陕西省2015高考英语人教版一轮课时作业及解析:必修2 unit 2

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1、陕西省 2015 高考英语人教版一轮课时作业及解析:必修 2 Unit 2课时作业(七) 必修 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games.语音知识1blowApower Bpillow Ctower Dallow2selfishAenemy Btelephone Ctense Dhonest3messageAcave Bcourage Crace Dnation4sinkAgentle Btranslate Cmean Danger5worthAlength Bfurther Cthus Dotherwise.单词拼写1Several companies are_(竞争) agai

2、nst/with each other to win the order.2I bought this house for only $10,000.Ive got a good_(便宜货)3The decision which will relate to the profit of the company this year,_(值得) further consideration. 4Now these_(古代的) wonders have attracted travelers from all over the world.5We are making great progress i

3、n oral English,but Jane seems a_(没有希望的) case: she could only speak a few words after a onemonth language training course.6Im short of money,and cant afford a new car to_(取代) my old one.7He_(要价) me $1.50 for repairing the watch,which was too much.8However busy I am,I try to keep a_(有规律的) schedule eve

4、ry day.单项填空1(2014蚌埠一检)Im really sorry.I thought this was a parking lot._Here is your ticket.AThats all right. BI dont believe you.CHow dare you say so? DSorry,that is no excuse.2(2014吉林长春高中毕业班调研)What do you think we should do when_earthquake happens?In my opinion,go to_open space away from buildings

5、 or trees.Aan;an Bthe;anCan;the Dthe;the3(2014江西省重点中学协作体第一次联考)Tom should have been warned not to cheat in the exam._,but he wouldnt listen to me.ASo he had BSo has heCSo was he DSo he was4(2014北京 101 中学综合训练一)When he was there,he_go to that coffee shop at the street corner after work every day.Awould

6、 Bshould Chad better Dmight5(2014福建省普通高中质量检查)The doctor advised her to eat more bean products_meat which might be harmful to her heart.Afor lack of Bby means ofCin place of Din favour of6(2014江西两所名校考试)Usually,the organizing committee should have a_meeting every two weeks.Acommon Bregular Csimilar Dn

7、ormal7(2014甘肃金昌二中模拟)Hosting the 31st Olympics is_great honor and the Brazilians are working hard to make the games_success.Aa;/ B/;aCa;a D/;/8(2014南昌第二中学高三检测)We must keep our room clean,for dirt and disease go_,you know.Ahand in hand Bstep by stepCfrom time to time Done after another9(2014江苏苏州六校联考)T

8、he train moved slowly from the station,but_speed as it reached the open country.Apicked up Blooked upCput up Dmade up10(2014山东省实验中学一模)Have you graduated from Shandong University?Yes.I_there for 4 years.Astudied Bhave studiedChad studied Dhave been studying 11(2014温州高三质检)He admitted_in the exam.Thats

9、 why he was not admitted_universities or colleges.Ato cheat;by Bcheating;toCto cheat;to Dcheating;by12Last year John earned_his brother did,who has a better position in a bigger company.Atwice as many as Btwice as much asCtwice as more as Dtwice much as13(2014南京学情调查)Can I help you,sir?Id like a room

10、 with a bath.How much do you_?Aoffer BaffordCcharge Dspare14(2014桂林部分学校高三质量检测)The wet weather will continue tomorrow,when a cold front_to arrive.Awill be expected Bis expectingCexpects Dis expected15(2014安徽省芜湖三校高三第一次模拟考试)It is reported that he was sentenced to life in prison for economy crime.Really

11、?_People would cheer for it.AIt all depends. BSo what?CWhats wrong? DHe deserves it.阅读理解A (2014福建师大附中模拟)Childrens lives have changed greatly over the last 50 years.But do they have a happier childhood than you or I did?Its difficult to look back on ones own childhood without some element of nostalgi

12、a (怀旧的)I have four brothers and sisters,and my memories are all about being with them.Playing board games on the living room floor,or spending days in the street with the other neighborhood children,racing up and down on our bikes,or exploring the nearby woods.My parents hardly appear in these memor

13、ies,except as providers either of meals or of severe blame after some particularly risky adventure.These days,in the UK at least,the nature of childhood has changed greatly.Firstly,families are smaller,and there are far more only children.It is common for both parents to work outside the home and th

14、ere is the feeling that there just isnt time to bring up a largefamily,or that no one could possibly afford to have more than one child.As a result,todays boys and girls spend much of their time alone.Another major change is that youngsters today tend to spend a huge amount of their free time at hom

15、e,inside.More than anything this is due to the fact that parents worry far more than they used to about real or imagined dangers,so they wouldnt dream of letting their children play outside by themselves.Finally,the kind of toys children have and the way they play is totally different.Computer and video games have replaced the board games and more interesting activities of my childhood.The irony (令人啼笑皆非的事情) is that so many ways of playing gam



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