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1、Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,1,Chapter 5 Warehouse Layout Reference: Edward H. Frazelle, World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling, published by Mc Graw Hill, 2002,Warehouse and Inventory Management,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,2,Warehouse Layout,Introduction The pr

2、ocess of laying out a warehouse is a lot like putting a puzzle together. Like a puzzle it is difficult to complete until all the pieces have been defined and assembled. Designing the pieces is the work of profiling, benchmarking, simplifying, computerizing and mechanizing warehouse operations. These

3、 five steps define the individual processes and types of materials handling and storage systems working inside the warehouse.,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,3,Warehouse Layout,Five-step methodology for warehouse layout: 仓库布局5步法: Space Requirement Planning 空间要求规划 Material Flow Planning 物

4、料流程规划 Adjacency Planning邻近规划 Process Location作业流程定位 Expansion/Contraction Planning扩张与收缩规划,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,4,Warehouse Layout,Space Requirement Planning空间要求规划 Determine the overall space requirements for all warehouse processes. The space requirements for each process shou

5、ld be computed and summarized to estimate the overall building requirements. The table is an example of such a computation.,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,5,Warehouse Layout,Space Requirement Planning Contd 空间要求规划 Receiving and shipping staging space is a function of the number of recei

6、ving and shipping doors and turnaround time for each dock. In common practice enough space is placed at each doorway to allow for a full truck load of goods to be unloaded. Floor space requirements for pallet storage and retrieval, case picking, and broken case picking should be computed as part of

7、the storage mode economic analysis. The most difficult part is to calculate the maximum storage required in peak time for each product. If the duration of the peak period is extended and the peak to average ration low, then the warehouse should be sized at, or very near the peak requirements. See ta

8、ble in next slide.,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,6,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,7,Warehouse Layout,Space Requirement Planning Contd空间要求规划 Another important consideration in storage space requirements is the portion of warehouse locations that will be occupied for plannin

9、g purposes. As the utilization of warehouses exceeds 90% the productivity and safety of operations begin to reduce dramatically. Floor space requirements for packing, unitizing, customizing, accumulation and sortation are computed as a function of the floor space required for each work station in th

10、ese areas the number of work stations required, and the materials handling methods employed in each area. Warehouse office space is simply a function of the number of offices and floor space required for each The sum of floor space requirements for each process is a subtotal to which an inter-proces

11、s aisle allowance is added to yield total floor space requirements.,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,8,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,9,Warehouse Layout,Space Requirement Planning Contd空间要求规划 The methodology for calculating aggregate warehousing space required: Divide forecas

12、ted unit sales by annual inventory turns to compute average unit inventory. Divide the average unit inventory by the average units per pallet to compute the average pallet inventory Multiply the average pallet inventory by the ratio of peak-to-average inventory to calculate the peak pallet inventory

13、. Multiply the peak pallet inventory by the portion of peak inventory used for storage planning purposes to compute the effective pallet storage capacity Divide the effective pallet storage capacity by location utilization factor to compute floor space requirements. Divide the required number of pal

14、let storage locations by the storage density to compute floor space requirements.,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,10,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,11,Warehouse Layout,Material Flow Planning物料流程规划 Specify a U-shaped, straight through, modular-spine. Or multistory flow patter

15、n. U型,直线流出型,模块化,或多层流程 U-shaped flow Advantages: U型 Excellent utilization of dock resources, because the receiving and shipping processes can share dock doors. Facilitating cross-docking because the receiving and shipping docks are adjacent to one another and may be co-mingled. Excellent lift truck u

16、tilization. Enables expansion opportunities in three directions Yields excellent security. As a result the U-shape is a benchmark for others to compare with.,Prepared by Angela Sun for HKU SPACE Suzhou,12,Warehouse Layout,Material Flow Planning Straight-Thru Flow Warehouse直线流出型 The straight through

17、model is ideal for pure cross-docking, or flow-through facilities Here high volume items move from inbound to outbound trailer, bypassing the storage operations. Low volume items are brought from storage to mix with cross-docked items. The major disadvantage is that the design makes it difficult to take advantage of ABC storage prioritization.,



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