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1、海淀区 2015 高考英语阅读理解训练(10) (答案)【2015 高考复习】阅读理解 We may have hosted some difficult house guests once or on even more occasions. Are you still worrying about how to deal with them? Here below are some tips on how to deal with those difficult house guests.Youve been waiting an hour to eat breakfast but you

2、r guests are still sleeping.“Unless you adjusted a time for breakfast the evening before, let your guests sleep in and enjoy your breakfast without them. If possible, keep their breakfast warm. Or better yet, when entertaining its always a good idea to have cold breakfast (as well as lunch, dinner a

3、nd snack ) food onhand. ”Pamela Eyring, president and director of The Protocol School of WashingtonYour guests teenage son is a Facebook addict and hogs your computer all day long.“If you have a guest whose fingers are fixated on your keyboard, kindly let him know that you are expecting work email a

4、nd give him enough time to finish using it. ”Ummu Bradley Thomas, founder of the Freddie Bell Jones Modeling his brother didnt known that he was lying face down in the pasture. Again he said, “Hey, Eugie,” an anxious push in his voice. But Eugie was as still as the morning about them.1. What does th

5、e underlined word “screened” in para 1 probably mean?A. Separated B. Stopped C. Dragged D. Hidden答案解析:答案为 D。本题为词义推断题。结合前四段可知,Eugie 和 Arnold想去偷鸭子,可以推断,为了不被人发现,他们躲在隐蔽的地方,D 选项“隐藏”最符合文意。 A 选项意为 “分离” ,B 选项意为 “阻止” ,C 选项意为“拖、拉” ,均不符合文意。2. From Para 2 to Para 4,we know that .A. Eugie always laughed at Arnol

6、d.B. Eugie would help Arnold hit the ducks.C. Arnold begged Eugie to go in after the ducks.D. Eugie was worried that Arnold might drown答案解析:答案为 A。本题为推理题。从 Eugie 的动作和语言 “Eugie lowered his eyelids, Youd drown before you got it, the legs of yours are so weak.He said contemptuously.” 可知,Eugie 认为 Arnold

7、无法偷到鸭子,他可能会淹死,因为他的腿有问题。Eugie 的语气轻蔑高傲,故可推断,Eugie 总是嘲笑 Arnold。故答案为 A。3. Why did Eugie lie still?A. Arnold shot him intentionally.B. Arnold killed him accidengtally.C. He pretended to be unconscious.D. He was ready to shoot some ducks.答案解析:答案为 B。本题为细节推理题。结合第六段 “.His rifle caught on the wire and he pull

8、ed at it. The air was rocked by the sound of the shot. Feeling foolish, he lifted his face.” 可知,Arnold 的枪缠到了电线上,在他准备去拉枪的时候,空气被枪击的声音震动了,他觉得他真是笨; 又及第七段 “.Eugie seemed to be climbing the earth, as if the earth ran up and down, and when he found he couldnt scale it he lay still.”可推知,Eugie 的动作是中弹后的动作,他感到

9、大地在摇晃,原来是 Arnold 无意中开枪击中了 Eugie,他已经死去,静静地躺着。故答案为 B。4. It can be inferred from the passage that .A. the relationship between Arnold and Eugie was not so good.B. Arnold followed Eugie approaching the lake to steal ducks.C. they were crouching forward to steal the wheat.D. Eugie was always taking care

10、of Arnold.答案解析:答案为 A。本题为推理题。结合第四段 “Eugie lowered his eyelids, Youd drown before you got it, the legs of yours are so weak. He said contemptuously” 和后文的第六段 “Feeling foolish, he lifted his face, baring it to an expected shower of dersision from his brother.” 可知,Eugie 总是嘲笑 Arnold. 他们的关系应该不好。故 A 选项正确。由第

11、一段第一句话 “Arnold followed Eugie down the slope.”可知,B 选项是文章提到的细节,无需推理。由第二段 Eugie 说. “If you hit your duck, you want me to go in after it ?” 可推断,他们去偷鸭子,不是麦子。由前面的分析知,Eugie 总是嘲笑 Arnold,不会照顾 Arnold。综合上述分析,B、C、D 均不选。阅读理解阅读理解-CCharles Dickens (1812-1870), the great nineteenth century English novelist, was bo

12、rn near Portsmouth. His father ran heavily into debt and when he was twelve, he had to go and work in a factory for making boot polish. The only formal education he received was a two-year schooling at a school for poor children. In fact, he had to teach himself all he knew. He worked for a time as

13、junior clerk in a lawyers office. After that, he worked as a reporter in the law courts, and later in parliament, for London newspapers. His career as a writer of fiction began in 1833 with short stories and essays in periodicals, and in 1837 his comic novel The Pickwick Papers made him the most pop

14、ular author at his time in England.He was a great observer of people and their places because he was attracted by life and conditions in mid-nineteenth century London. He wrote 19 novels all his life and in many of them, Dickens gave a realistic picture of all classes of England society, showing dee

15、p sympathy for the poor and unfortunate, exposing the injustice and inhumanity of the bourgeoisie.Many of his novels like Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Nicholas Nickleby, Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities and so on drew attention to the unsatisfactory social conditions that existed in Engl

16、and over a hundred years ago.Dickens criticized capitalist society from the point of view of bourgeois humanism. He wished to see improvement in the living conditions of the poor, but failed to find any effective means to achieve that end.11. Dickens only received a little formal education because_.A. he wanted to teach himselfB. he wanted to work and made a lot of money C. he was too poor to afford any more formal educationD


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