六年级英语how much are these pants教案3

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《六年级英语how much are these pants教案3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语how much are these pants教案3(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 10 How much are these 教 案,Section A,1教师使用课前准备好的实物或者图片,教学本课新生词。注意顺序上应该先单数名词再复数名 词。教师边示范边板书句子和单词。,T: What is this/that?,Its aT-shirt/sweater/bag/hat.,What arethese/those?,They aresocks/shorts/pants/shoes.,检查对话练习。,2教师将实物或图片的顺序打乱,重复 1的对话,进行个人、小组和全班的检查。,3让学生看图 1a,教师念物品名称或播放听力磁带,学生圈出老师所念物品的对应番号。 4教师

2、边出示准备好的彩色图片,边教读:,T: What color is it/are they?,: Its/They areblack/white/red/green/blue.,T: Is it/Are they long or short?Is it/Are they small or big?,检查学生的对话。,5T: This bag is 8 dollars.,How much is this bag?,: Its 8 dollars.,T: How much is this/that/the.? : It is.dollars/yuan.,6T: How much arethese/

3、those.?,: They are.dollars/yuan.,7要求学生就 1a 中的物品开展对话,完成 2c 的操练,并检查。 8做 2a、2b 的听力练习,订正。,9场景设置:in a shop/store 背景介绍可参见教师用书,CultureNote TShop Clerk; Costomer 示范:TT,T: Can I help you? : Yes.,T: What do you want? : I want abag.,T: What color do you want? : I want.,T: Ok. Here you are. : How much is it?,T:

4、 Its 8 dollars. Its cheap.,Do you want to take it? : I will take it. Thank you. T: You are welcome.,将物品替换成 3b 里的物品,再与学生集体操练(TSsT)。,巡视学生的交易现场,给予帮助。检查对话表演。,10要求学生填句子,完成 3a 的对话。要学生分角色朗读对话,纠正语音。 11以小组 team 为单位,做 4 Game 的记忆游戏。,eg: The red shorts are5 yuan. Thegreen socks are4 yuan.,This black sweater is

5、long. That white T-shirt is small.,12复习和总结 Grammar Focus。,Section B,13复习旧句型引入数字的教学。 TCustomer SiClerk,: Can I help you? T: Yes.,: What do you want?,T: I want a blue bag and a blue sweater. : Here you are.,T: How much is the bag?,: Its 5 dollars.,T: How much is the sweater?,: Its 7 dollars.,T: How mu

6、ch arethey?,/T: They are 12(twelve).,T: They are cheap. I will take them.,Thank you.,: Youre welcome.,通过对话引起学生对大于 10 的数字的兴趣,板书并教读。注意提出这些数字的书写规律。教生词 cheap。,14听录音,要学生跟读 1a 的数字。,15教师出示自制的 pricetags,学生将看到的数字念出来。,16教师用英语念数字,学生将听到的数字拼写在练习本上。 17播放录音,要学生完成 2a 的听力练习。 18让学生做 1b 的练习,订正。,19教师出示 2b 中物品及其价格,练习在对话

7、中使用数字。,T: How much is the sweater?,: Its 11 dollars.,T: How much arethe pants? : They are 16 dollars. 链式检查学生对话。,20听录音,做 2b 的听力练习。订正。,21教师出示准备好的商场特价海报,介绍并引入生词短语,板书。,T: Do you like red socks? Do you like green T-shirts? Do you like them cheap? Do you like them cheap in,the clothing store?,If you want

8、to take them, come to see the fantastic clothing sale. Its at this time of year, you can always,buy things at a good price!,Now lets comedown to Huaxing Clothing Storeto see/have alook at the cheap things in all colors! 22限时 2 分钟,做 3a 的阅读训练。教师要先讲解快速阅读的方法skimming 和 scanning,查找文 章细节。要求学生养成良好的阅读习惯,避免有声

9、阅读、手指铅笔导读、逐字阅读、回看、边读边 翻译等不良现象的出现。检查学生是否能够准确找到物品价格,订正。 23带领学生朗读这段广告。帮助部分学生纠正发音和语调。,24活动:让学生 4 人一组,模拟组织一次商店的特卖和购物活动,并填写 4 Group Work 的买卖 记录。,25指导学生仿照 3a,根据刚才特卖的情况和记录,为 Mr. Cool 的特卖商店写一份有特色的广告, 5 句话左右。请个别学生在全班念出自己的广告,并给出评价。(3b 的这次写作,也可以根据课时,要求安排成家庭作业),Self Cheek,26给学生 2 分钟时间小声朗读 l 方框中的单词,标出有发音困难的词。教师集中帮助学生解决读 音难题。,26让学生以升调、降调齐声朗读所有词语。 27让学生自己完成第二题。,28让学生快速阅读第三题的短文,按要求填空。教师检测学生的阅读技巧并且订正。指出短语 be onsale。,北京注塑厂 http:/ 北京注塑厂 kel333jkl,


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