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1、海桐科 Pittosporaceae,海桐 Pittosporum tobira Shrub or small tree; leaves obovate, thick and leathery, margins revolute; flowers white to lemon-yellow, fragrant,to 1/2 inch long, in many-flowered umbellate clusters; capsule 3-valved, globose, tomentose.,海桐科 Pittosporaceae,海桐 P .ittosporum tobira 常绿灌木或小乔木

2、,高26m,树冠园球形.叶革质,互生,倒卵形椭圆形.缘反卷,全缘,无毛.表面深绿而有光泽.顶生伞房花序,花白色或黄绿色,蒴果, 种子鲜红色.花期5月.南方树种,耐荫性很强,喜光.对 土壤要求不严格,抗海潮风, 抗有毒气体,耐修剪.播种,扦插都行.,缺点:开花时招苍蝇,枝叶繁茂,园球形.观叶树种,蒴果开裂露出红色种子.还可做房屋基础种植及绿篱材料.孤植,丛植于草坪,道边.林缘,对植于门旁,列植路边也很合适.,Pittosporum confertiflorum,悬铃木科 Platanaceae,Platanaceae is a family of flowering plants. The fa

3、mily has only one genus platanus. This genus has six to seven species of tall trees. The trees grow naturally in temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In all species, the flowers grow in dense groups of small flowers. The fruits are small achenes with hairs near the base. 本科一

4、属,约67种,中国3种,落叶乔木,树干皮呈片状剥落,单叶互生,叶柄下芽头状花序,下垂,聚合果呈球形.,法桐(三球悬铃木)球果36个一串,有刺毛,叶57裂深至中部或更深,花期45月。 美桐(一球悬铃木)球果常单生,无刺毛,叶35浅裂,中部裂片的宽度大于长度。 英桐(二球悬铃木)前两种的杂交种,球果常2个一串,亦偶尔有单生的,叶35裂,中部裂片的长度与宽度近于相等,本种为中国栽培的多。无球果品种 少毛品种,习性:阳性树种,喜温暖的气候,有一定的耐寒能力,北至北京可整地栽培,对土壤的适应能力极强,耐干旱,耐水湿,萌芽能力强,耐修剪,很耐重剪,抗烟强,对SO2 .CI2等有毒气体有较强的抗性,英桐抗性

5、最强,根系浅,怕台风。 繁殖:播种法和扦插法都容易,扦插有一个假活现象,扦插后生长一节后,叶子下垂,而根未生长.,观赏特性及园林用途:树型雄伟端正,叶大荫浓,树冠广阔,干皮光洁,繁殖容易抗性强,有 “行道树之王” 的美称.但在应用时应注意其幼叶上有大量星状毛.吸入呼吸道易得肺炎,故勿种植在幼儿园等地。,小檗属Berberis,The genus is characterised by dimorphic shoots, with long shoots which form the structure of the plant, and short shoots only 1-2 mm lon

6、g. The leaves on long shoots are non-photosynthetic, developed into three-spined thorns 3-30 mm long; the bud in the axil 叶腋of each thorn-leaf then develops a short shoot with several normal, photosynthetic leaves. These leaves are 1-10 cm long, simple, and either entire, or with spiny margins. Only

7、 on young seedlings do leaves develop on the long shoots, with the adult foliage style developing after the young plant is 1-2 years old。,The flowers are produced singly or in racemes of up to 20 on a single flower-head. They are yellow or orange with six sepals and six petals in alternating whorls

8、of three, the sepals usually coloured like the petals. The fruit is a small berry, ripening red or dark blue, often with a pink or violet waxy surface bloom; they may be either long and narrow (like a bar, hence barberry) or in other species, spherical.The berries are edible, and rich in vitamin C,小

9、檗科Berberidaceae,灌木或多年生草本,叶多互生,花两性整齐,花萼花瓣相似,2多轮,1轮3枚,浆果或蒴果。,枝常具枝刺,刺针状分叉,有长短枝,长枝(幼枝)互生,短枝簇生,花黄色,浆果红黑。 约500种,中国约200种,多分布西部及西南部,各种根茎皮中含有小檗碱,可制黄连素,多数种可供庭园观赏。,小檗(日本小檗)Berberis thunbergii,叶全缘,花15朵成簇生状,伞形花序,叶小匙 形,0.52cm, 果熟亮红, 变型紫叶小檗, 常开紫红色和 绿色。草地配植 效果好。天安门 前有紫叶小檗. 矮紫叶小檗, 30cm以下。,小檗属,阿穆尔小檗Berberis amurensis

10、 刺分3叉,叶 边缘有齿,叶缘有刺毛 状细锯齿,叶5 10cm。花瓣先端微凹, 花序1025朵排下垂, 总状花序。果熟亮红。,刺檗B.vulgris 小枝较粗,有沟槽,幼时黄色或黄红色,次年变灰色,刺3叉,叶缘刺状锯齿,花黄色花瓣先端不凹,果红色或紫,味酸。紫叶刺檗 常年深紫色。,迪氏小檗,十大功劳属Mahonia,Mahonia typically have large, pinnate leaves 10-50 cm long with 5-15 leaflets, and flowers in racemes (5-20 cm long). Leaves are alternately

11、arranged.常绿灌木,奇数羽状复叶,互生,叶小,缘具刺齿, 花黄色,总状花序数条簇生,萼片9,3轮,花瓣 6,2轮,雄蕊6。浆果暗紫色,被白毛。100种,中 国40种。,十大功劳Mahonia fortunei 小叶59枚,狭披针形,缘有刺齿613对。 阔叶十大功劳M. bealei 小叶715枚,卵形或卵状椭圆形,缘有刺齿25对,习性耐荫。华北盆栽。,南天竹Nandina,It is an erect shrub growing to 2 m tall, with numerous, usually unbranched stems growing from the roots. Th

12、e leaves are evergreen (sometimes deciduous in colder areas), 50-100 cm long, bi- to tri-pinnately compound, with the individual leaflets. The young leaves in spring are brightly coloured pink to red before turning green; old leaves turn red or purple again before falling. The flowers are white, bor

13、ne in early summer in conical clusters held well above the foliage. The fruit is a bright red berry 5-10 mm diameter, ripening in late autumn and often persisting through the winter,南天竹Nandina,常绿灌木,23回羽状复叶,互生,中轴有关节,小叶全缘,花小而白色,成顶生圆锥花序,花期57月,浆果球形,鲜红色。变种白果南天竹。习性:喜半荫,最好上午见光,中午和下午要庇荫,强光下也能生长,叶发红。观赏及用途:茎干丛生,枝叶扶疏,秋冬叶色变红,果实红色,经冬不落,观果,墙角,园路转角,常与山石搭配。,



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