河北省沙河市二十冶综合学校高中分校高中英语导学案 选修六《unit 5 the power of nature》单词拼写

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河北省沙河市二十冶综合学校高中分校高中英语导学案 选修六《unit 5 the power of nature》单词拼写_第1页
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河北省沙河市二十冶综合学校高中分校高中英语导学案 选修六《unit 5 the power of nature》单词拼写_第2页
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《河北省沙河市二十冶综合学校高中分校高中英语导学案 选修六《unit 5 the power of nature》单词拼写》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北省沙河市二十冶综合学校高中分校高中英语导学案 选修六《unit 5 the power of nature》单词拼写(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高二英语导学案高二英语导学案 UnitUnit 5 5 TheThe powerpower ofof naturenature 2014-12-192014-12-19.单词拼写单词拼写1 1TheThe governmentgovernment hashas anan interestinterest inin importingimporting scientificscientific _(_(设备设备) )2 2TheThe parksparks ofof thisthis citycity areare famousfamous forfor theirtheir _(_(喷泉喷泉)

2、 )3 3YourYour answeranswer isis _(_(完全地完全地)wrong.)wrong.4 4TheirTheir boatsboats pulledpulled up_(up_(沿着沿着边边)the)the dock.dock.5 5Mr.LiMr.Li waswas _(_(任命任命)as)as headmasterheadmaster atat thethe beginningbeginning ofof thethe school.school.6 6HeHe _(_(挥手挥手)happily)happily toto hishis companionscomp

3、anions andand wentwent away.away.7 7WeWe shoshoulduld encourageencourage thethe studentsstudents toto developdevelop theirtheir _(_(潜在的潜在的) )abilities.abilities.8 8SheShe gavegave meme a a _(_(图表图表)of)of railwayrailway work.9 9EnoughEnough lavalava hadhad _( (爆发爆发)from)from thethe volcanovolcano tot

4、o burybury thethe entireentire village.village.1010WeWe needneed toto _(_(评估评估) ) howhow wellwell thethe policypolicy isis working.working.单项填空单项填空1 1(2013(2013太原高二检测太原高二检测) )ThisThis coatcoat dodoesntesnt _me.Do_me.Do youyou havehave a a largerlarger size?size?Yes,Yes, butbut thethe colourcolour is

5、is different.Doesdifferent.Does it_you?it_you?A Asuitsuit;suitsuit B Bsuitsuit;fitfit C Cfitfit;fitfitD Dfitfit;suitsuit2 2AlthoughAlthough itit rainedrained heavilyheavily outside,outside, he_tohe_to thethe factoryfactory asas usual.usual.A Amademade hishis wayway B Btooktook hishis wayway C Cmadem

6、ade thethe waywayD Dtooktook thethe wayway3 3AlthoughAlthough thisthis areaarea isis veryvery poorpoor,itsits _ wealthwealth isis great.great.A Amodernmodern B Bpotentialpotential C CpreviouspreviousD Dpresentpresent4 4AnAn AmericanAmerican maymay feelfeel angryangry whenwhen hehe hashas mademade a(

7、n)a(n) _ withwith someonesomeone andand ththenen findsfinds a a lotlot o o f f otherother thingsthings happeninghappening atat thethe samesame time.time.A Adecisiondecision B Bconclusionconclusion C CappointmentappointmentD Ddatedate5 5OnceOnce allall possiblepossible coursescourses ofof actionactio

8、n havehave beenbeen _,wewe cancan decidedecide whatwhat toto do.do.A Aevaluatedevaluated B Bemptiedemptied C CexistedexistedD Dexchangedexchanged6 6InIn orderorder toto improveimprove thethe childrenschildrens healthhealth,thethe schoolschool hashas boughtbought somesome newnew _ forfor sportssports

9、 specially.specially.A Aentertainmententertainment B Benjoymentenjoyment C CamusementamusementD Dequipmentequipment7 7(2012(2012黄山高二检测黄山高二检测)Mr.Black)Mr.Black isis a a carefulcareful andand experiencexperienceded engineerengineer,soso hehe isis often_tooften_to finishfinish somesome challengingchall

10、enging tasks.tasks.A Aapprecappreciatediated B Bapproachedapproached C CappointedappointedD Dagreedagreed8 8A A childchild has_trusthas_trust inin hishis mother.mother.A Acompletecomplete B Bperfectperfect C CabsoluteabsoluteD Dthoroughthorough9 9(2013(2013定远高二检测定远高二检测)_)_,thethe sunsun waswas risin

11、grising inin thethe east.east.A AArrivingArriving therethereB BWeWe arrivingarriving therethereC CHavingHaving arrivedarrived therethereD DWeWe arrivedarrived1010TheThe regionregion whichwhich hadhad beenbeen relativelyrelatively calmcalm eruptederupted _ violenceviolence againagain lastlast week.we

12、ek.A Atoto B Bwithwith C CatatD Dintointo1111DontDont leaveleave thethe gasgas ononyouyou mightmight _ thethe house.house.A Acutcut downdown B Bfallfall downdown C Cputput downdownD Dburnburn downdown1212The_reasonThe_reason forfor hishis absenceabsence waswas thatthat hehe didntdidnt enjoyenjoy thethe companycompany ofof youyou butbut notnot thatthat hehe waswas ill.ill.A Aimaginaryimaginary B Bactualactual C CeffectiveeffectiveD Dpresentpresent1313TheThe littlelittle boysboys were_trickswere_tricks onon thethe girlgirl whenwhen theirtheir teacherteacher camecame intointo thethe classroom.c



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