牛津译林版高中英语单元复习学案 模块3 unit 3 back to the past

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专 家高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!牛津牛津译译林版高中英林版高中英语单语单元复元复习习学案学案Unit 3 Back to the past词汇导练词汇导练1To avoid _(混淆),the teams wore different colors. 2The Chinese _(文明)is one of the oldest in the world. 3The professor gave us a lively _(讲座)last night. 4. The _(遗迹)of the castle can still be seen on the hill.

2、 5London is still the _(文化的)capital of the country. 6Dont worry.Im sure your children will _(渐渐地)learn to understand you. 7Gibbons failed to see the _(商业的)value of his discovery. 8The volcano _ suddenly,so the town at its base was destroyed. 9If you want to make a new skirt,you had better buy the co

3、tton _. 10Yesterday a bomb _ in the center of the city. 11Two buildings were _ by fire last night in Tokyo. 12Im _(feed)up with the speakers long and dull speech. 1.confusion 2.civilization 3.lecture 4.remains,5.cultural 6.gradually mercial 8.erupted 9.material 10.exploded 11.destroyed 12.fed短短语汇语汇集

4、集1_ 夺取;接管 2_ 处于良好的状态 3_ 实施,执行,进行 4_ 在船上(飞机上或火车上);上船 (飞机或火车) 5_ 纪念 6_ 使用中 7_ 作为回报 8_ 不复存在;不再 9_ 位于 10_ 提到,涉及到,参考 1.take over 2.in good condition 3.carry out 4.on board 5.in memory of 6.in use 7.in return 8.no more 9.be located in. 10.refer to语语句句试译试译1(回归课本 P42)Near the city _ _ _ called Vesuvius. 在城市

5、附近有一座叫维苏威的火山。 2(回归课本 P43)Unfortunately,all the people were buried alive,and _ _ the city!很不幸,所有的人都被活埋了,城市也被埋了! 3(回归课本 P43)_ _ _ by many people to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 500.很多人相信,它是在公元 200 年至公元 500 年之间被风沙渐渐覆盖了。高考资源网() 您身边的高考专 家高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!4(回归课本 P47)_ _ _

6、,China has many historical archaeological sites.正如你所知,中国有许多历史考古现场 5(回归课本 P58)_ _ _ Rome a city and a republic,_ it was _ to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.罗马不仅是个城市和共和国,它也注定成为历史上最大帝国之一的首都。 1.was a volcano 2.so was 3.It is believed 4.As you know 5.Not only was;but;also核心知核

7、心知识识1. bury vt. 覆盖;埋葬;埋藏 (回归课本 P43)Unfortunately,all the people were buried alive,and so was the city! 不幸的是,所有的人都被活埋了,城市也不例外! 归纳拓展 【温馨提示】 此类词组易考查过去分词作状语。 例句探源(朗文 P257)Two cars were buried in the mudslide. 两辆车被埋在泥流中。(牛津 P262)The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed.坑道塌方,矿工都被活 埋。He was s

8、itting with his head buried in a book. 他坐着埋头读书。 1完成句子 (1)如果发生雪崩,滑雪者可能会被雪活埋。 If an avalanche strikes,skiers can _ _ _ by snow. 答案:be buried alive (2)专心于读报,他没注意到他的爸爸。 _ _ reading his newspaper,he didnt take notice of his dad. 答案:Buried in (3)她双手蒙着脸哭了起来。 She _ _ _ _ _ _ and cried.答案:buried her face in

9、her hands 2_ writing the article,Mrs.Curie even forgot her dinner. AAbsorbed in BAbsorbing at CHaving absorbed by DTo absorb in 解析:选 A。be absorbed in“专心于” 。句意:居里夫人专心写文章以至于忘了吃饭。3.(2011 年湖南综合模拟题)_ in the mountains for a week,we were finally saved by the local police.AHaving lost BLosing CBeing lost DL

10、ost 解析:选 D。分词作状语时,其逻辑主语是句子的主语,若分词和逻辑主语之间是主动关 系,则用现在分词,若是被动关系,则用过去分词。be lost in“迷路” ,lose 和其逻辑主语 we 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作状语。 2. ruin vt. 毁灭/坏,使破产nU 毁坏,毁灭,崩溃;(金钱等的)完全丧失高考资源网() 您身边的高考专 家高考资源网版权所有,侵权必究!C(pl.) 废墟,遗迹 (回归课本 P43)An archaeologist from the local cultural institute,Professor Zhang,told us that 100

11、years ago the Swedish explorer Sven Hedin discovered the ruins of the Loulan Kingdom.一个来自本地文化研究所的考古学家,张教授告诉我们 100 年前瑞典探险家 Sven Hedin 发 现了古楼兰王国的遗址。 归纳拓展 例句探源(朗文 P1786)Alcohol and drugs almost ruined his career. 酒精和毒品几乎毁掉了他的事业。(牛津 P1747)A large number of churches fell into ruin after the revolution.革命

12、过后,许多教 堂都毁了。Years of fighting have left the area in ruins. 经年的战事已经使得这个地区满目疮痍。 易混辨析 damage,harm,hurt,ruin,destroy 这五个动词均有“损害,伤害”之意。 (1)damage 多用于无生命的东西,指“价值、用途降低或外表损坏等,不一定全部破坏, 而且还可以修复” 。这种损坏是自然灾害或人为过失造成的。 (2)harm 指对人或物的伤害或损坏,侧重身体或心理上的伤害。 (3)hurt 指任何肉体或精神上的伤害,强调其痛苦的后果。 (4)ruin 通常指无可挽回的伤害,但不一定指完全毁灭,含有

13、在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意 思。此外 ruin 多用于借喻中,泛指一般的“坏了” 。 (5)destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉;也可用于比喻,表示“打破 (希望、计划),使失败” 。You will ruin no more lives as you ruined mine. There was an unexpected explosion in our street,but our building wasnt harmed at all. The fire destroyed most of the buildings. Youll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday. Jack had an accident and damaged his bike. 4翻译句子 地震过后,全城到处是断壁残垣。 _答案:The earthquake left the whole city in ruins.5.(2011 年盐城统考)With the reputation _,food companies need to _



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