陕西省榆林市育才中学高中英语必修五导学案:unit5 first aid (new words and warming-up)

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陕西省榆林市育才中学高中英语必修五导学案:unit5 first aid (new words and warming-up)_第1页
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1、 学习目标:学习目标:1. 熟记本单元重点单词 重点短语;了解单词及派生词,词组。2. 了解急救相关知识及相应的急救措施学法指导:学法指导:在词汇学习的基础上,根据提示写出相应单词;预习课文 warming up 部分,结合你所掌握的知识完成预习案部分的内容。 预预 习习 案案1a_ n. beforefound 是_. 1.aid n.援助;资助; first aid 急救 拓展: aid sb. _ /_sth.帮助某人做某事;aid sb _ sth 帮助某人某事 with the aid of在的帮助下;dogiveoffer first aid_In aid of _.e.g.: F

2、oreign aid from many countries poured into the famine area. 译文: Im collecting money in aid of starving children. 译文: With the aid of a local artist, the pupils created the wall painting. 译文:学以致用: 1. My grandpa is deaf, so he has to use a hearing _.A. help B. machine C. aid D. assist 2 If I had known

3、 more about giving_(急救), I could have helped him. 3. Im collecting money _(为了帮助)these children.2. temporary adj. 暂时的;临时的;n. 临时工;拓展: temporarily adv.暂时地临时地 permanent adj. 永久的eg: He demanded that she should go to the temporary office at once. 译文: 思考:demanded 后面的动词为什么用了 should go 形式?学以致用: Its a(n) _job

4、, but Im hoping it will be made permanent. A. part-time B. immediate C. steady D. temporary 3. fall ill 生病拓展: fall 在这里是系动词,意为 “变成”fall asleep _;fall silent_fall behind _fall in love _fall off _;The students fall ill when the flu breaks out.。 译文: He was just falling asleep when there was a knock at t

5、he door. 译文: Hearing the news, he fell silent. 译文:4. get injured “ 受伤”,injury n. 损伤;伤害;v. 受伤 拓展:do sb. an injury=do an injury to sb. 伤害某人eg: He got serious injuries to the legs while working. 译文:区别: Youll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday. My stomach hurts because I have eaten too many ap

6、ples. The soldier was wounded in the arm. He was badly injured in the accident. Last night a terrible storm hit the area and many people were injured.复习总结: hurt_wound_injure_学以致用: 1.My shoulders really _(使疼痛)me. 2.The soldier _(受了伤)in the arm. 3.There were two people _(受了伤)in the car accident. 4.Wha

7、t you said has _(伤害了) him.55. bleed vi. & vt. 流血 bleed-_-_blood n. 血;血液; Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。eg:1) If you cut your finger, it will bleed.2) My heart bleeds for the victims of the air crash. 我为飞机失事的受害者感到悲痛。 学以致用:When I look back at the past and think how much time has been wasted in vai

8、n, my heart _. A. delights B. bleeds C. smiles D. apologizes训训 练练 案案1.They were treated for shock but no one was seriously_(injure)2.Large sections of river have been poisoned by the _chemical(poison)3.She took the job for _(vary) reasons4.We regret this service is _unavailable(temporary)5.The lung is an o_and so is the heart.6.It was a _(tightly) community and noquarrel happened here.7.He tried to kill himself by taking p_.8.Her ankle s_after the fall.9.Did you attend your uncles wedding_(仪式)10.What is the typical s_ of SARS?我的收获:(在这里写下你所学到的知识吧)我的收获:(在这里写下你所学到的知识吧)


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