浙江省衢州市高中英语 unit1 women of achievement 2教案 新人教版必修4

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1、用心 爱心 专心1 浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高一英语精品教案:浙江省衢州市仲尼中学高一英语精品教案:Unit1Unit1 WomenWomen ofof achievementachievement 2 2(新人教版必修(新人教版必修 4 4) 教材分析(教材分析(analysisanalysis ofof teachingteaching materialmaterial): : This passage is about a famous woman who name was Lin Qiaozhi. She worked hard and became a specialist in wom

2、ens diseases. By learning this passage, students should have impressions about great women and men, can use some words to describe them. And most important, students should build their own value. 学情分析(学情分析(analysisanalysis ofof thethe studentsstudents) The words and sentences are not difficult, our

3、students can read the passage by themselves, teachers should help them to deal with some difficult sentences. Our students may not familiar with Lin Qiaozhi, but can get much information about her. Teacher should encourage students to search reference books or Internet to get more information about

4、her. 教学目标教学目标(Teaching(Teaching aims)aims) 知识目标知识目标(Knowledge(Knowledge aims)aims) 1. Words and expressions: by chance; come across; rate; sickness; emergency; intend; generation; kindness; consideration; deliver; carry on 2. Sentences: 1) By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin

5、 Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases. 2) It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. 3) That was a generation when girls education was always placed second to boys. 4) What made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to

6、 all her patients. 能力目标能力目标(Ability(Ability aims):aims):students can read this passage by themselves and point out the important and difficult sentences or words. Also, they should grasp the new words and expressions in this passage, and can retell the story fluently. 情感目标(情感目标(EmotionalEmotional ai

7、msaims): : students should build their own value. Raises their 用心 爱心 专心2 admirableness toward those great person. On the other hand, raises their interests to English. 教学重点和难点(教学重点和难点(teachingteaching importantimportant pointspoints andand difficultdifficult pointspoints) #Teaching important points:

8、 new words and expression, the basic meaning about passage. #Teaching difficult points: can retell the story with new words, especially can use large number of adjective words to describe a person. 教学过程教学过程(Teaching(Teaching procedures)procedures) Step1:Step1: ReviewReview 1. Review Jane Goodalls st

9、ory. Use as many new words from the passage as possible. behave; ; behavior; shade; worthwhile; nest; bond; observe; childhood; respect; argue; entertainment; inspire move off; be outspoken about; lead a busy life; crowd in 2.2. Check the homework. Share your mother or grandmothers experiences with

10、your group. Now lets look at the career of somebody who lived at the same time as your grandmother. StepStep 2 2 : : Pre-readingPre-reading 1. What do you know about Lin Qiaozhi? (a doctor, a specialist in womens diseases) 2. Which adjectives could you use to describe her? (devoting; kind; inspiring

11、; respected; clever) StepStep 3 3 ReadingReading 1. Read for the first time. List three of Lin Qiaozhis achievements. She got a medical training for her career. She became a specialist in womens diseases. She had made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered. 2. Read the passage again and

12、 carefully, then write down the maid idea. Main idea: This passage is about the life and career of a famous Chinese doctor-Lin Qiaozhi. She was important for women in China because she was the first woman doctor to specialize in womens illnesses and the problems of having babies. 3. In pairs, ask an

13、d answer the following questions. 用心 爱心 专心3 1) For whom and for what purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a little book about how to look after babies? Why do you think it was necessary? 2) Was it easy for a woman to get medical training at the time Lin Qiaozhi lived? Give a reason. 3) Why do you think the

14、 writer chose to study at medical college? 4) What do you think are the important qualities that a doctor should have? Keys:Keys: 1)1) LinLin QiaozhiQiaozhi wrotewrote a a smallsmall bookbook forfor mothersmothers inin thethe countrysidecountryside whowho werewere notnot ableable toto getget toto a

15、a hospitalhospital easily.easily. ItIt waswas toto helphelp themthem looklook afterafter theirtheir babiesbabies properly.properly. 2)2) ItIt waswas notnot easyeasy forfor womenwomen toto getget medicalmedical educationeducation atat thatthat time,time, particularparticular medicalmedical carecare t

16、hatthat waswas concernedconcerned withwith womenwomen andand children.children. EducationEducation waswas forfor menmen firstfirst andand womenwomen second.second. 3)3) SheShe chosechose toto studystudy atat medicalmedical collegecollege becausebecause sheshe wantedwanted toto helphelp otherother womenwomen asas LinLin QiaozhiQiaozhi did.did. 4)4) I I thinkthink a a goodgood doctordoctor shouldshould bebe kind,kind, competentcompetent andand devoted.devoted



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