外研社必修三 Module 1 Europe

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《外研社必修三 Module 1 Europe》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社必修三 Module 1 Europe(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Great European Cities,the Beijing Olympic Games,Paris,巴黎,Barcelona,Florence,Athens,巴塞罗那,佛罗伦萨,雅典,the Louvre,卢浮宫,the Eiffel Tower,埃菲尔铁塔,the River Seine,塞纳河,the Parthenon,帕台农神庙,the Uffizi Palace,乌菲齐美术馆,the Sagrada Familia,圣家大教堂,Leonardo da Vinci,蒙娜丽莎,达芬奇,Mona Lisa,Michelangelo,米开朗琪罗,大卫,the Renaissance

2、,文艺复兴,Fast reading Match the pictures and the descriptions.,1 a landmark in Paris,an art gallery in Florence,3 a church in Barcelona,4 a building in Athens,4,3,2,1,The Eiffel Tower,The Parthenon,The Uffizi Palace,The Sagrada Familia,Decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).,The Eiffel Tow

3、er is a tall building in France. There are a lot of restaurants and cafes in Paris. Barcelona is the capital of Spain. The Church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926. 5. The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence. 6. The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence. 7. A long

4、 time ago, Athens was the worlds most powerful city. 8. There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens.,Discussion,Which of these cities would you most like to visit?,Do you know where to visit in Europe? Here are some great cities which are worth visiting. Budapest The city is divided into two

5、parts by the blue Danube, which are Buda and Pest. It is home to many of the famous warm baths in Europe like Szechenyi Baths and Gellert Baths. Viewing the Chain Bridge and Pest from the hills on top of Buda at night, youll get an amazing view. Or if you walk by the Danube from the Pest side at nig

6、ht and view the Buda side, youll get another amazing view. Budapest is a charming city to explore. Copenhagen It is a beautiful and clean city with wonderful people! You can go on and on walking on the streets with only pedestrians(行人) for blocks. Nyhavn , Little Mermaid, and Tivoli are all great pl

7、aces to visit and see. You can walk all over Copenhagen and in every turn you can always find something interesting. Copenhagen is a beautiful ad a truly European city! Prague It is a great city with cobblestone(鹅卵石) streets, old world and preserved architecture. The city is getting more and more to

8、urists each year but is still worth visiting! Its definitely cheaper than London or Paris. Old views from on top of Prague Castle overlooking the city all are great. If youre a fan of inexpensive but wonderful beer, Prague is the right place for you to go to! Venice In my opinion, it is one of the m

9、ost beautiful cities in the world. It is romantic, has amazing architecture, and its for art lovers. Every aspect of the city is unbelievably beautiful. There are no cars and everyone here goes around either on foot or by canoe.,1.We can infer that the writer wrote this passage to_ A. tell us which

10、European city is special B. tell us which European city he has visited C .explain why traveling to Europe is a god idea D .recommend several great European cities for a visit 2.If youd like to experience warm baths, which of the following cities should you visit? A. Budapest B. Copenhagen C. Prague

11、D. Venice 3. We know that when waling on the streets in Copenhagen, _ A. you can see people dressed like Little Mermaid B. you cannot find interesting things easily C. you can come across unfriendly people easily D. you may not see cars for blocks 4. What is implied about Prague in the passage? A. I

12、t is a very popular traveling place in Europe. B. Traveling in the city is very expensive. C. It is a city with a short history. D. It is most famous for its beer. 5. We can infer that Venice_ A. has very narrow streets B. often attracts art lovers C. doesnt have many rivers D. isnt famous for its beauty,Homework,Introduce your city and talk about your citys landmark and famous buildings.,


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