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1、,Communication And Employee Relations沟通和员工关系 2009,In order to excel and grow, company must use its resources very well为了不断进步和发展,公司必须充分利用各种资源。Resources are time, money; technology, people and relationships这些资源包括:时间资源,资金资源,技术资源以及人力资源和各类关系网络资源。Among these resources, PEOPLE contributes the most and the

2、most unpredictable在这些资源中,最宝贵、贡献最大、最有潜力的是员工,The company goal is to get employees at all levels to perform 公司的目标是全体员工都能有一个很好的绩效Performance requires skill and dedication 绩效要求技巧和敬业程度Skills comes from learning and experience, the more we practice the better our skills 技巧来自于持续性学习和经验,正所谓“业精于勤”Dedication co

3、mes from self motivation and encouragement Both motivation and encouragement are strongly supported by communication 投入和对工作的敬业来自于自我激励和别人的鼓励 而沟通则给予这两项强大的支持。,Communication in a company takes many forms: 公司中沟通的形式有:,Downward communications 由上层向基层 Upward communications 由基层逐级向上 Peer communication 同级沟通 One

4、-way communication 单向沟通 Two-way communication 双向沟通 Open or formal communication 开放式的或者正式的沟通 Informal communication 非正式的沟通,In a company, communication is being done for many reasons: 公司内部,我们为什么要倡导沟通呢?,Setting expectations 设立期望 Understand needs 了解需求 Share information and knowledge 分享信息和知识 Provide feed

5、back and suggestions 提供反馈和建议 Performance setting and feedback 设立绩效以及反馈 Social and welfare 交际和健康的需要,At Goldwind we already have many channels of communication: 在金风我们已经有很多沟通的渠道:,Morning speeches 晨会讲话Monthly communication session 月度沟通会The Goldenman Newsletter 金风人内部杂志Management Reports 管理层的报告OA 企业内网RTX

6、即时通Emails 电子邮件,Employee gets information from various sources. The main ones are: 员工通过很多的资源获取信息,但是主要是通过:,Your supervisor 上级主管 System and Department Leaders 部门和系统领导 Management team and Senior Leadership Team 管理团队 Newsletters and Reports 通讯简报和报告 Peers and colleagues 同事之间 OA and RTX 即时通和OA Human Resour

7、ces 人力资源,When employee wants their concerns addressed, who should they go to? 当员工有倾诉和表达的需求时,他们应该找谁呢?,Their Supervisor 他们的上级领导Their Department head 部门领导Company Senior Leaders 公司高管Human Resources 人力资源 Employee Relations 员工关系,The company plans to introduce two more communication channels that are sligh

8、tly different: 现在公司计划新拓展2个新沟通渠道,Employee Relation Center (informal and confidential issues)员工关系中心(非正式和一些非公开事宜)Suggestion Program (following through on ideas by employees)建议项目(根据员工提出的想法和建议),Employee Relations Center: 员工关系中心 Objective: An avenue for employee to mention/discuss their personal problems

9、and concerns. 设立目的:创造一个空间可用于员工表达和倾诉个人问题和关心的事情。 An avenue for management to understand employee thoughts and needs 一个可用于管理者理解员工想法,理解员工需求的空间,How it works: 员工关系的运作方式-An Employee Relations (ER) Center will be set up. The location will be in the Factory Building, 4th floor. 员工关系中心将设立在总装楼4楼。-An Employee R

10、elations specialist will be placed there at specific times. 员工关系专员将定期在中心内与广大员工进行沟通。-Employees can come to see the ER Specialist and discuss his/her issues 员工来到中心后和员工关系专员倾诉,-All issues brought up will be kept confidential and names will not be mentioned to anyone including HR and management 沟通中涉及到的任何

11、信息和个人姓名都将作为保密信息不会透露给任何个 人组织包括HR部门和管理层。The ER Specialist will bring up the issue through HR Director Office and actions plans will be developed to address the problem. The ER Specialist may approach any party to find solutions to a problem. 员工关系专员将会相关信息反馈给人力资源部部长,我们也会制定改进 划并付于动,员工关系专员可联系相关部门以找到解决问题的方

12、式。,In most cases ER will inform the employee on actions taken. In some cases the management may want to keep some details confidential. 多数情况下员工关系将告知员工我们采取了哪些行动,但在一些情况下管理 层会对一些细节信息做保密处理。Effective date the service starts: June 1st 2009. 我们会在2009年6月1日起为员工提供服务。,Employee Suggestion Program 员工建议计划,The pla

13、n is to start this program sometime in July/August. 这项活动将在6月/7月份开展起来Objective is to encourage employees to give constructive opinions and suggestions to Goldwind management involving work-related or other matters. 这项活动目的在于鼓励员工就工作相关的方面积极提出建设性的建议和意见。Each idea or suggestion submitted will be tabled to

14、management and decision taken to implement or otherwise. 管理层对提出的每个想法或建议都将作出是采用还是保留的合理处置。,If the idea is not implemented, reasons will be given why we cannot do it. 对于没有采纳的建议我们会给出合理的解释Again, all opinion and suggestions will be kept confidential unless the Employee wants it to be published. 再次声明只有经员工同意,我们才会公布这些想法和建议,否则将做保密处理。Specific policies and guidelines will be published on both programs. 对以上两个项目将会发布具体的规范和指导文件。Both Programs encourages the employee to bring up issues first to their Supervisors and Leaders. 两个项目都会推动员工直接向自己的主管领导和上级领导提出问题进行沟通。,



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