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1、Translationese and Chinglish,欧化的汉语和中式英语之鉴,Language is the principal means whereby we conduct our social lives. The language of one nation distinguishes itself from that of another by its peculiar lexics, syntax, idiomatic expressions and modes of thinking. Failing to free himself of the influence of

2、 the source language, the translator sometimes directly translplants the original linguistic forms into the target language, hence giving rise to a hybrid language characterized by its poor acceptability in the TL, i.e. translationese.,功夫熊猫中的例子1. KONG FU2. Whats wrong? Why there is anything wrong fo

3、r me to visit my friend? After you. Wugui Dashi Master Shifu3. Chinese philosophy Harmony, Yinyang, destiny, There is no accident. 4. music picture 5. characters,Part One Translationese in English-Chinese Translation,Their strength lay only in the lack of consciousness on the part of the people. 他们的

4、力量就在于人民缺乏觉悟。 他们之所以显得强大,是因为人民还没有觉悟起来。Fujimoris parents were cotton pickers in Peru until they opened a tailor shop in downtown Lima. 藤森的父母在秘鲁采棉花谋生,一直到他们在利马商业区开设裁缝店为止。 藤森的父母原本在秘鲁采摘棉花谋生,后来他们改行在利马商业区开裁缝店。 (or)藤森的父母在利马商业区开裁缝店之前,一直在秘鲁采摘棉花谋生。 依据上下文,安排语义重心(semantic focus),There were many forces at work whic

5、h made virtually inevitable the discovery of America at about the time Columbus accomplished it. 有许多使美洲的发现成为实际上不可避免的事的力量已经在哥伦布完成这一发现时期前后起着作用。 美洲的发现实际上是势所必然的,因为在哥伦布到达美洲的前后时期,就已经有许多重要因素在起作用。,“Will you take advantages of a mans nature to do him out of the price of his own daughter what has brought up a

6、nd fed and clothed by the sweat of his brow until shes grown big enough t be interesting to you two gentlemen?” ( Bernard Shaw: Pygmalia) “你们总不至于乘人的好脾气来骗我从小给她吃穿养大到使你们两位以为有意思的女儿的身价吧?” “您两位不至于因为我这个人脾气好就想骗我,趁机贬低我女儿的身价吧?她现在倒是长大成人了,您两位对她也感兴趣;可是,我当初为了把她拉扯大,给她吃,给她穿,不晓得留了多少血汗啊!”白化文运动: 直译(硬译)与意译派的争论 汉语向何处去?,

7、Analysis: 西方语言对于汉语语言的影响(词,句法) 新文化运动后的翻译实践活动对于白话文形成的作用(文言,白话,和翻译文体),再看到她吐在地上的一口鲜血后,袭人就有了一种半截都冷了的感觉,当她想着往日常听人家说,一个年轻人如果吐血,他的年月就不保了,以及纵然活了一个较长的生命,她也终是一个废人的时候,她不觉就全灰了她的后来争荣夸耀的一种雄心了。在此同时,她的眼中也不觉地滴下了泪来。当宝玉见她哭了的时候,他也不觉心酸起来了。因之他问:“你心里觉得怎么样?”她勉强地笑着答:“我好好地,觉得怎么呢?”林黛玉看见宝玉一副懒懒的样子,只当他是因为得罪了宝钗的原故,所以她心里也不自在,也就显示出一


9、笑着答:“我好好地,觉得怎么呢?”,欧化结构:当什么的时候, 修饰语(灰了) 搭配 (活了一个命) 代词 句式结构,对比红楼梦原文:,话说袭人见了自己吐的鲜血在地,也就冷了半截,想着以往常听人说,“少年吐血,年月不报,纵然命长,终是废人了。”想起此言,不觉将素日争荣夸耀之心尽皆灰了,眼中不觉的流下泪来。宝玉见他哭了,也不觉心酸起来,因问道:“你心里觉得怎么样呢?”袭人勉强笑道:“好好的,觉怎么样呢?”黛玉见宝玉懒懒的,只当是他为得罪了宝钗的原故,心中不自在,形容也就懒懒的。凤姐儿昨日晚上王夫人就告诉了他宝玉金钏儿的事,知道王夫人不喜欢,自己如何敢说笑?也就随着王夫人的气色行事,更觉淡淡的。迎春

10、姊妹见众人没意思,也都没意思了。因此,大家坐了一坐就散了。,“思” 逻辑思考,哲学思辨 “诗” 描画意境 简洁、灵动,这样作践红楼梦,使人笑完了之后,立刻又陷入深沉的悲哀。这种不中不西不今不古的译文体,如果不能及时遏止,总有一天会喧宾夺主,到那时,中国的文坛恐怕就没有一寸干净土了。( 余光中余光中谈翻译p.64),Part Two Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation,1. Mother tongue interference,A:Taking words literally or at their face value 密码 secret code

11、 (password) 大片 big movie (blockbuster) 长镜头 long lens (zoom lens) 方便面 convenient noodles(instant noodles),隐性眼镜invisible glass ( contact lens) 新闻自由freedom of news ( freedom of press) 流动资金circulating funds (working capital),科技旅游 technological tours(science-theme tours)天涯海角(海南岛景点)The End of the World (L

12、ands End/The Ends of the Earth)一小时内免费送票上门(服务项目) deliver tickets free of charge within an hour ( free delivery of tickets with one hour)参见图片,B: Not conforming to Established Practices 不冻港 non-freezing port (ice-free port) 保税区 tax-protected zone(free-trade zone /bonded zone) 不准拍照 Dont take pictures (N

13、o photographs.) 请勿吸烟 Please dont smoke. (No smoking) 入境登记卡 entry card (disembarkation form) 外向型产业 external-directed industries (export-oriented manufacturing),C: Chinglish sentences 他左腿跛了。 His left leg is lame. He is lame in the left leg. 上海的交通和拥挤。 Shanghais traffic is very crowed. The traffic in Sh

14、anghai is heavy. 中国西部的矿产很丰富。 The west of Chinas minerals are rich. The west of China is rich in minerals. 新学期已经过去一个月了。 Our new term has passed one month. It has been one month since the new term began.,2. linguistic competence,The translators Guide to Chinglish Foreign Language Teaching and Research

15、 Press 中式英语之鉴 2.1 Redundant words 2.2 Sentence Structure,TABLE OF CONTENTSPart One: Unnecessary Words .Unnecessary Nouns and Verbs .Unnecessary Modifiers .Redundant Twins .Saying the Same Thing Twice .Repeated References to the Same Thing .Summing it All UpPart Two Sentence Structure .The Noun Plagu

16、e . Pronouns and Antecedents . The Placement of Phrases and Clauses .Dangling Modifiers .Parallel Structure .Logical connectives . Summing it All Up,2.1 Redundant words,1) unnecessary nouns and verbs 2) unnecessary modifiers 3) repetition (redundant twins, repeated ideas, and repeated references) Br

17、evity: The soul of language,All authorities on the style of English prose agree that good writing is concise. A classic statement of this percept appears in the famous little book of Willian Stunk, Jr. , and E.B. White, The Elements of Style p.23: Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machines no unnecessary parts.,


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