猜测所需语句。试填答案时,一要问答一致并根据所学关方面典型句型来试填。二要注意对话的表达要符合西方人的风俗习惯。英汉两种语言对日常生活中的同一话题可能会有不同的表达方式。不同的中西文化差异,要靠我们在平时的学习中注意积累、归纳与总结。由

3、于东西方的文化差异,当中国学生学英语时,难免有时会用汉语进行思维,这样多少会反映出汉语言特色,说出不地道的英语。但学习语言,同时也是学习一种文化,我们有必要学习标准的英语表达法,熟记具有文化差异的典型例句。,3.逐字细读,确定答案 要求学生把整个对话重读一遍,检查问答是否一致,对话是不是通顺,流畅,前后句子是不是符合逻辑,是否符合习惯用法。首字母、标点是不是书写正确。 4.复读整个对话,验证答案 所有空白都填好以后,还不是最后完成,还要验证。这时同学们要再认真仔细地阅读全文,对所有的答案逐个再做一次复检,细心审查,注意细枝末节,纠正包括大小写、标点、时态、语态及表达法等在内的任何错误,只有耐心

4、细致,才能确保万无一失。,特别注意:一定要单词拼写正确,书写规范有序,整体干净美观。,归纳总结功能相同的句型: 感谢类: Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much! 答谢类: Thats all right . 没关系.Thats OK. 没关系.Not at all. 不用谢.You are welcome.不必谢.Its a pleasure.,道歉类: Sorry.I am sorryI am sorry for 应答类: Thats all right.It doesnt mat

5、ter.Thats nothing.,建议类: You had better Shall we do ?What about doing ?How about doing ?Why not do ?Lets do sth OK ?Would you like some ?,同意类: OK. Sure.Certainly. All right. Yes, please.Yes, I think so.I agree with you. 不同意类: I am afraid not. Sorry, I dont think so. I really cant agree with you.,祝愿祝贺

6、类 Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good (nice) time!Congratulations to you!Happy Teachers Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!,3. 熟记“问” 字句型 问天气: Whats the weather like today?How is the weather today? 问时间: Whats the time?What time is it? 问职业: Whats your father?Whats your fathe

7、rs job?What does your father do?,问价格: Whats the price of the book?How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay for the book? 问年龄: How old are you?Whats your age? 问地址: Where do you live?Whats your address?,问姓名: Whats your name?Could I have your name, please?Do you mind my kn

8、owing your name?Do you mind if I know your name?Can you tell me your name? 问词意: What do you mean by saying the word?Whats the meaning of the word?What does the word mean?,问单位: Where do you work?What company are you working for? 问爱好: Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?Whats your hobby?Whats y

9、our favorite? 问感受: What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?,问数量: How many people are there in your family?How much water do you drink every day? 问人口: Whats the population of China?How many people are there in China?How large is the population of China?,问路线: Which is the way to the sta

10、tion?Do you know the way to the station?Can you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station? 问尺寸: What size is your sweater?What size do you want?What size do you need?,问距离: How far is your school from here?How far away is your school from here? 问日期: Whats the date today? 问星期: What d

11、ay is it today? 问高度: How tall are you?Whats your height?How high is the mountain?,问宽度: How wide is the river? 问长度: How long is the bridge? 问体重: Whats your weight?How much do you weigh? 问电话: Can I know your telephone number?Whats your telephone number?,(一)看病 A:Good morning. B:Good morning. Whats wron

12、g with you? A:I dont feel very well and Ive a headache. B:How long have you been like this? A:Ever since this morning. B:Maybe youve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature? A:No, I havent. B:Can I take your temperature? A:OK. B:Oh, youve got a fever. A:Is it serious? B:Nothing serious. A:Wha

13、t should I do then? B:You can take some medicine and drink much water. A:How often should I take this medicine? B:You can take this medicine three times a day and youll be all right soon. A:Thank you, doctor. Ill do as you say. Bye! B:Bye,二)打电话 J-Jim M-Mrs Read J:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?

14、 M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, Im afraid. She isnt here right now. J:Can I leave a message for her? M:Yes, please. But who is that? J:This is Jim speaking. M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you? J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me? M:Sure! Whats your telephone number? J:My telephone number

15、is 1234567. M:Ill give the message to her as soon as she comes back. J:Thank you. Good-bye! M:Bye!,三)购物 A:Good morning. Can I help you? B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one? A:What size do you need? B:Size 38. A:How about those ones? B:I dont like this color. Have you go

16、t any other colors? A:Yes. How about this one? B:It looks nice. Can I try them on? A:Sure. B:Oh, its just right. Where is it made? A:Its made in Japan. Its very comfortable. B:How much are they? A:100 yuan. B:Its too expensive. I cant afford it. Have you got a cheaper one? A:Well. Im afraid its the cheapest one. B:OK. Ill take it. Here is the money. A:Thank you. Good-bye! B:Bye!,


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