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1、when comes to amimals, there can be many differences between Chinese and English!,we may take Dog, Rat,Dragon and tiger as our examples,Rat & Mouse,Mouse,there are big differences between rat and mouse in the western countries, however, in China, we take mouse as a kind of disgusting animal, just as

2、 sick as a mouse,brave,honor, justice, and always told truth,we have,as slient as a mouse 形容 非常安静 mouse and man 芸芸众生 mouse potato 电脑迷,鼠标土豆;整天趴电脑前的胖子 in English,Rat,we see it as the animal which hates the light, slink(偷偷摸摸), cower(东躲西藏),2005,2006,2007,2008,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & C

3、ontents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,And never tell the truth,we have,in English,浑身湿透(象落汤鸡,pack rat,不可靠的人,有敛癖的人,smell a rat,感到不妙;感到有可疑之处,无意义的竞争,rat race,rat,like a drowned rat,In Chinese,鼠目寸光 鼠牙雀角 鼠窃狗盗 鼠腹鸡肠 投鼠忌器 首鼠两端,“狗”字的成语往往带有贬义,dog在英语中是中性偏褒的,sad dog 易闯祸的人 ; 放荡的人 ; 荡的人易闯祸的人 ; 放荡之人,dog days

4、三伏 ; 气候 三伏天,lucky dog 幸运儿 ; 耳朵大有福 ; 幸运狗 ; 是“幸运儿,狗急跳墙 狗尾续貂 狗血喷头 狗仗人势 狗彘不若 狗拿耗子 狗皮膏药 狗头军师 乳狗噬虎 蝇营狗苟 狼心狗肺 狐朋狗友 狗盗鼠窃 行同狗彘 飞鹰走狗 斗鸡走狗 打落水狗 狗马之心,help a dog over a still(助人度过难关) , a lucky dog (幸运儿) , an o ld dog (老手) , love m e, love m y dog (爱屋及乌),Cultural differences: 在中国传统文化中,老虎被认为是“百兽之王” 而在英语文化中担任这个角色的却

5、是狮子,请看下面的比较(注意两者不完全对等,但含义相仿):,虎口拔牙beard the lion (拔狮子的胡子) 狐假虎威 ass in the lions skin (披着狮子皮的驴) 拦路虎 a lion in the way (拦路狮) 摸老虎屁股 twist the lions tail (拨弄狮子尾巴) 虎落平阳被犬欺 Hares may pull dead lions by the bear. (兔子也敢摸死狮子的胡子),类似替代: when we do the translation,有眼无珠 as blind as a bat Cultural differences 在中国

6、我们用牛来耕地, 在西方国家用的却是马,所以 汉语中一般用牛来形容力气大; 而英语中要用horse, 如, He is as strong as a horse。 吹牛 talk horses 沾沾自喜 play the peacock (孔雀),Dragon,In western countries,cruel,Hard,fierce,Click to edit title style,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,

7、Contents,Contents,Contents,Contents,Contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,。英语中还称凶暴的女人为dragon, 如She is a real dragon, youd better keep aw ay from her.(她是凶狠的母夜叉, 最好离她远点,Chinese dragon 麒麟 ; 腆磷 ; 中国龙,望子成龙 麟凤龟龙 痛饮黄龙,元龙高卧 笔走龙蛇 骥子龙文 鱼质龙文 老态龙钟,龙马精神,

8、Auspicious(吉祥),Lucky,Persistent,Click to edit title style,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.,Description of the products,驴子(ass

9、),在中英文中都用来形容那些愚蠢、没有头脑的苯蛋, 如make an ass of oneself(使自己出洋相、干蠢事)。,驴唇马嘴 比喻说话写文章,前言不搭后语,前后矛盾 黔驴技穷 黔:今贵州省一带;技:技能;穷:尽。比喻有限的一点本领也已经用完了。,Another similarities,pig:贪心、丑陋 猪: 懒、笨 wolf:贪心 狼:凶狠 bear:脾气坏、没有规矩 熊: 动作慢、笨拙 peacock:傲慢 孔雀:美丽 bee:忙碌 蜜蜂:勤劳,You are such a(an),cultural characters,beaver (海狸) 是生活在北美洲的一种动物, 它有

10、特有的技艺和富于独创性, 英美人通常用它来比喻工作勤奋认真的人。而对于那些对此一无所知的中国人来说, 它不过是一种普通的动物而已, 海狸这一动物词不会给他们带来任何联想。,汉语用“热锅上的蚂蚁”, 英语却用like a cat on hot brick s (热砖上的猫)。,cat (猫) 在英语民族文化中是一种有着丰富喻义形象的动物, 如rain cat s and dogs (大雨倾盆)。中国人对此想象不到, 由于文化差异更难于理解。英语中还有很多与猫有关的习语, 如, bell the cat (为别人冒险) , let the cat out of the bag (泄露机密) , a cat in the pan (叛徒) 等等。而汉语中很少有与猫有关的类似表达法。,


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