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1、英语牛津译林版选修英语牛津译林版选修 6 Unit 3 同步系列教案(同步系列教案(2)()(Readiing02)Language Points1. Today I would like to talk to you guys and try to accumulate some more information about cultural differences because I have to do a piece of homework on cultural differences. (P34) 今天我想和伙计们谈谈今天我想和伙计们谈谈, 并想搜集更多的关于文化差异并想搜集更多的

2、关于文化差异的信息的信息.因为我必须完成一份关于文化差异的家庭作业因为我必须完成一份关于文化差异的家庭作业.accumulatevt. 永远 at one time 一度; 从前at a time 每次; 依次 at the time 在那时at times 有时; 间或 behind time 迟, 晚ahead of time 提前 for the time being 暂且in time 及时; 迟早,最后 once upon a time 从前on time 准时 take ones time 慢慢来相关高考试题相关高考试题-Can the project be finished as

3、 planned?-Sure, _ it completed in time, well work two more hours a day. (2005 福建)A. having got B. to get C. getting D. get答案答案 :B4. He gets quite excited whenever it comes to this topic.(P34)一谈到这个话题,)一谈到这个话题,他就很兴奋。他就很兴奋。get excited (变得变得)兴奋起来兴奋起来He got excited when he heard the news.Note:(1)get+ p.p

4、. 使自己处于某种状态和情况;或表被动意义。如:get dressed 穿上 get married 结婚get burnt 烧伤,晒黑了 get paid 得以付钱 get drunk 喝醉酒 get started 开始(2)get + adj. 表示达到某种状态或情况get well/bored/hungry/worried/fat/fit/cold, e to 1) to reach a particular point or state:His hair comes right down to his shoulders.Hes tiny, he doesnt even come u

5、p to my chest!And now I come to (= I will mention) my main point.The war had just come to an end (= ended). 2) to be a particular total when numbers or amounts are added together:That comes to 25. 3) If you come to a decision, arrangement etc., you make a decision or decide what to think about sth.:

6、We havent come to a decision on the matter yet.Have you come to any conclusions about the story yet?4)to become conscious again after an accident or operation:Has he come to yet?5) If a thought or idea comes to you, you suddenly remember or start to think about it:I cant remember his name - itll com

7、e to me in a minute.相关高考试题相关高考试题Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it _ shopping and eating. (2006 天津)A. refers to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. comes to答案答案 :D.5. I suppose Waled has already told you about the British teacher who opened the presen

8、t as soon as he was given it at the end-of-term ceremony? (P34)我想威得)我想威得已经告诉了你关于那位在期末典礼上将收到的礼物立刻就打开了的英国老师的事已经告诉了你关于那位在期末典礼上将收到的礼物立刻就打开了的英国老师的事了吧?了吧?supposevt. 1) to think that sth. is likely to be true:+ (that) I couldnt get any reply when I called Dan, so I suppose (that) hes gone out.He found it a

9、 lot more difficult to get a job than he supposed it would be.+ (that) Do you suppose (that) Gillian will marry him?It is widely supposed (that) the minister will be forced to resign.+ to infinitive We all supposed him to be German, but in fact he was Swiss.Her new book is supposed to be (= generall

10、y people think it is) very good.2) + (that) used in making polite requests:I dont suppose (that) you could/I suppose you couldnt lend me 5 till tomorrow, could you?Note: be supposed to 相当于 should6. The British teachers didnt know what he was talking about or what Thanksgiving was held in celebration

11、 of. (P34) 来自英国的老师不知道他在谈论什么来自英国的老师不知道他在谈论什么, 也不知道也不知道感恩节是为庆祝什么而举行的感恩节是为庆祝什么而举行的.in celebration of: in order to celebratecelebratevi.&vt. to take part in special enjoyable activities in order to show that a particular occasion is important:We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out to d

12、inner.If this plan works, well celebrate in style (= in a special way).celebrationn. C or U a special social event, such as a party, when you celebrate sth. or the act of celebrating sth.:There were lively New Year celebrations all over town.Such good news calls for (= deserves) a celebration!Lets b

13、uy some champagne in celebration of her safe arrival.注意比较注意比较:celebrate 表“庆祝”,宾语是事,即后接 sth. 其名词构成的词组为:have/hold a celebration(举行庆祝会)in celebration of(为了庆祝)congratulate 表“祝贺”其宾语是受到祝贺的人,可组成短语congratulate sb. on sth./doing名词 congratulation 可构成短语 congratulations to sb. on sth./doing7. In the UK, the gue

14、sts are expected to give presents to the newly-weds, but in Italy, the newly-weds are expected to give their guests presents as a souvenir to remember the big day. (P35) 在英国在英国, 客人通常要送礼物给新婚夫妇客人通常要送礼物给新婚夫妇, 而在意大利而在意大利,新婚夫妇要给客人门赠送礼物作为记住这一个重要日子的纪念品新婚夫妇要给客人门赠送礼物作为记住这一个重要日子的纪念品.expectvt. 1) to think or b

15、elieve sth. will happen, or someone will arrive:We are expecting a lot of applicants for the job.+ (that) I expect (that) youll find it somewhere in your bedroom.I expect (that) hed have left anyway.+ to infinitive He didnt expect to see me.The financial performance of the business is fully expected (= almost certain) to improve.We were half expecting you not to come back.2) to think that someone should behave in a particular way or do a particular thing:I expect punctuality from my students.+ to infinitive Borrowers are expected to (= should) return books on t


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